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Top 5 solo queue agents in Valorant

Top 5 solo queue agents in Valorant

Valorant has a wide selection of playable agents players can choose from. From sneaky ones like Omen to fast and flashy ones like Neon, it's as if there's an agent out there for everyone. However. Which agents should players choose if they don't have a dedicated team of friends who play the game?

Today, we're here to go through our picks for the top 5 agents players should choose if they want to solo queue in the game. Naturally, we have multiple factual reasons to back up why we believe every agent deserves to be on this list and is more than adequate to help you win matches even when you don't have good teammates to rely on.

So, if you’re looking for the definitive list of top solo queue agents, keep reading because we have you covered. If you don’t want to solo queue and instead want to play with professional-level teammates you can always hire a professional teammate from Eloking. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” for a 20% discount in the process.

1. Jett

Animated female warrior with a floating spear

We all knew Jett was going to be on this list. Jett is a duelist who’s kit allows her to quickly and efficiently get inside the base or in positions allowing her to make quick work of enemies. While having a good backup would be ideal, it isn’t necessary for a Jett main to have any sort of assistance if they want to get good entry frags.

Jett’s smoke and dash combo is why she’s one of the most sought-after agents in the game. With the press of a button, players can quickly through a smoke of air to cloud the enemy’s vision and then dash either into the smoke or somewhere else to confuse the enemy. The dash is also an excellent backup plan if a peak doesn’t work as intended and the player quickly wants to get to safety again.

Finally, how can we forget about Jett’s ultimate ability? Armed with 5 knives that can kill any enemy agents with one shot, Jett’s ultimate is the ideal ability for when players don’t have the economy for a full buy. The best thing is that Jett’s knives return to her when she gets a single kill, allowing good Jett players to use the ability for the entire round.

2. Iso

Anime character surrounded by floating guns with dynamic lighting

You’ll likely see a trend that most agents on this list will be duelists, and that shouldn’t come as a surprise. Iso is another agent who doesn’t really need too much assistance, thanks to his exceptional kit, which some even assume is broken. With multiple shields, a way to make enemies receive more damage and an ultimate that is something taken out of a Wild West movie, Iso is one of the best solo queue agents.

First, we have Iso’s shielding abilities. His E gives him a temporary shield that can nullify a single bullet. While this may not seem like much to a lot of players, it gives Iso the chance to quickly react to and take down any enemy. Of course, we have to mention that the shield basically makes the Operator useless as by the time the enemy reloads their Operator the Iso would have taken them down.

The rest of Iso’s regular abilities aren’t anything to scoff at either. While his moving shield is more useful when you have teammates alongside you, it can still help give players some cover for when they want to catch the enemy by surprise. Pair that with his vulnerable ability and just a handful of good shots can quickly take the enemy down.

Finally, we have Iso’s ultimate, which is the reason he’s such a good solo queue agent. In many cases, players looking for a 1v1 are interrupted by other players. However, his ultimate allows the two players to go at it in a contest of pure aiming ability as it traps both of them in an external dimension where no abilities are allowed. The first to take the other down will return to the game.

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3. Omen

Artistic depiction of the character Omen from Valorant with a futuristic armor and weapon

Being the first non-duelist agent on this list, Omen’s solo queue potential is often overlooked because he’s a Controller. While smoking is definitely a key mechanic that the entire team requires, some smart decisions can let the Omen help the team while also getting some solo frags to tilt the scales in his favor.

Smoking is a key mechanic, but most players tend to smoke in the same handful of areas. Whether it be the main entrances when the team’s defending or some holding points when the team’s attacking, the Omen can quickly smoke those areas and then get on to doing what he does best. Lurking.

Omen has some excellent abilities that help him lurk. One of them is a flash that he can send directly straight to blind affected enemies, allowing Omen to use his teleportation ability to get to an area the enemy doesn’t expect. Thanks to the blind also making hearing difficult, the enemy won’t hear the teleportation, allowing Omen to make quick work of the enemy.

Finally, there’s his ultimate ability. Using it, the player can teleport anywhere on the map, allowing the Omen to do multiple things. The first is getting to a safe location the enemy doesn’t expect so he can get some surprise frags. Alternatively, the Omen can also go to a site he knows the enemy isn’t at so he can quickly plant the spike to give his team a competitive advantage.

4. Reyna

Animated female character with a serious expression aiming a gun

Let us keep up the trend of Duelist agents by going through one of the most popular solo queue picks in Valorant, Reyna. Reyna has it all, from self-healing abilities to a way to quickly get to safety thanks to her ability’s granted invulnerability. However, Reyna relies heavily on pure aiming, which is why she’s so popular in the higher ranks.

First, there are her healing and dismiss abilities. Every time Reyna kills an enemy agent, the agent leaves a soul orb for a total of three seconds. Pressing one of two buttons allows Reyna to either heal off of the soul orb, allowing her to also get overhealed if she has the health, or dismiss, which gives her invulnerability and allows her to quickly get away from danger. Pair that with her flash that can instantly blind an enemy for a couple of seconds and you have a recipe for disaster.

However, we haven’t even covered Reyna’s ultimate ability and the biggest reason she’s on this list. With her Empress ability activated, every time Reyna uses her dismiss ability she’s also healed in the process. Pair that with the extra movement and the fact that her ability lasts the entire round and you can pretty much win an entire round for your team if you have the aim to win 1v1s.

5. Cypher

Futuristic character wearing a hat and mask with glowing blue eyes

Cypher may be the only Sentinel on this list, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the solo queue potential to back it up. With sneaky traps that allow him to hold down an entire site alone, Cypher is one of the hardest to use but also popular solo queue agents in the game.

Getting right into it, Cypher’s solo queue potential relies heavily on how good the player is at using his traps. His trips in particular are extremely important as every time an enemy agent touches one of them, the entire enemy team can see where that enemy is. This lets players make quick work of the exposed enemy, even through smokes or other walls. 

The rest of Cypher’s kit is information-related as well. There’s his cage that limited visibility, allowing the enemy to either walk into a trip or touch the cage to make sound queues that alert the entire team of their presence. His camera can be placed in key locations to locate the enemy and stop pushes.

Finally, his ultimate is one of the biggest game changers in Valorant. By using it on a body, the entire team can see where the enemy agents are on the map, allowing them to base their strategy on the enemy’s known location or make quick work of the enemy by hunting them down.


Is solo queuing a good idea?

While solo queueing is something many players either willingly do to polish their skills are or forced to do thanks to a lack of teammates, it isn’t recommended. Valorant is a team-based game and players get the most fun when they’re playing with good teammates who communicate and actually want to win.

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