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Valorant Boost Services

How to Switch Hands In Valorant

How to Switch Hands In Valorant

Have you ever asked yourself how you'd be able to play an FPS game like Valorant if your agent was holding the weapon on the other hand? Well, apparently a bunch of players did, and that's exactly why Riot has added a way to switch your hands. Don't worry, CSGO veterans, switching hands in Valorant is MUCH easier than doing it in CSGO.

To switch your hands in Valorant all you have to do is launch Valorant, go to the settings, and scroll down in the general tab. Under the 'others' option, the first setting you'll be able to change will be called 'first person handedness', and you can adjust it to be either left or right depending on what you're more comfortable with.

As always, we'll be going through everything regarding switching hands in Valorant, including how you can do it and why you might want to do it.

Why Do Players Switch Hands in Valorant

First person view of a shooter game character aiming at enemies in a snowy map

Hand switching in Valorant may seem like a small and inconsequential detail, but it holds significant importance for players looking to improve their performance. Firstly, aiming and shooting accuracy are paramount in Valorant. As a precision based game, every shot counts, and players must be able to consistently hit their targets. It doesn't matter if you're using the Frenzy or Ghost.

The position of the weapon on the screen can play a vital role in this regard. Some players find it more natural to align their shots when the weapon is on their dominant side, while others prefer it on their non-dominant side. 

Another critical aspect influenced by hand switching is corner peeking. In Valorant, tactical positioning and the element of surprise are integral to gaining an edge over opponents. When peeking around corners, the hand you choose can significantly impact how much of your character model is exposed before spotting an enemy. 

Furthermore, the field of view is a crucial consideration when choosing the appropriate hand setup. Valorant features a variety of weapons, some equipped with scopes or attachments that can partially obstruct a player's view. By selecting the optimal hand, players can maximize their visibility, ensuring that their line of sight remains clear and unobstructed

How to Switch Hands in Valorant

Screenshot of video game settings interface showing various options

With all of that out of the way, how do you switch hands in Valorant? Well, as mentioned above, switching hands in Valorant is MUCH easier than doing it in its Valve counterpart, CSGO. Instead of having to input some technical console commands, you just have to:

  1. Launch Valorant and get to the main menu
  2. Click the gear icon on the top right of the screen and then go to the settings
  3. Now you should be in the general tab from the get go, but in case you aren't, click on general from the top subheading options
  4. Now, scroll down until you reach 'other'
  5. The first option you see will be titled 'first person handedness'

Now, all you have to do is adjust this specific setting to be left or right. Depending on how you set it, your character in the game will switch the hand they use to aim their weapons in the game.

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Which Hand is Better to Switch to in Valorant?

Player navigating through a middle-eastern style courtyard in a first-person shooter game

Naturally, most of you will be wondering which hand you should switch to for the greatest competitive advantage. Well, the answer to that is a little hard to give. You see, experimenting and finding your preference in hand switching is a crucial step towards mastering your gameplay in Valorant. However, it isn't easy to determine which side works best for everyone.

Therefore, it's crucial that you allocate time for dedicated gaming sessions with each hand setup. This practice will allow you to immerse yourself in the unique nuances and characteristics of each configuration. Don't rush this process; it's essential to give yourself ample opportunities to adapt to each setup and assess how it affects your gameplay in various situations.

Hey, if you're having difficulties finding out the best side for yourself, then we have one last recommendation before this article ends. The recommendation is to hire a professional Valorant player from Eloking to ask them for their valuable input. After all, who better to help you with something like this than someone who is already at the level of a professional?

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