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Top 10 League of Legends champions for URF (2025)

Top 10 League of Legends champions for URF (2025)

League of Legends [1] may put the highest focus on the Summoner’s Rift modes, but that doesn’t mean that’s all the game has. After all, if Riot Games hadn’t switched up the formula every now and then, most players would have dropped out of the game by now. While game modes like ARAM are successes, URF, or Ultra Rapid Fire, has to be the fan-favorite.

However, it’s only natural that, like the other game modes, some champions perform better than others in URF. Today, we want to focus on the best URF champions to play as in League of Legends in 2025. From Smolder to Lux, all of these champions have abilities that can absolutely dominate enemies to win their team the match.

So, without any more delay, here are the top 10 League of Legends champions to play in URF in 2025. If you don’t know how to play any of the champions we mention on this list then there’s no need to worry. Just hire a professional League of Legends coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” too for an excellent 20% discount.

10: Smolder

A colorful dragon-like creature enjoying a sunny adventure on a cliff.

Smolder has a spot because of his incredible scaling potential due to constant Ability Haste in URF. This mechanic allows him to constantly stack his passive, turning him into a threat in the later stages of the match. Another one of his strengths is his build versatility, allowing players to adapt to numerous team compositions and enemy tactics. 

Smolder can thrive with numerous builds such as AP burst, bruiser mage, or a full crit setup. Since there’s an absence of cooldowns on abilities, he can stack his passive and use his E to retreat or chase opponents. His execution ability is powerful in URF, allowing him to secure kills and accelerate his potential. It takes no time for Smolder to reach 225 stacks, allowing him to overwhelm opponents before they can defend themselves.

9: Shaco

A mystical wizard casting spells from a magic book

Shaco’s deceptive playstyle and flexibility make him an incredible pick in URF. He can utilize full AD/crit builds, with items like Voltaic Cyclosword and full AP builds around his Jack-in-the-Boxes. With constant Ability Haste, he can have near-permanent invisibility and high ultimate uptime to constantly annoy and disrupt opponents, letting him pressure the map and create opportunities for kills.

Although he’s squishy, and players must be careful with their positioning and ability usage, he can constantly reposition and surprise enemies. To maximize Shaco’s effectiveness in URF, players must utilize their deception on enemies and disturb them.

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8: Nunu & Willump

A joyful fantasy ride in a winter wonderland.

Nunu & Willump excel in URF when they’re against melee-heavy champions. Although they’re vulnerable to ranged characters, they’re incredible in close-quarters combat with their AP build because they can potentially one-shot opponents with their E. This aggressive playstyle is effective, but it also makes them open to getting burst down by enemies.

They have a high sustain thanks to their Consume ability, where they can constantly heal by using it on jungle monsters or enemy champions. This sustain, mixed with the ability to secure objectives with Consume quickly, enhances their survivability, assuming they avoid crowd control and burst damage. Nunu & willump’s URF strategy is maxing out their burst damage and sustains to overwhelm enemies in small fights.

7: Sion

A powerful warrior character from League of Legends

Sion is the perfect tank in URF due to his survivability. Although his early game can be difficult against ranged enemies, he gets very resilient after he gets Heartsteel and stacks his W. Unending Despair is incredibly overpowered in this game mode, increasing damage and Ability Haste. 

Even though he is tanky and has lots of HP, he is vulnerable to champions that deal a percentage max health damage, like Vayne. These champions quickly go through his health bar and limit his usefulness in certain matchups. Despite these weaknesses, Sion’s ability to absorb damage and disrupt enemies makes him powerful in URF team fights.

6: Fizz

A whimsical underwater scene featuring a character wielding a trident.

Fizz is a classic URF pick because of his slippery playstyle and high burst damage. His Playful/Trickster ability with a low cooldown makes him nearly untargetable, so he’s hard to catch and take down. Players can create a basic AP build to one-shot squishy champions, but since it’s URF, others try to make him a tank by creating an Iceborn Gauntlet into full tank items.

Fizz becomes a nearly unkillable fish that can slowly weaken enemies with sustained damage and crowd control. He’s a unique pick for URF because his playstyle focuses on survivability and disruption over burst damage.

5: Kayle

An angelic warrior with golden wings and a glowing sword in a fantasy setting.

Kayle is a powerful URF champion who can delete tanks and has an ultimate ability with no cooldown. The lack of cooldown on her ultimate removes her weakness in other game modes, making her almost invulnerable in team fights. She has high build versatility, allowing her to adapt to various situations. Kayle can create an AP glass cannon build to an AP bruiser build with Riftmaker.

No matter what build a player chooses for Kayle, she’ll be strong in the later stages of the matches, so opponents must end the game quickly before she scales and becomes hard to deal with.

4: Maokai

An astronaut discovering playful alien creatures on a distant planet.

Maokai is one of the best picks for URF due to his high-damage capabilities and incredible tankiness. Players can build him for full Ap and focus on poking enemies with his E and ultimate, or go for a tank build for near-invincibility. His passive is very powerful in URF, and he can spam his E ability to summon numerous minions to stand guard. His constant W abilities can prevent opponents from targeting him.

Maokai’s kit is perfect for URF because he has multiple playstyles and is effective during team fights.

3: Vayne

A character wielding dark magic with a mystical bow.

Vayne works great as a counter to tanks in URF and provides players with numerous build options for different situations. When facing multiple tanks, players can go for an on-hit build with Jak’Sho to turn him into a nightmare for almost any opponent. In matches where there aren’t a lot of tanks in the enemy team, she can go for a Voltaic Cyclosword crit build to deal heavy damage with her Q and auto-attacks.

She has a low range, so players must be careful with their positioning. However, her near-permanent invisibility during her ultimate and Q and very high attack speed makes her dangerous.

2: Jinx

A vibrant character showcasing action in a cosmic battle scene.

Jinx is arguably the best ADC pick in URF due to her rockets and slows. Players can create a lethality build with her to become a long-range threat to enemies with her W and ultimate or go for a crit/attack speed build with Lethal Tempo. The 2x multiplier on attack speed from items in URF combines incredibly well with her passive, allowing her to quickly take down numerous enemies if she gets a single kill.

With her W, she can constantly slow down opponents if she manages to hit them once, essentially slowing them down until they flash, their teammates come, or she misses. Her build flexibility and synergy with URF mechanics make her an incredibly effective pick for the game mode.

1: Lux

A magical girl wielding a star staff in a colorful scene

The list ends with Lux due to her poke, burst, and utility in URF. With low cooldowns, Lux becomes a long-range threat who constantly harasses enemies with her Q, E, and R abilities. Q stops enemies from movement, and she can use her other skills to deal damage or finish off opponents. If an enemy is far, she can use her ultimate to snipe them for a potential insta-kill.

The constant barrage from her abilities makes it difficult for enemies to dodge and counterattack her, leading the team to take advantage of the situation. Also, she has a shield that can protect her and her teammates, increasing her usefulness. Lux’s ability to poke, burst down enemies, crowd control, and shield teammates without cooldowns makes her one of the strongest picks in URF.


What makes the URF game mode so fun in League of Legends?

URF, or Ultra Rapid Fire, is a Featured Game Mode played on Summoner's Rift where all champions are able to use their abilities and spells very frequently. What’s more, players don’t need to consume any mana to use abilities, ensuring players don’t have to constantly recall to their base.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved January 28, 2025

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