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LOL: Best Solo Champs to Play In Arena

LOL: Best Solo Champs to Play In Arena

League of Legends' brand new arena mode might be primarily aimed toward duos. After all, it's a 2v2v2v2 game mode. However, that doesn't mean only duos play it. On the contrary, there are many players who choose to play the game mode solo, and for those types of players, we have the five best solo champs to use.

At the time of writing, the five best solo champions according to statistics by are Kennen, Yorick, Annie, Jax, and Wukong. We'll be going through all of these characters one by one and explaining why they're so good as solo champions.

So if you don't want to play with anyone in LoL's arena mode and want to go at it alone, then we have the five best champions to use. All these champions are sure to help you win more games in LoL arena mode.

#5: Kennen

Red ninja character throwing a shuriken in a purple mist - Image 1

The first champion that players have been using as a solo champion in LoL's arena mode is Kennen. After all, Kennen's unique blend of crowd control, area damage, and mobility make him well-suited for this chaotic and dynamic game mode.

His passive ability, "Mark of the Storm," applies a stack of debuff on his enemies with each ability hit. Upon reaching three stacks, the enemy is stunned. In a mode where every second counts, having an ability like this can be invaluable.

Additionally, Kennen's mobility is another aspect that can make him a formidable pick in this game mode. His "Lightning Rush" ability grants him a quick burst of movement speed while damaging and applying his passive to enemies he passes through. Even though the arena maps are rather small, this movement can be taken advantage of to stay away from danger.

Finally, Kennen's versatility when it comes to building items adds to his adaptability in the 2v2v2v2 game mode. He can be built as a burst mage, a bruiser, or even a hybrid damage dealer, depending on the situation and the team's composition. This flexibility in itemization allows Kennen to tailor his build to counter opponents or bolster his team's strengths.

#4: Yorick

A mythical warrior wielding magical powers in a mystical forest - Image 2

Up next is the Shepherd of Souls himself, Yorick. Yorick's strength lies in his ability to dominate the battlefield by summoning ghouls and raising a powerful Maiden of the Mist to aid him. In a 2v2v2v2 format, his minion-based gameplay can be particularly advantageous. Yorick's ghouls and Maiden can provide additional sources of damage and crowd control, which is essential when dealing with multiple opponents. 

These summoned creatures are not only excellent for dealing with damage but also for distracting and disrupting enemies, allowing Yorick and his duo to control the flow of battle and secure advantageous positions on the map.

Basically, if you don't have a good buddy to play the game mode with, you can create your own team members using Yorick to even the battlefield. Pretty fair if you ask us.

#3: Annie

Fantasy artwork of a girl with cat ears and purple aura holding a teddy bear - Image 3

One champion some of you might not have been expecting to see here is Annie. After all, Annie emerges as a strong and impactful champion choice for several reasons. Her kit, playstyle, and strengths align well with the dynamics of this unique game mode, making her a valuable asset for any team.

Annie's kit revolves around her ability to burst down enemies with powerful single-target spells, with her passive, "Pyromania," enhancing her abilities after every four spell casts. In this 2v2v2v2 mode, where team fights might be smaller and more frequent due to the reduced number of players per team, Annie's burst potential becomes even more potent.

However, perhaps the biggest reason so many players go for this champion in this game mode is her ult. Annie's ultimate ability, "Summon: Tibbers" (R), is a massive AoE burst spell that not only deals substantial damage but also summons Tibbers as a controllable unit to the battlefield. In this 2v2v2v2 mode, Tibbers can serve as an additional source of threat and disruption, diverting the attention of enemies.

#2: Jax

Mystical Asian warrior standing in a dramatic mountain landscape - Image 4

Up next on the list is Jax. Jax's strength lies in his ability to excel in both melee combat and skirmishes. His passive ability, "Relentless Assault," empowers his basic attacks to deal increasing damage, promoting sustained aggression in fights. This trait aligns well with the fast-paced nature of the game mode, allowing Jax to build up his attack strength over time and become a significant threat to opponents.

As the game mode is likely to feature sporadic encounters with various opponents, Jax's E ability, "Counter-Strike," becomes invaluable. This skill allows him to evade incoming attacks for a brief period before stunning nearby enemies. In the 2v2v2v2 setting, this skill can turn the tide of engagements, granting Jax a chance to neutralize enemy threats and buy precious seconds for his teammate to capitalize on the situation.

Additionally, Jax's ultimate ability, "Grandmaster's Might," enhances his dueling prowess by providing bonus magic damage on-hit and granting resistance based on his ability power and bonus attack damage. This scaling aspect of his ultimate makes Jax a champion who thrives as the game progresses.

#1: Wukong

Fantasy character with a mechanical eagle soaring above landscape - Image 5

Finally, the best solo champion in League of Legends arena mode is Wukong. Wukong's adaptability and strengths make him a strong contender for success in this chaotic and fast-paced environment.

One of Wukong's key strengths lies in his deceptive and evasive playstyle, which can be incredibly advantageous in a 2v2v2v2 scenario. His passive ability, "Stone Skin," provides him with bonus resistance, granting him increased durability against both physical and magical damage.

Wukong's "Crushing Blow" ability enables him to reduce his opponent's armor. This not only benefits himself but also empowers his allies to deal increased damage to the same target. This armor reduction, coupled with his AoE ultimate ability "Cyclone," allows Wukong to disrupt and weaken multiple opponents at once, making him a strong contender for control of the battlefield.

Furthermore, Wukong's "Decoy" ability provides him with a valuable element of unpredictability. This clone ability allows him to create illusions of himself, confusing enemies and granting him a precious moment to reposition or engage with surprise.

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