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How to beat Spoon Man in Dota 2 and what rewards does it give?
Anthony King
08 Dec 2024
Posted On
Dota 2 is one of the most popular MOBAs out there right now, even if it can’t exactly compete with Riot’s League of Legends [1] in terms of popularity. Regardless, Valve’s MOBA has a dedicated fanbase for which the studio continues to pump out high-quality content. The most recent event involves Spoon Man.
Today, we’re here to go through everything players need to know about Spoon Man in Dota 2. This includes what the Spoon Man event is, what types of enemies are in Spoon Man, and every power-up and bomb type in the event. Naturally, we’ll conclude by highlighting all the rewards players can expect for successfully completing it.
So, without further ado, here’s everything players need to know about beating Spoon Man in Dota 2.
What is Spoon Man in Dota 2?
In Crownfall Act 4 [2], players will encounter Spoon Man, a challenge they must overcome to progress through the overworld. Completing the encounter allows players to access Queen Imperia’s Royal Palace. Players should take the left path and continue progressing upward through the overworld to find the Spoon Man encounter.
In the event, players play a small mini-game similar to Bomberman, where they have to kill enemies by dropping bombs. Every stage has a specific number of opponents that they must defeat, and after that, they must destroy the glowing tiles to reveal a portal that will let them progress to the next stage.
Every stage gets harder as enemies get tougher. For example, enemies will always move in a specific direction in the first two levels, but in later stages, there will be enemies that can chase the player at quick speeds or ones where enemies are flying that will drop bombs near the player to kill them.
Some stages will force players to unlock several doors using colored keys found by destroying the stone tiles to reach the portal. These keys must be used in the correct order to unlock the portal. It’s not necessary to kill opponents in these levels, but it gets easier for players to find keys because killing all enemies makes the stone tiles with keys and power-ups glow.
Players are given a score after completing every stage, and the score is determined by the amount of time a person takes to clear the stage and the amount of enemies defeated. So, the best way to get a good score is by defeating enemies while rushing through the stage.
Players have three lives in Spoon Man. Whenever they get hit by an enemy or a bomb, they will lose one life. Once a player loses a life, they will be faster and invulnerable for a short period where nothing will hurt them.
What types of enemies are there in Spoon Man?
As players progress through each stage of Spoon Man, they will encounter four distinct types of enemies. Each enemy type has unique behaviors and movements, forcing players to change their strategies to defeat them.
Normal Guards
These guys are the standard enemies that players will face in Spoon Man. They move in a single direction slowly, so players can easily trap them in a corner with a bomb to defeat them. Players can kill them by dropping time bombs as well. They don’t have a lot of offensive options, but they start dropping bombs randomly at later levels.
Black Guards
Players can spot Black Guards by looking at enemies with two red horns on their helmets. Black Guards are slow like Normal Guards, but if a player is in front of them and they spot them, they will dash towards the player. Players can move out of the way so the Black Guards hit a wall and get stunned for a short time. If a player drops a bomb and the enemy dashes into it, they will get stunned, giving players an easy kill.
Yellow Guards
Yellow Guards are faster than Black Guards and chase the player if they spot them. Similar to Black Guards, if a Yellow Guard walks into a bomb they will get stunned. The only difference is that Yellow Guards will push the bomb forward by a tile if they dash into it.
Flying Guards
Flying Guards linger across the maze while dropping bombs at random areas. There’s no way to kill Flying Guards, but players can use the bombs they drop to defeat other enemies.
Every power-up and bomb type in Spoon Man
Spoon Man has three power-ups that players can collect in every stage. Here are the three power-ups that players can pick up:
Tile: Increases the player’s bomb’s reach.
+Bomb: Gives players one more bomb.
Boots: Increases the player’s speed.
Players can collect multiple power-ups to enhance their abilities, with each collected power-up displayed in the top-left corner of the screen.
There are three bomb types that gamers can use in Spoon Man. Here are the three bomb types:
Basic Bombs: These are the default bombs players start with. There’s nothing special about these bombs, but players can press the power-up activation button to stop a bomb.
Sticky bombs: These red-colored bombs can blow through breakable blocks and have a longer range. They can break multiple Stone Blocks simultaneously.
Remote Bombs: As the name suggests, players can place these green-colored bombs and then detonate them remotely by pressing the power-up activation button.
If a player is hit, they will lose their power-up and a life, so be careful. Gamers must place bombs carefully because they can damage themselves with them.
Spoon Man rewards
Beating the encounter drops the Spoon Man Token, an essential item needed to unlock the Palace section of the overworld. Players who go for a high score will receive more rewards. Players will obtain a random Crownfall Act 4 Token if they score 10,000 points. If they get 15,000 points, they’ll get two random tokens and an exclusive Showcase Decoration. At 25,000 points, gamers will get three random tokens.
Is Spoon Man the first event in Dota 2?
Not at all. Valve continues to add new events and minigames for players to enjoy in Dota 2. One of the most recent and popular ones was the Street Fighter-style mini game that players could try their hand at.
While Spoon Man is the newest mini game in Dota 2, Valve will likely add more for players to enjoy in the near future.
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