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How to cap fps in CS2

How to cap fps in CS2

To cap FPS in CS2, open the console (` key) and type fps_max 100 (you can replace 100 with any number of frames per second).

Step by step instructions for opening console

Console is not accessible by default in CS2. To enable console in-game, you need to first enable it through settings in-game. To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on settings icon on the bottom left corner of the screen
  2. Then head over to the "Game Settings" tab
  3. Locate "Enable Developer Console" and set it to "Yes"
  4. Now you should be able to open and close console by using the ` key (under ESC key)

Step by step instructions for setting FPS limit in CS2

  1. Open in-game console (`)
  2. Type fps_max 100 (can change 100 with any number)
  3. Close the console (`)
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How to verify that the fps cap works?

You can check whether or not the fps cap works by typing in console cl_showfps 1. That will show the FPS in the top left corner on your screen. If the FPS number does not go above than the limit you set, it works. To remove the fps counter from the screen, just type cl_showfps 0 in the console.

Why would someone want to cap FPS in CS2?

The most popular reason why players want to limit their FPS in CS2 is that it helps with overheating issues. If you don't have a strong gaming computer (i.e., use a laptop), the game can try to give the best performance with turbo modes and similar which then leads to heating issues that trigger thermal throttling blocks. Once those kick in, it significantly drops compute power which results in stutters and lags in CS2. Purposely setting a slightly lower FPS cap ensures the computer does not overheat (at least so fast) and therefore can prevent stuttering and lags.

What’s next?

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