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How to get assists in Marvel Rivals
Hamza Rashid
16 Feb 2025
Posted On
Marvel Rivals [1] is a team-based game, which means players have to work together to dominate the enemy and win matches. However, this also means that not every player on the team will get to stack those kills, whether it be because they’re in a supporting role or their character doesn’t have much damage-dealing capabilities.
Fortunately, that doesn’t matter much because Marvel Rivals also gives high importance to assists in every match. Today, we want to go through everything players need to know about assists in the game, including what they are and the best ways to stack them to ensure you can help others stack kills.
Here’s what to know about getting assists in Marvel Rivals. Of course, you also need your teammates to be good enough to finish off enemies, which can be tough in the lower ranks. If you want good teammates then you can always climb the ranks through Eloking’s Marvel Rivals boosting service. Use the code “BoostToday” to save 20% on your order while you save your sanity by avoiding bad teammates.
Understanding assists in Marvel Rivals
In Marvel Rivals, an assist means you helped take down an opponent without causing the final blow. It’s a way for players to help their team by weakening enemies until they are easy prey for a knockout. It doesn't matter whether you're playing solo or with friends since the assist mechanism rewards you with your involvement within the fight- whether you use your character's abilities for damage against a foe or support your teammate in other ways.
Assists are important for several reasons. They help improve your character's performance in a match, give you extra experience points, and unlock other vital upgrades and rewards. It also creates a sense of teamwork, as players rely on each other to take down powerful opponents, ensuring that everyone has a role to play in the battle.
How to get assists in Marvel Rivals
With all of these being said, below is every way players can increase the number of assists they get in Marvel Rivals.
1. Coordinate with Teammates
If you're playing as part of a team, communication is very important. The best way to rack up assists is to coordinate with your teammates to weaken enemies while they land the finishing blow.
For example, one player can use a stun or crowd control move to keep an opponent incapacitated while another player goes in for the final attack. If you successfully help set up the final blow, you will earn an assist.
2. Use Damage-Boosting Abilities
Most of the characters of Marvel Rivals possess long-term damaging abilities or debilitating effects on enemies. By using these powers, an opponent can be weakened so that other members can come up with the finishing blow.
For instance, Iron Man can use ranged attacks to deal chip damage from a distance, while others like Thor may use area-of-effect (AoE) moves to cause damage to multiple opponents. An assist is gained if your moves contribute to a defeat, directly or indirectly, of an opponent.
3. Status Effects and Debuffs
Certain skills apply debuffs, such as reducing an enemy's defense or making them more susceptible to damage. If you use status-altering effects on an enemy and your teammate deals the final blow, you earn an assist.
For example, if you are playing a character such as Black Widow, who can apply poison or stun effects, it will be easier for your team to take down the enemies, allowing you to gain assists.
4. Team Combos
Some of the Marvel Rivals characters will do best in groups. Players with the ability to chain moves or those using combos will increase assists dramatically.
For example, if one player opens with a combo attack and another follows up with a powerful special move to finish off an enemy, both players may be credited with assists.
5. Apply Crowd Control Tactics
Locking down or controlling the movement of an opponent is another way to rack up assists. Characters that immobilize, knock down, or slow enemies make it easier for your teammates to land their attacks.
For example, using a character like Captain America to shield or stun enemies allows your teammates to step in and finish the job while you contribute with a well-timed crowd-control move. Technically speaking, Luna Snow's ultimate also falls in this category.
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What are the support roles in Marvel Rivals?
While Duelists usually have the most damage-dealing capabilities, Vanguard and Strategist players usually specialize in supporting the damage-dealers. With that being said, that doesn’t mean only Duelists can deal damage, as every character in the game can potentially stack kills depending on how the player uses them.
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