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How to change your name in Marvel Rivals

How to change your name in Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals [1] is out and it’s taking the world by storm thanks to its unique take on characters. Players are constantly jumping into the game to enjoy playing various different game modes with their friends and loved ones. However, those who never thought Marvel Rivals would be as popular as it is might have chosen an incorrect game for themselves.

Today, we’re here to go through everything players need to know about changing their name in Marvel Rivals. In addition to the step-by-step breakdown for changing your name, we’ll also go through everything players need to know about affording a rename card in Marvel Rivals. Naturally, we’ll also highlight the guidelines players must follow when changing their names.

So, without further ado, here’s how to change your name in Marvel Rivals.

Step by Step Breakdown to change your name

Rename card allowing players to change their name in the game.

Changing your name in Marvel Rivals is fairly easy, but requires a bit of consideration due to the costs involved. First, head to your Career Profile by clicking on the icon in the top-right corner of your main menu. Here, you can see your stats, achievements, and current username. Spot a pencil-shaped icon next to your username, and click it. You will be redirected to a screen where you can purchase a Rename Card required to change your name.

Once you have the Rename Card, the rest of the process is simple. Use the card and enter your new username. Confirm to check any spellings or errors, as Rename Cards are not reusable. After changing your name, there's a cooldown period of seven days where you won't be able to change your name, which helps ensure username stability across the game.

How to afford a rename card in Marvel Rivals

A rename card for changing in-game names, requiring 340 coins for purchase.

The Rename Card is available exclusively in-game and costs 500 Units. If you can't afford one or need to purchase it again if you change your mind, you need Units. There are multiple ways to collect Units in the game. You can earn a lot by completing missions, like those in the Season Event. These award you with Units and other rewards like Chrono Tokens upon completion. 

You can also collect Units from the Luxury Battle Pass, which includes exclusive skins and additional Lattice. The first battle pass, Chronobium, offers up to 300 Units. If you are not interested in grinding for Units, you can directly purchase Lattice with real money and convert it to Units. This is a more immediate solution if you can afford it.

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Name Change guidelines in Marvel Rivals

Rename card worth 500 coins

When renaming your account, there are a few guidelines to consider. Firstly, usernames must be unique and not duplicates. This prevents players from having the same names as others. Moreover, offensive or inappropriate usernames are prohibited. The system has filters in place to flag certain words or phrases. There have been reports of players receiving warning messages for having offensive usernames, with some also being offered a free Rename Card.

Additionally, there are some property-related restrictions as well. You cannot use names of established Marvel characters, such as Thor or Spider-Man. These are banned to avoid confusion mid-game. If you find your name flagged, you can try appealing through customer support, but the outcomes can vary. Making sure your new username follows the rules helps avoid any disruptions or forced changes later.


What is the importance of your name in Marvel Rivals?

Names in Marvel Rivals hold much weight as it’s the only way for most players to recognize you. Marvel Rivals is a team-based game, and it’s important for players to communicate with each other. Once players climb the ranks and start playing in the big leagues, they will likely find themselves using their voice to communicate, in which case the easiest way to refer to someone would be through their name or character,

On the other hand, it’s also important to use a random player’s name to ensure you can send them a friend request. Marvel Rivals doesn’t have a limit on what role or character someone can play as, which means not having a name for a player may make things confusing when they randomly change their character.


  1. [1] "Official Marvel Rivals website". Retrieved January 02, 2025

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