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League of Legends: Best Bruisers in Arena Mode

League of Legends: Best Bruisers in Arena Mode

In League of Legends Arena Mode, bruisers stand out as the most successful champion type due to their blend of sustained damage and tankiness. These champions excel in prolonged fights, able to both absorb and dish out considerable damage. With the right augment combinations, bruisers become even more formidable, dominating the battlefield with resilience and power. 

This article highlights the best bruisers in League of Legends Arena Mode: Urgot, Darius, Jax, Trundle, and Udyr. These champions are chosen for their ability to endure and thrive in prolonged combat, thanks to their sustained damage and tankiness. We will also discuss the best augments for each champion, ensuring they reach their full potential in Arena Mode.

So without further delay, let us look at the top 5 bruisers[1] to dominate your Arena games.


Urgot's hybrid of ranged and melee combat, combined with his tankiness and execution potential, makes him a fearsome bruiser in Arena Mode. His ability to deal consistent damage while remaining durable allows him to control fights effectively. Not to mention his executing Ult makes him a menace in 2v2 fights.

Best Augments


Darius excels in Arena Mode with his ability to deal massive damage and heal off his enemies. His bleed effects and ultimate reset potential make him a relentless force in prolonged fights. Darius especially shines in the early game with slow flights giving him enough time to apply his bleed on the targets.

Best Augments

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Jax's hybrid scaling damage and defensive capabilities make him a top-tier bruiser in Arena Mode. His ability to dodge attacks and deal increased damage with his passive and ultimate allows him to thrive in extended engagements. Furthermore, if you get your hands on the E ability haste augment, it pretty much becomes impossible to lose. 

Best Augments


Trundle’s ability to steal stats and sustain himself through lifesteal makes him an indomitable bruiser in Arena Mode. His crowd control and area denial abilities allow him to dominate skirmishes and duels alike. With limited space in Arena maps it becomes impossible to escape Trundle’s grasp. 

Best Augments


Udyr’s versatile stances and ability to switch between damage and tankiness on the fly make him a unique bruiser in Arena Mode. His sustained damage and self-healing capabilities ensure he remains a constant threat. Not to mention the endless E chase potential will allow you to always stay on top of your enemies.

Best Augments


Arena Mode in League of Legends is a perfect playground for bruisers to showcase their strengths. With champions like Urgot, Darius, Jax, Trundle, and Udyr leading the charge, their blend of sustained damage and tankiness makes them nearly unstoppable. 

Related: League of Legends: Best Mages in Arena Mode.

By utilizing the best augments tailored to each bruiser, you can maximize their potential and dominate the Arena, ensuring your team’s path to victory. Experiment with these combinations to find the perfect synergy and crush your opponents in the Arena.


  1. [1] "Bruisers". Retrieved June 07, 2024

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