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Top 5 controllers in Valorant (ranked)

Top 5 controllers in Valorant (ranked)

Controllers, better known as smokers, are the backbone of any good offense or defense in Valorant. By smoking key points that don’t allow players to peek angles, smokes can potentially give any team a competitive advantage. However, as it is with every other class of Agents, not every smoker is the same.

Today, we’re here to go through the five best controllers in Valorant. Naturally, this list is purely based on our own opinion, but we’ve ensured we give proper information and details to back up our claims.

So, without further ado, here are the five best controllers in Valorant ranked. If you don’t know how to play any agent you can always ask a professional coach to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a 20% discount in the process.


Female character in futuristic armor posing with neon accents

Abilities and Utility: Viper shines in area control and setting up choke points. Her Toxic Screen blocks enemy vision and damages them by creating a wall. The Poison Cloud sets off a damaging cloud that blocks sightlines and slows the enemy down, while her Snake Bite ability deals extra damage and halts enemy movement.

Sustainability and Engagement: Her abilities allow her to create chaos without risking her safety. She can manage her fuel reserve by turning her Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud on and off at will. Her Ultimate, Viper’s Pit, is great for close fights as it delays enemy advances, increasing her survivability.

Impact: She fits different playstyles and can be used in various ways, from blocking sightlines to creating traps for enemies. Once you figure out her fuel management, she’s tough to beat. 


Futuristic knight with energy sword in dark thematic background

Abilities and Utility: Omen’s specialty is controlling vision and making surprise plays. His Shrouded Step ability lets him teleport short distances to reposition or catch enemies off guard. His Dark Cover lets him place smokes that block enemy vision. His Paranoia ability hinders enemy vision and hearing which makes it easier to push.

Sustainability and Engagement: Omen’s mobility is top-tier. His ultimate allows him to teleport to anywhere he wants on the map, giving him various options to gain intel, reposition, fake out enemies, and create confusion.

Impact: He can block sightlines and create safe pathways for his team. He can sneak up and surprise enemies, although he does require good timing and positioning.

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Digital illustration of a futuristic female warrior with a gun

Abilities and Utility: Astra is a powerful defender whose abilities revolve around the stars she places on the map. Her Gravity Well messes with enemy movement and leaves them open to attacks. Her Nova Pulse works in an AOE, throwing off enemy aim and movement. Her Nebula ability blocks vision and helps in area control.

Sustainability and Engagement: Through her Astral Form, she can activate the stars all over the map without being exposed. Her Ultimate, Cosmic Divide, blocks vision and sound, giving her team cover and an opening to push.

Impact: Astra doesn't need to be at the center of the action to create an impact. Her kit includes an array of things that help her team stay at the top, such as blocking sightlines and creating traps, but she needs good communication to get the most out of her kit.


Illustration of a rugged futuristic soldier with a large gun and an armored outfit, with a shadowy figure in the background

Abilities and Utility: Brimstone is the go-to for defense and support. He can block vision through his Sky Smoke ability. His Incendiary ability creates a damage field that can slow down the enemy push. His Stim Beacon gives his teammates a fire rate boost.

Sustainability and Engagement: Brimstone can stay safe by engaging from afar. His Ultimate, Orbital Strike, rains fire over a massive area which is perfect for clearing sites, securing kills, and creating openings for his team. 

Impact: Brimstone is strong in area control and team support. He can create safe paths, block enemy vision, and give his teammates additional firepower through his Stim Beacon. He’s fairly straightforward and doesn't require too much skill.


Illustration of a futuristic soldier with energy-infused arms holding a rifle

Abilities and Utility: Harbor’s abilities are tailored to help control the flow of the game. His High Tide ability creates a water wall that blocks vision and slows enemies down. Cove gives temporary cover, and his Cascade ability sends a water wave that reduces enemy movement.

Sustainability and Engagement: Like other controllers, Harbor can engage without being at the center of the fight. His ultimate, Reckoning, summons a geyser pool that stuns enemies walking through it, helping his team push or defend.

Impact: Harbor is a unique controller with good utility and map control. He’s good at shielding teammates during spike interactions. His ability to adjust the shape and placement of his walls in real time gives him more options to change his approach each round

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