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TFT how to level up tacticians

TFT how to level up tacticians

Teamfight Tactics might have similar characters to League of Legends, but that doesn’t mean the gameplay is anything similar. With games that revolve around leveling up tacticians like Bruisers and Blademasters, it’s crucial to know the best ways to level tacticians in Teamfight Tactics, and that’s exactly what we’re about to go through right now.

Here, we’re about to go through everything you need to know about leveling up your tacticians in Teamfight Tactics. This includes quickly highlighting what tacticians are in the game and how you can level them up. We’ll also give some extra tips you can use to quickly level your tacticians up.

So, without further ado, here’s how you can level up tacticians in TFT. If you want to ensure your players have the required style too, here’s a guide on how to use Star Shards in TFT.

What is a tactician in Teamfight Tactics?

Colorful illustration of a cartoon penguin warrior with a sword, surrounded by magical energy and smaller animated characters

Tactician is just the general name for the characters in Teamfight Tactics, which can be broken down into several categories, such as Bruiser, Sorcerer, Blademaster, Warden, Assasin, and more. As we mentioned they all have unique traits, so having the best of every type is important to win.

In this article, we'll look at how you can level up tacticians effectively.

How to level up Tacticians?

Animated knight facing a penguin with a sword

Simply put, the only thing you need to do to level up your tactician is collect more of them. Buy more of the tactician you want to upgrade and hope that you get the same tier of what you want. Each character has six different rarities, and all of them are depicted in a different color.

To summarize, what you need to do to level up your tactician is that you need to roll the same rarity as the Little Legend you have while also being the same variant. Once done, you’ll be able to upgrade your tactician.

Remember, you can’t roll duplicates, so the more you roll for items, the greater the chance of getting what you want. However, the only catch is that the game has numerous items, so it's going to be extremely hard to get favorable outcomes near the start.

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Extra tips for leveling Tacticians in TFT

A whimsical owl operating a time machine surrounded by magical artifacts

You can utilize some extra tips to help you level up your tacticians faster! Things such as:

When to spend your gold

Effectively leveling up your Little Legend requires managing how to spend your gold. You can get gold through various methods like winning consistently and selling champions, so saving up your gold is essential if you want the best tacticians.

Rerolling at the perfect time

Rerolling for characters is essential for leveling up your tacticians. Figure out the perfect time to reroll, and save your gold between rerolls. When you’re in the early stages of the game, try to balance the disadvantages of rerolling then with rerolling later in the game.

Having a good team composition

Making sure you have a team that compliments each other and is effective against the enemy team is essential if you want to level up quickly. The better the team you have, the more you’ll win, which means you'll get more gold that you can use to roll.

Maximise Loot Orbs

When you’re in a PvE round, try to kill as many monsters as possible as they drop random Loot Orbs or use Augments that drop them because Loot Orbs can give random amounts of gold or items and characters you can sell.


What is Teamfight Tactics?

Teamfight Tactics is a round-based PVP game with characters from League of Legends. As the name implies, it’s a tactics-based title where you make a team that battles for you. Every character has different strengths and weaknesses, so making a good team composition is important.

What’s next?

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