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Top 10 Junglers in League of Legends 2025
Kristaps Krūze
26 Jan 2025
Posted On
Junglers in League of Legends have the potential to make or break any game. Not only are they tasked with ganking as many lanes as they can but they’re also the ones responsible for getting the objectives like dragons and the Rift Herald. Therefore, it’s only natural that players will want to learn what the most effective Jungler champions are.
Today, we’re here to go through the top 10 best Junglers you should play in League of Legends 2025. With so many nerfs and buffs coming in every patch, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the meta to ensure you have the biggest competitive advantage, and all these Junglers will help you do just that.
So, without further ado, here are the best Junglers to play in League of Legends in 2025.
1. Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth thrives on farming and scaling. Her Q gives mobility and AoE damage, W stuns enemies for powerful engages. E gives sustain and damage reduction, and R amplifies her late-game power after consuming Void Coral.
Runes and Build
Run Conqueror for sustained combat or Hail of Blades for faster bursts. Build Kraken Slayer or Blade of the Ruined King for maximum attack speed and damage. Add Guardian Angel or Maw of Malmortius for survivability.
Synergies and Counters
Bel'Veth works well with crowd-control-intensive teammates who help her land attacks. She struggles against those who can kite her or hinder her scaling: poke-heavy carries or aggressive early-game duelists.
Gameplay Tips
Balance farming and ganking for gold and XP.
Objectives are the main fuel for your R. Taking Void Coral leads to impressive transformations.
Dominate fights by dashing Q to outmaneuver enemies.
2. Wukong
Wukong is amazing at skirmishes and team fights, especially with his R (Cyclone), which gives massive AoE damage. His Q shreds armor and enhances trades, while E gives mobility and burst. W allows for creative escapes and outplays.
Runes and Build
Use Run Conqueror for sustained damage throughout long fights. Go for Divine Sunderer or Black Cleaver with damage and some durability. To balance offense with a dash of defense, add tanky items like Sterak's Gage or Guardian Angel.
Synergies and Counters
Wukong does well on champions that deal crowd control or engage, meaning he can drop impactful Ultimates. He'll struggle against champions that are high poke or have high mobility that can kite him effectively.
Gameplay Tips
Dominate the early game by skirmishing often and capitalizing on Wukong's strong ganking potential. In the mid-game, look for fights around objectives where you can maximize R's impact. Practice positioning and timing to optimize his kit in team fights.
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3. Skarner
Skarner can skirmish well and gank due to his Q, which increases mobility. E allows for crowd control, W gives sustain and defensive capability, and R (Impale) locks enemies to disrupts fights.
Runes and Build
Run Conqueror for sustained combat or Phase Rush for mobility. Build Turbo Chemtank for engage and Sunfire Aegis for tankiness. Thornmail and Gargoyle Stoneplate make Skarner a tough frontline threat.
Synergies and Counters
Skarner performs best with engage-heavy teammates. Highly mobile or ranged foes that can kite him around, like Jhin or Ezreal, prevent him from performing well.
Gameplay Tips
Concentrate on ganking with your R for impactful engages.
Use Crystalline Exoskeleton to rush through the jungle and set up vision control with pink wards.
Skarner's simple kit rewards practice, so get comfortable with engaging and disengaging at the right moments for maximum impact.
4. Viego
Viego's passive (Sovereign's Domination) allows him to take the souls of slain enemies and acquire their abilities for powerful plays. He clears jungle camps effectively with Q (Blade of the Ruined King) and locks down targets using W (Spectral Maw). His R (Heartbreaker) is perfect for both engaging and escaping.
Runes and Build
Use Conqueror for sustained fights and Dark Harvest for burst. Core items include Divine Sundererm, Kraken Slayer, alongside Blade of the Ruined King and Death's Dance for durability and damage.
Synergies and Counters
Viego is great with champions who offer crowd control to enable resets. He’s weak to high-mobility and heavy CC champions.
Gameplay Tips
Maximize resets in fights by focusing on priority targets.
Use W for picks and R for repositioning.
Farm efficiently early to scale into team fights and secure objectives.
5. Lee Sin
In the early game, Lee Sin is all about aggressive playmaking. His Q is used to close the gap and deal burst damage. W (Safeguard) provides mobility and sustain. E (Tempest/Cripple) brings AoE damage and slow, making him lethal in skirmishes. His R (Dragon's Rage) is a game-changing tool for displacing enemies and setting up combos.
Runes and Build
Run Conqueror for long fights or Electrocuter for burst. Build Goredrinker or Eclipse for damage and sustain, adding situational items like Guardian Angel or Sterak's Gage for toughness.
Synergies and Counters
Lee Sin does well with laners providing follow-up CC or burst. He has a hard time against tanky champions and heavy crowd control that prevent him from repositioning.
Gameplay tips
Capitalize on his strong early game by ganking at level two after a single camp.
Practice ward-jump mechanics to increase mobility.
Use R to isolate key targets or disrupt enemy formations.
6. Amumu
Amumu excels as a tanky jungler, with strong crowd control and initiation tools. His Q allows him to engage or escape by stunning and pulling himself to a target. W deals continuous damage in an area, while E reduces physical damage taken and deals AoE damage to surrounding enemies. R is a game-changing ultimate, stunning and damaging all enemies in range.
Runes and Build
Run Aftershock to gain bonus resistance for better tanking in fights. Building items like Sunfire Aegis and Thornmail improve his durability, while Turbo Chemtank helps with engaging.
Synergies and Counters
Amumu pairs well with damage-dealing champions like Miss Fortune or Orianna, who can follow up on his CC. His weaknesses include high-mobility champions who can avoid his abilities or kite him out of engagements.
Gameplay Tips
Utilize Q to engage, then follow up with E and W for AoE damage.
In team fights, wait for the optimal moment to unleash R to disrupt multiple enemies at once.
7. Nocturne
Nocturne is a fast, burst-damage jungler, excelling at skirmishes and assassinations. His Passive heals and deals AoE damage with every few basic attacks. Q increases Nocturne’s damage and movement speed. W blocks the next ability and grants bonus attack speed. E applies fear to an enemy after tethering them. R reduces the vision of all enemies and allows Nocturne to dash to a target, making him a deadly threat in fights.
Runes and Build
Run Conqueror for sustained fights, or Electrocute for burst damage. Core items include Duskblade of Draktharr, Eclipse, and The Collector for maximum damage output.
Synergies and Counters
Nocturne thrives with high-burst damage dealers like Kai’Sa or Jhin. He struggles against champions with strong crowd control or those who can kite him out.
Gameplay Tips
Utilize R to initiate and catch enemies off-guard.
Use W to block incoming CC, then follow up with Q and E to secure kills.
8. Hecarim
Hecarim excels with mobility-based damage thanks to Warpath (Passive), which converts bonus movement speed into attack damage. His Q provides consistent AoE damage, W heals from damage dealt to enemies, and E is perfect for initiating or chasing. His R is a powerful engage and fear tool for team fights.
Runes and Build
Run Phase Rush for maximum kiting or Conqueror for long fights. Trinity Force is the early power spike followed by Ionian Boots of Lucidity or Mercury's Treads. Tanky items like Dead Man's Plate or Sterak's Gage are the best for the late game.
Synergies and Counters
Hecarim is good with enchanters or AoE-heavy team compositions. He has problems against heavy CC or early-game invaders who deny his farm.
Gameplay Tips
Prioritize scuttle crabs for movement speed and early ganks.
Snowball your lead into the midgame with aggressive plays, then build tank items to stay relevant in late-game team fights.
9. Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao has a simple kit, making him a great choice for new junglers. Q (Three Talon Strike) provides burst damage and crowd control. W provides poke and AoE damage. E gives Xin Zhao some great gap closes, and R is perfect for enemy disruption by knocking them back and reducing damage taken from distant enemies.
Runes and Build
Run Conqueror for sustained damage or Hail of Blades for quick burst. Begin with Black Cleaver for early power and adapt to the role based on damage items such as Death's Dance for aggressive snowballing or tank items such as Randuin's Omen for durability.
Synergies and Counters
Xin Zhao synergizes with aggressive laners who can follow up on ganks. He struggles against teams with high kiting potential or hard CC that interrupts his combos.
Gameplay Tips
Focus on early ganks at level two, targeting overextended lanes.
Prioritize closing games early if building full damage, as Xin Zhao's scaling falls off in extended late-game team fights.
10. Nunu & Willump
Nunu is an objective-controlling powerhouse, with his Q allowing him to take neutral objectives quickly. W helps with ganking, offering high mobility and crowd control. E provides poke and slows enemies, while R deals massive AoE damage and offers zone control in team fights.
Runes and Build
Run Aftershock for extra durability, especially when ganking or initiating fights. Winter's Approach is a solid first item, transitioning into Frostfire Gauntlet or Turbo Chemtank for tankiness and crowd control.
Synergies and Counters
Nunu pairs well with champions who can follow up on his crowd control, such as Yasuo or Karthus. His weaknesses include kiting champions and ranged poke that can poke him out before he can engage.
Gameplay Tips
Early ganks are crucial with W (Biggest Snowball Ever!) to surprise enemies.
Focus on securing objectives quickly with Q (Consume)
Always look to R in team fights for zoning.
Keep map awareness high to know when to secure objectives and provide vision control.
What are the main responsibilities of a jungler?
Some players may not realize this but the Jungler is arguably one of the most important roles in League of Legends. After all, the jungler is responsible for the following:
Clearing jungle camps to gain gold and experience.
Ganking lanes to help teammates secure kills or apply pressure.
Securing objectives like Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.
Providing vision control with wards in key areas of the map.
Basically, it wouldn’t be too farfetched to say the Jungler’s responsibility is to ensure every lane is going smoothly while also taking care of the objectives.