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How to get arena skins in Teamfight Tactics

How to get arena skins in Teamfight Tactics

Arena skins in Teamfight Tactics are an excellent way to stand out from the rest of the players. With various customization options, players can go for the aesthetic that best fits them and that’s excellent. However, many players don’t know how they can get arena skins and that’s what we’re here to help with.

Today, we’ll go through the various methods players can utilize to acquire arena skins. These methods include buying the TFT Pass, buying the skins from stores, and even some free ways like participating in events and missions and getting arena skins as loot.

So, without any more delay, here’s how you can get arena skins in Teamfight Tactics.

Why use Arena Skins?

Mystical frozen temple with a blue crystal gateway surrounded by torches

Arena skins, like chibi skins, are one of the best ways to make Teamfight Tactics feel fresh and uniquely personal. They let you add a touch of your style to the game by setting your own aesthetic, kinda like picking an outfit that fits your mood. 

After all, playing on the same old board gets dull after a while, which is why it's important to keep the game visually engaging and interesting. The skins also add to the festivity that comes with each season and update, with each unique themed skin bringing out the festivity and fierceness.

Also, nothing compares to the satisfaction that comes from flexing a rare skin. Some arena skins are tied to special events, while others and super rare and hard to get. They’re also a testament to all the time and effort you've spent grinding the game, letting everyone know about your skill and dedication.

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How to get Arena Skins?

Mystical floating islands with purple crystals in a strategic game

With the necessities out of the way, it’s time to go through the various methods you can use to get your hands on some Arena Skins.

TFT Pass

Whenever a new TFT set drops, there’s a pass that you can get. You can level up the pass and unlock some really cool arena skins by grinding the game, earning XP, and unlocking the rewards. The TFT Pass+ is like the deluxe version, which grants you access to a bunch more exclusive arena skins, as well as other rewards. 

As of today, the current pass in Teamfight Tactics is the 5-Year Bash Event Pass which was added to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the game. The pass comes with a special Pengu skin that you can unlock, so make sure you check it out. 

Store Purchases 

A mystical and magical platform surrounded by glowing blue crystals

The easiest way to get your hands on an arena skin is through a good old store purchase. Head down to the in-game store and buy arena skins using Riot Points. Keep in mind that the store rotates its catalog frequently, so grab your favorite skin before it rotates out. The selection gets switched up, so be on the lookout for fresh or rare skins. 

If you’re lucky, you also might bump into a bundle. These come out once in a while, mainly during major updates and events, so keep an eye out for them because you never know when the next bundle rolls around.

Ranked Rewards and Competitive Play 

You can score some sweet loot at the end of each season, depending on how high you’ve climbed the ranks, and luckily this includes exclusive arena skins. The rewards vary depending on your rank, with higher ranks like Gold, Platinum, and Diamond getting the best rewards.

Riot also organizes tournaments, with the prizes being exclusive arena skins that are not available through other means. If you're up for it, participate in these tournaments for a chance to win some cool arena skins. 

Events, Missions, and Loot

You can participate in themed events throughout the year to earn arena skins. You can do that by purchasing the event passes, loot boxes, and chests, and buying specific orbs and capsules that contain rewards. You can also complete event-specific missions and objectives to unlock arena skins. 

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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