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Is red stronger than blue in League of Legends?
Jack Willa
21 Jul 2024
Posted On
League of Legends Summoner’s Rift area has two sides players can potentially get. The first is blue while the second is red. Riot Games states that neither side has an advantage over the other, but some players and statistics state otherwise, and we’re here to dive deep into this to answer the game-long question.
While there’s no official statement of one side being better than the other, we did our due research to come to the conclusion that the red side is indeed better than the blue side. Naturally, we’ll report all of our findings here so you can come to an educated decision of whether you want to pray for one side or not.
So, without further ado, here’s whether the red side is stronger than the blue side in League of Legends.
Which side is better in League of Legends and why?
Most players believe the Blue Side is better than the Red Side for three main reasons. The three reasons are:
Better camera angle
The Blue Side team has the advantage of a better camera angle. Even though it may seem the same on the surface, the slight tilt the blue team experiences is helpful. Thanks to the tilt, players get a better view of everything happening on the battlefield, making it easier to spot flanks and movements from the Red Side.
Unfortunately, the Red Side has a worse perspective and multiple blind spots. These blind spots make it difficult to see enemies from afar, making them susceptible to potential ganks and roamers.
First pick
The Blue Side has the privilege of being the first pick during the draft phase. This pick helps the team pick a champion dependent on a meta where they do not have any counters, giving the Blue Side a massive advantage.
On the other hand, the Red Side has the opportunity to counter-pick the champions the other team selects. While this may seem like a way to balance the match, it won’t work if the Blue Side picks an overpowered champion.
Better map access
Although it may seem weird, the Blue Side in League of Legends has better access to various objectives in the match because of the layout. At every skill level, especially in professional play, objectives are necessary to win games, and having access to them helps to win a match.
The Blue Side can access the Rift Herald and the Baron Baron, making top-lane ganks easier for the team. The Red Side has better access to dragon objectives due to the tri-bush at the bottom. While it seems like both teams have different types of advantages, one side can go through a solo lane and the other through the duo lane, it is clear which one has a better advantage.
So which side is better in League of Legends?
Now, it’s hard to tell if one side has a competitive advantage over the other, as Riot claims both sides are at a stalemate in terms od advantages and disadvantages. However, according to League of Graphs, the win rate favors the red side heavily, especially when it comes to higher levels of play.
Let us take the #1 ranked player in North America as an example. He has a win rate favoring the red side over the blue. While it isn’t confirmed, many claim the imbalance comes from Riot buffing the red side after the blue one had a better starting position for years.
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What is red and blue in League of Legends?
Red and blue refer to the different sides in League of Legends. While they seem the same, there are enough differences between them besides the color difference that some players consider one side to be in a more advantageous position.