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Best League of Legends rune pages

Best League of Legends rune pages

Runes play a huge role in League of Legends. However, while they can make or break a player’s Champion build and determine whether a Champion is going to perform the way the player intends, it’s important to personalize the rune pages according to the play style you want to go for.

Today, we’re here to go through some of the best rune pages in League of Legends for different play styles. Naturally, we’ll highlight why exactly these rune pages or builds are so good and what sort of player you should be if you want to make the most of them.

So, without further ado, here are the best rune pages in League of Legends that you should go for if you want a good advantage.

What are the best rune pages in League of Legends?

With so many combinations and variables, it’s hard to go with a definitive list since it depends on your playstyle and the opponent's team composition. However, these are regarded as some of the best combinations in the game.

ADC Build

Mystical warrior with glowing purple energy in a fantasy setting

Players consider this build one of the best ADC builds in League of Legends for many reasons. The Fleet Footwork Keystone Rune gives champions safety in the laning phase thanks to the extra healing it provides. Triumph gives more sustainability in team fights and late-game. The other two choices are self-explanatory.

For the second Path, People usually go for damage or survivability depending on what the situation calls for but players consider the mid-way option for the best of both worlds. 

Top / Tank

Going with the Resolve Path and choosing Conditioning, Overgrowth, and Grasp of the Undying make players stronger as the game goes on, making tanky champions almost impossible to defeat by the end. Adding Demolish to the mix makes the build even stronger.

The second page changes depending on what players want at the moment. For this specific build, going for a tank build is preferred thanks to the Inspiration Path.


Demonic warriors in an intense fiery battle

Jungle is one of those roles where players can choose whatever playstyle they want. This build will focus on a jungler who can clear camps and set up ganks in lanes. Gamers usually go with the Domination path and runes that strengthen their potential to get kills. 

Going for Precision in the second path is essential since it gives champions much more damage while defending itself from takedowns. Players go for the Zombie Ward rune since it’ll be able to help them spot enemy wards.

What are rune pages in LoL?

Advanced gaming interface for rune customization in a strategy game

Rune pages are customizable bonuses for each champion in League of Legends that players can change around to change their stats and abilities in-game. Customizing characters allows people to change their champion’s playstyle based on what they’re comfortable with, alongside matching up against the opponent’s team composition.

There are five categories of runes in League of Legends, each changing how one plays the game in different ways. The five categories are:

Under these categories are two smaller categories titled Keystone Runes and Lesser Runes. Players can select one Keystone Rune in the Primary Path and 3 Lesser Runes, and one Secondary Path, where they can select 2 Lesser Runes.

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How to create and edit rune pages?

Players can create and edit rune pages as much as they want in the game client but can’t alter it any further once it’s locked in after selecting the champion. However, players can change their runes during the champion selection phase in the game by following these steps:

What’s next?

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