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Best League of Legends URF builds
Hamza Rashid
02 Feb 2025
Posted On
URF, also known as Ultra Rapid Fire, is finally back, and players worldwide are jumping into the game mode for the first time. Being one of the most beloved limited-time game modes, it’s only natural that it doesn’t stay the whole time. However, when it does come, the game’s meta is so different that players have to scramble to hunt for the best champions and their builds.
Today, we want to take a closer look at our picks for the best League of Legends URF builds. In addition to highlighting some of the better champions in the mode, we’re also here to go through our favorite builds for those champions. Naturally, we ensured every champion covered a different role so every player has something to play.
So, without further ado, here are the best League of Legends URF builds to try. If you don’t know how to best take advantage of the builds we highlight then don’t worry. Just hire a professional LoL coach from Eloking and have them show you the ropes. You can also use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount.
Best Sylas build for URF
Best Sylas runes in URF
Conqueror: Grants stacking adaptive force and makes Sylas stronger in long fights.
Triumph: Restores health after a takedown and keeps Sylas alive in chaotic fights.
Legend: Tenacity: Helps counter URF’s heavy crowd control.
Last Stand: Increases damage when low on health, synergizing with his healing.
Ignite: Helps secure kills and applies healing reduction.
Sylas URF Strategy
Sylas excels by spamming abilities and stealing ultimates. Focus on stacking Manaflow Band for sustain and Conqueror for damage and healing in extended fights. Build Lich Bane, Cosmic Drive, and Rabadon’s Deathcap for burst and healing, and use Void staff for magic penetration. Keep up constant pressure with your ability spamming, especially upon unlocking your ultimate.
Best Anivia build for URF
Best Anivia runes for URF
Dark Harvest: Grants stacking damage, making Anivia stronger in extended fights. Cheap Shot: Increases damage against slow or immobilized targets.
Eyeball Collection: Adds ability power as Anivia gets takedowns.
Ultimate Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of Anivia’s ultimate.
Manaflow Band: Provides extra mana sustain for extended fights.
Transcendence: Grants bonus ability haste for spamming abilities.
Best Anivia items for URF
Rod of Ages: Provides health and ability power, offering great scaling for Anivia.
Malignance: Increases penetration and ability power to boost damage output.
Liandry’s Torment: Deals percent health burn damage, excellent against tanky enemies.
Zhonya’s Hourglass: Provides stasis effects and armor for better survival.
Rabadon’s Deathcap: Provides a massive AP boost for stronger abilities.
Ghost: Increases movement speed, useful for kiting and chasing enemies.
Anivia URF Strategy
For Anivia, focus on stacking Dark Harvest for extra damage. Cheap Shot increases your burst on slowed or immobilized enemies, and Eyeball Collection adds more AP as you get takedowns. Build Rod of Ages for scaling health and AP, then Malignance for extra penetration. Use Flash to reposition and Ghost for better kiting. Keep poking and using your abilities, especially with your powerful ultimates.
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Best Malphite build for URF
Best Malphite runes for URF
Dark Harvest: Stacking damage on low-health enemies, perfect for burst playstyle.
Cheap Shot: Increases damage against slowed or immobilized targets.
Eyeball Collection: Adds ability power as Malphite gets takedowns.
Relentless Hunter: Grants bonus movement speed outside of combat.
Nimbus Cloak: Grants a burst of movement speed after a Summoner Spell.
Transcendence: Grants bonus ability haste for spamming abilities.
Best Malphite items for URF
Malignance: Adds bonus magic damage over time and extra ability haste.
Luden’s Companion: Provides AP, burst damage, and bonus movement speed.
Stormsurge: Grants extra burst damage and movement speed on takedowns.
Shadowflame: Enhances burst damage, especially against shielded targets.
Rabadon’s Deathcap: Drastically increases Malphite’s AP scaling.
Flash: Essential for mobility and engaging with Malphite’s ultimate.
Ghost: Increases movement speed for chasing enemies or escaping.
Malphite URF Strategy
For Malphite, start with Dark Harvest to stack damage, and Cheap Shot for extra bursts against slowed or immobilized enemies. Eyeball collection rewards takedowns with more AP, while Relentless Hunter and Numbus Cloak help with fast rotations and engages. Build Malignance and Luden’s Companion for AP, burst damage, and movement speed. Engage from a distance, and focus on stacking damage for explosive bursts.
Best Aphelios build for URF
Best Aphelios runes in URF
Lethal Tempo: Increases attack speed as Aphelios attacks, perfect for rapid damage output.
Overheal: Provides a shield when healing beyond max HP, useful in high sustain fights.
Legend: Bloodline: Grants lifesteal and increases sustain.
Coup de Grace: Deals more damage to low-health enemies and helps secure kills.
Absolute Focus: Grants extra attack damage when above 70% HP.
Gathering Storm: Provides increasing AD over time.
The best URF items for Aphelios
The Collector: Executes low-health enemies and grants extra gold.
Infinity Edge: Increases critical damage and enhances scaling.
Runaan’s Hurricane: Provides extra attack speed and AoE damage with Aphelios’ kit.
Lord Dominik’s Regards: Provides armor penetration against tanky enemies.
Bloodthirster: Grants lifesteal and a shield for survivability.
Flash: Essential for positioning and escaping fights.
Ghost: Slows and reduces enemy damage during duels and peels.
Aphelios URF Strategy
When playing Aphelios in URF, start with Lethal Tempo to ramp up attack speed and Overheal for shielding. Legend: Bloodline helps with lifesteal, while Coup de Grace helps secure kills. Build The Collector for executes, Infinity Edge for crit damage, and Runaan’s Hurricane for AoE. Go for Berserker’s Greaves and use Flash and Ghost for mobility and dueling. Try to focus on fast, sustained damage.
Best Mordekaiser build for URF
Best URF runes for Mordekaiser
Conqueror: Grants stacking adaptive force and makes Mordekaiser stronger in longer fights.
Triumph: Restores health after takedowns and keeps him alive.
Legend: Tenacity: Reduced crowd control effects.
Last Stand: Increases damage when low on health, synergizing with Mordekaiser’s sustain.
Second Wind: Provides extra healing after taking damage, improving durability.
Revitalize: Enhances healing and shields, making Mordekaiser harder to kill.
Best URF items for Mordekaiser
Riftmaker: Grants omnivamp and true damage in extended fights.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Applies slows to enemies, making it easier to stick to targets.
Liandry’s Torment: Deals percent max HP burn damage, strong against tanks.
Thornmail: Gives armor and Grievous Wounds to counter healing.
Spirit Visage: Enhances healing and shields alongside magic resistance.
Mercury’s Treads: Provides tenacity and magic resistance, reducing CC effects.
Summoner’s Spells
Flash: Essential for mobility and aggressive plays.
Ignite: Adds extra damage and Grievous Wounds, which are useful for securing kills.
Mordekaiser URF Strategy
For Mordekaiser in URF, start with Conqueror for stacking damage and Triumph to sustain through fights. Legend: Tenacity reduces crowd control, while Last Stand boosts damage when low. Build Riftmaker for omnivamp, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter to apply slows, and Liandry’s Torment for burn damage against tanks. Use Flash for mobility and Ignite to secure kills with extra damage and Grievous Wounds.
What is URF in League of Legends?
URF, or Ultra Rapid Fire, is a game mode in League of Legends where champions have unlimited mana. They also have extremely low cooldowns, making fights fast, chaotic, and incredibly fun. Since abilities can be spammed nonstop, some champions become ridiculously strong, leading to hilarious and unpredictable battles. URF is all about having fun, trying out crazy strategies, and experiencing the game in a way that’s far more explosive than regular matches.
Why are builds important in League of Legends?
Builds are important in League of Legends because they determine how powerful your champion becomes over the course of a game. The right items can give you more damage, sustain, or durability, making a huge difference in fights. A tank needs defensive items to stay alive, while an assassin relies on high-damage items to eliminate enemies quickly. In URF, builds matter even more since champions can constantly use their abilities, so stacking the right stats makes them even more unstoppable.