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League of Legends patch 25.05 champion nerfs and buffs revealed
Hamza Rashid
04 Mar 2025
Posted On
League of Legends [1] continues to nerf and buff champions to ensure no champion is too over or underpowered. It’s this formula that provides the game stays fresh and relevant while also being fit for professional play. League of Legends patch 25.05 is no different as the upcoming patch’s patch notes revealed which champions will be buffed and nerfed.
In the latest League of Legends Patch 25.05 [2], Riot Games has implemented several champion nerfs and buffs to maintain game balance and enhance the overall player experience. This includes toning down powerhouses like Ambessa and Ashe while also slightly buffing champions like Zed and Seraphine to make them more fit for competitive play.
Here’s what to know about all of the League of Legends patch 25.05 champion nerfs and buffs you should expect. Of course, if your favorite champion just got nerfed then there’s no need to worry. You can always just hire a professional League of Legends player from Eloking to show you the ropes and teach you whatever champion you want to learn like a pro.
All LoL patch 25.05 champion nerfs
Before anything, below is every champion that has been nerfed in this current patch as well as the changes you can expect.
Ambessa: The damage of her E ability, Lacerate, has been reduced from 40/65/90/115/140 (+60% bonus AD) to 40/60/80/100/120 (+60 bonus AD), slightly lowering her damage output.
Ashe: The damage of her R ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, has been decreased from 250/450/650 to 200/400/600, reducing her long-range engage potential.
Aurora: The AP ratio of her E ability, The Weirding, has been lowered from 80% to 70%, and the border collision slow of her R ability, Between Worlds, has been reduced from 75% to 50%, diminishing her crowd control effectiveness.
Cho'Gath: His Q ability, Rupture, and W ability, Feral Scream, have had their damage slightly reduced, and the percentage damage of his E ability, Vorpal Spikes, has been lowered, aiming to balance his mid-lane dominance while keeping his top-lane performance stable.
Elise: The damage of her Human Q ability, Neurotoxin, and Spider Q ability, Venomous Bite, has been reduced, addressing her recent overperformance.
K'Sante: The mark damage of his passive, Dauntless Instinct, has been decreased, and the bonus true damage of his W ability, Path Maker, during All Out has been reduced, aiming to balance his damage output.
Skarner: The slow duration of his Q ability, Shattered Earth, has been reduced, and the cooldown of his E ability, Ixtal's Impact, has been increased, reducing his crowd control and damage potential.
Yorick: The damage of his R ability, Eulogy of the Aisles, against monsters has been halved, targeting his jungle clear speed.
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All LoL patch 25.05 champion buffs
In addition to the champion nerfs, some champions who weren’t performing well in the competitive scene are seeing slight buffs to make them more viable.
Aphelios: His attack speed ratio has been slightly increased from 0.640 to 0.648, enhancing his damage output.
Dr. Mundo: His base health has been raised from 613 to 640, improving his durability in the early game.
Seraphine: The maximum champion bonus damage of her Q ability, High Note, has been increased from 60% to 75%, boosting her poke potential.
Zed: The damage of his E ability, Shadow Slash, has been increased from 65/90/115/140/165 (+65% bonus AD) to 70/95/120/145/170 (+80% bonus AD), enhancing his burst damage.