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Counter-Strike 2: R8 Revolver vs Desert Eagle, which one is for you?
Anthony King
06 Oct 2024
Posted On
CS2 gives players the decision to choose between multiple weapons. While some are more expensive than others, every weapon has something that makes it stand out when compared to other weapons. However, some weapons are more popular than others, and the R8 Revolver and Desert Eagle are some of the most popular ones.
Today, we’re here to pit two of the most popular secondary weapons against each other. We are, of course, talking about the R8 Revolver and the Desert Eagle. In addition to giving the pros and cons of both weapons, we’ll also give you some personal feedback to help you choose which weapon might be the best for you.
So, without any further ado, here’s everything you need to know about choosing between the R8 Revolver and Desert Eagle.
Should I use R8 Revolver or Desert Eagle in Counter-Strike 2?
The Desert Eagle has been in Counter-Strike since the very first iteration of the game, whereas the R8 Revolver is a relatively new weapon since it came out in the Winter 2015 update. The R8 Revolver was overpowered when it launched, but Valve has nerfed the sidearm throughout the years, making it almost equal to the Desert Eagle. Players debate which is better and choose to put one or the other in their loadout. Here's everything about each pistol and which one to pick.
Everything about the Desert Eagle
The Desert Eagle called the Deagle in the community, is one of the most potent secondary weapons in the game because of its ability to kill opponents with one headshot and take two to three body shots if they're wearing Kevlar. While it's a potent weapon, it's difficult to control because of its high recoil, so people recommend against spamming it.
A nice thing about the Deagle is that when someone clicks, the gun shoots immediately with no waiting time, similar to almost every other weapon in the game. So, alongside being a firearm that players can depend on, it's also a good-looking one.
In-game statistics:
Magazine: 7 bullets
Armor penetration: 93.2%
Reload time: 2.2 seconds
Fire rate: 267 RPM
Price: $700
Everything about the R8 Revolver
Like the Desert Eagle, the R8 Revolver deals significant damage and is the most powerful pistol. It can one-shot kill opponents if it's a headshot or two-three shot them if they're body shots.
What makes the revolver special is that, unlike the Deagle, which shoots immediately after clicking the mouse, the R8 takes a little time to "ready up" before firing. While this may seem a disadvantage, it makes the pistol accurate and allows players to shoot precisely where the crosshair placement is while moving. If the player clicks the right mouse button, they can shoot immediately by fanning the hammer, but it won't be accurate, so it's only a good option when opponents are nearby.
In-game statistics:
Magazine: 8 bullets
Armor penetration: 93.2%
Reload time: 2.3 seconds
Fire rate: 85 RPM (left-click) and 150 RPM (right-click)
Price: $600
Which one to pick?
There are various factors to consider when picking the Deagle or the R8 Revolver. Regarding raw damage, the R8 Revolver deals more so it's lethal damage in close-range combat. On the flip side, the Deagle deals lesser damage but shoots faster, so it has a higher DPS.
As mentioned earlier, the Deagle has a much higher fire rate, so it comes in handy in situations where players might have to fight against multiple people in quick succession. The R8 is only useful in mid- to long-range combat scenarios where players can go back to cover after every shot.
The most significant difference between the R8 Revolver and the Desert Eagle is accuracy. The revolver has a considerable advantage in this area because its primary fire doesn't have recoil even while moving. Unfortunately, this means that it'll take a second to shoot, and during that time, players will have reduced speed. The Desert Eagle shoots faster, but it's not as accurate unless the person stands still.
The Deagle is a bit more expensive, costing $700, as opposed to the R8's $600 price tag. While, in theory, the revolver will be a better option during eco rounds, most players will not see a huge difference in it, considering it's only a $100 price difference.
Is the R8 Revolver better than the Desert Eagle?
At the end of the day, it depends on the player's play style. If they prefer playing more conservatively, behind cover and teammates, they should go with the R8 Revolver since it rewards players for being safer. If someone chooses to be more aggressive, pushing onto enemy-dominated areas and sites, then the Deagle is better.
The choice also depends on the team's budget. The R8 Revolver is a better option for players who want to save as much money as possible since that pistol costs $100 less. On the other hand, the Desert Eagle costs $100, so it's a better option in full-buy rounds.
Overall, the Deagle is a much better option because it deals almost as much damage at a higher fire rate without losing movement speed, all while shooting instantly without waiting a second to shoot. There is a reason why the Desert Eagle is prominent in professional play and not the R8 Revolver.
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Is there a definitive better weapon between the R8 Revolver and Desert Eagle?
No. Different players have different preferences, and that makes complete sense. While some CS2 players prefer to use the R8 Revolver, others opt to give preference to the Desert Eagle. If you’re facing difficulties finding the right weapon for you then you can always hire a professional CS2 booster from Eloking to show you the ropes while also getting your rank up to the one it deserves.
Is it possible to win matches just using the Deagle?
It’s possible but it’s very difficult. While some players, particularly YouTubers and streamers, have made videos to climb to a specific rank using only one gun, those players are of a high enough level to do so. Naturally, the biggest thing to look out for is getting flamed by your own team, which is unfortunately all too common.
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