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LOL: Quick Cast vs Normal Cast Which Is Better?

LOL: Quick Cast vs Normal Cast Which Is Better?

There are many important decisions players have to make to ensure their League of Legends gameplay and experience are both as fitting for them as possible. Perhaps one of the most important decisions, however, is whether to use quick cast or normal cast in matches. After all, this decision is one that really heavily impacts how well you're able to land your skill shots.

Quick cast allows players to execute abilities and spells with a single button press, while Normal Cast requires an additional click to confirm the ability or spell. There are various advantages and disadvantages to both of them, but at the end of the day, it all depends on what you're personally more comfortable with.

We'll be explaining the difference between quick cast and normal cast, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Quick Cast vs Normal Cast
Fantasy game character casting multiple spells from a strategic location on a cobblestone path

For starters, let us go through what the difference between quick cast and normal cast is. When you're casting, that is, using skill shots and abilities, you have the option to either use quick cast or normal cast.

As the name suggests, quick cast is, well, quick. It allows you to execute abilities and spells with a single button press and without any extra confirmation. Normal cast, meanwhile, asks for you to click once more after casting to confirm the type and direction of the ability or spell your character is using.

Advantages of Quick Cast
A fantasy video game character engaging in battle on a lush green battlefield

Firstly, let us go through the advantages of using quick cast in League of Legends. Naturally, the most obvious advantage is that the quick cast saves you time, especially when it's in the heat of battle. In a game like LoL where enemies can gank you from anywhere and every second counts, it makes sense to want to select the option that saves you time.

Additionally, quick cast also has the potential for greater accuracy. Because you don't have to waste time pressing a button again to confirm the cast, your character uses the ability or spell quicker. Therefore, the enemy has less time to move out of the way or use an ability of their own.

Disadvantages of Quick Cast

As is with everything, there are also some disadvantages to using quick cast instead of normal cast. The most prominent one is that it's much less forgiving when it comes to mistakes. When you press a button to cast a spell or ability, your character will automatically use it without giving you time to adjust your mouse.

As you can imagine, without that extra time to adjust your aim, the chances of you missing your skill shots increase by a lot. This can be especially frustrating for newer players who are still learning the game mechanics. 

Additionally, it can be difficult to predict the range and area of effect of an ability when using quick cast, which can lead to missed opportunities or wasted resources. There's nothing worse than missing an ability because the enemy was just a little too far.

Advantages of Normal Cast
Robotic character performing a beam attack in a game

Now that we've gone through the advantages and disadvantages of quick cast, how about doing the same for normal cast? The first and most obvious advantage is that players are given more time to aim with their abilities and spells when using normal cast. Because of this extra time to aim, they can potentially adjust their aim to hit an enemy that was already in the process of relocating.

Additionally, aiming with normal cast is just generally more accurate. Players are able to predict the range and area of effect of an ability very easily because they show it to them, and they can use that knowledge to increase the chances of hitting their attacks. By allowing you to see the range and area of effect before casting, normal cast can help you make better decisions and avoid wasting resources.

Disadvantages of Normal Cast

All the disadvantages of normal cast in League of Legends boil down to one thing. Latency. Because players have to press an extra input command to confirm that they indeed want to use the ability or spell, they waste some precious seconds. Seconds that could potentially be the difference between hitting and missing an ability or spell.

This extra time to cast abilities is extra disadvantageous for champions that rely on chaining multiple abilities. Because players will have to spend time pressing the input button again, they might mess up the combo completely.

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Which One is Better

Now for the golden question, which of the two cast types is better? Well, it really depends on the player and what they want to prioritize. If you're someone who wants to prioritize speed, then we say go for quick cast. However, if you want to give more importance to making sure your abilities and spells are always on target, then normal cast is the way to go.

What’s next?

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