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Top 10 best ADCs in LoL Season 2025
Hamza Rashid
26 Jan 2025
Posted On
League of Legends has multiple roles players must pick from before they start a game. To ensure the game is as smooth as possible, every playable champion in the game is specifically designed to fit one or two of those roles, even if technically every champion can play any role. This applies even more to the ADC role, which has seen a major revamp recently.
ADC, standing for Attack Damage Carry, previously used to be the role that, as the name suggests, primarily focused on attack damage. From Miss Fortune to Ashe, you’d be hard-pressed to find a non-ADC champion playing this role. However, that isn’t try in the current season, as technically any champion can play ADC, even AP ones. This can make things confusing for newcomers or those wanting to play the game as intended.
To help with this, we’re here with our picks for the top 10 best ADC champions to play in League of Legends Season 2025. There’s no need to worry if you don’t know how to play one or more of the champions we list below. Just use the code “BoostToday” and get an excellent 20% discount when you hire a professional League of Legends coach from Eloking to show you the ropes.
1. Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is a high-damage ADC with strong AoE and poke. Her R (Bullet Time) is one of the most devastating team-fighting abilities in the game.
Gameplay Tips:
Early Game: Use your Q to harass and take control of the lane. E rains to zone and poke, creating good trade opportunities.
Mid-Game: Group with your team. When possible, get ready to group up for your R. This can be really effective in setting objectives and establishing team fights.
Late Game: Hit as many enemies as possible based on your properly timed R. Remember to keep your distance from them while dealing continuous damage.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Miss Fortune works best with crowd control-heavy supports like Leona or Nautilus, as she can smoothly carry the momentum gained from early game to big team fights.
2. Jinx
Jinx is a great late-game ADC, with devastating AoE damage and utility. Her W (Zoning) can be deadly at max level. However, lack of mobility and overall weakness in the early game leaves her open to assassins and aggressive enemy laners who prey on vulnerabilities.
Gameplay Tips:
Early Game: Farm safely and avoid risky trading unless backed up by aggressive support. Play carefully, avoid ganks, and continue a smooth income.
Mid Game: Position for skirmishes. Use Fishbones (Q) to poke the enemy, Zap! (W) to seal the pick, and R (Super Mega Death Rocket!) To kill off the enemies before they run off.
Late Game: Stay behind the frontline and maximize DPS with Pow-Pow (Q). Try cleaning up team fights by kiting enemies and setting consistent damage upon them.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Jinx meshes well with tank and peel supports, like Leona or Lulu. Farming in lane efficiently and minimizing mistakes is essential to dominating team fights.
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3. Caitlyn
Caitlyn plays well in the laning phase. Her long-range allows her to pick off enemies easily, giving her the upper hand early in the match. Her strengths lie in map control and exerting pressure through the combination of turret sieges and objective play.
Gameplay tips:
Early Game: Harass the enemies with auto-attacks and Q (Piltover Peacemaker). Utilize her range advantage to deny farm and force the opponents into bad trades. Caitlyn should strategically push waves to gain turret plates and ward against enemy jungler pressure.
Mid Game: Roam to other lanes to further maximize your lead. Use W (Yordle Snap Traps) in choke points to zone enemies and set up kills. Focus on teamplay to secure objectives and continue to apply pressure on the map.
Late Game: Sit back in team fights, taking full advantage of your range to deliver steady damage. R (Ace in the Hole) can seal the deal on weak-hitting targets and force enemies to back off.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Caitlyn works best with engage or utility Supports like Leona and Lulu. She is a great zoning threat because she can control space with traps.
4. Corki
Corki is a damage dealer with a specialty in poke and sustained damage. He can play as either ADC or mid-laner; thus making him a rare pick for specific compositions.
Gameplay Tips:
Early Game: Poke and start to push waves with Q (Phosphorus Bomb). Make sure to control your mana, so you can trade and farm smoothly.
Mid Game: Attack enemies with R (Missile Barrage) and control objectives with your superior range. Group with your team to maximize AoE damage in skirmishes.
Late Game: Use your poke effectively and focus on positioning. This is when your ability set will really come in handy, and the fights will then be in your favor.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Just like Caitlyn, Corki works well with utility and engage supports. He also has a good mix of magic and physical damage which is hard to itemize against, making him a rewarding pick for those who play poke-heavy games.
5. Nilah
Nilah is a mid-range melee ADC with great sustained damage and huge AoE potential. Her R (Apotheosis) and E (Slipstream) allow her to dive backlines effectively.
Gameplay Tips
Early Game: Farm carefully, Use Q (Formless Blade) for poke and wave clear, and leverage your W (Jubilant Veil) to negate incoming damage.
Mid Game: Shine in skirmishes using your E (Slipstream) for mobility, and R for AoE and healing abilities. Position carefully to maximize impact,
Late Game: Dive backlines and take over team fights with careful positioning and well-timed use of your abilities.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Nilah is great with enchanters or engage supports like Yuumi or Leona. Her kit rewards people who can balance aggression with the right strategic positioning.
6. Viktor
Viktor is an unconventional yet effective ADC pick, with abilities that boost his bot-lane playstyle as he has high pokes and very effective wave clear. Consistent poke and wave-clear make him a strong lane bully and a potent carry.
Gameplay tips
Early Game: The main focus at this stage should be farming, poking at enemies, and pushing waves using E (Death Ray). Try to avoid unnecessary trades and scale well into the mid-game.
Mid Game: Utilize E and R (Chaos Storm) for zoning enemies and dealing AoE in fights. Try to keep your distance to not get caught out.
Late Game: Poke, engage, and then unleash R to disrupt and punish clustered enemies.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Viktor plays best with utility Supports such as Karma, allowing him to use E effectively while slowing enemies. Engage supports like Nautilus can aid him in releasing burst damage.
7. Jhin
Jhin is a burst ADC that uses a very interesting four-shot auto-attack system focused on precision and utility. His kit lets him do tremendous damage from a safe distance.
Gameplay Tips
Early Game: Aggressively trade with Q (Dancing Grenade) followed by W (Deadly Flourish) to root, seeking coordinated Support kills.
Mid Game: Set up E (Captive Audience) traps for vision and zoning. Use your ultimate, R (Curtain Call), to snipe fleeing enemies.
Late Game: Play to critical hits or execute low health with careful positioning and patient gameplay for maximum damage output. Use your range to safely pick off enemies from afar.
Synergies and playstyle:
Engages or utility Supports let Jhin operate at his strongest by enhancing his damage output and providing the sustain or shields needed to keep him safe during fights.
8. Kai’Sa
Kai’Sa is a unique hybrid ADC with flexible builds and strong dive potential. Her adaptive kit allows her to excel in different game stages.
Gameplay Tips:
Early Game: Focus on farming safely and use Q (Icathian Rain) for poke. W (Void Seeker) can be a useful tool for trades and harass.
Mid Game: Once you have the core items, use R (Killer Instinct) to reposition in fights and burst down priority targets, but make sure you have a backup or an escape plan before diving in.
Late Game: Balance aggression with caution, positioning yourself to deal maximum damage while avoiding overextending. Use E for mobility and attack speed.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Kai’Sa works well with engage and peel supports who can help initiate fights for her to follow up with her burst, or provide protection.
9. Hwei
Hwei excels as both a mid-laner and ADC champion with great AoE and fairly unpredictable combos. Although weak initially, he scales into a strong carry.
Gameplay Tips:
Early Game: Farm and trade safely to reach power strikes, punishing opponents when they overextend instead of jumping in.
Mid Game: Use your AoE damage and combo potential to shine in team fights. Position yourself to catch the enemy off guard.
Late Game: Max out your AoE damage on clustered enemies while maintaining good positioning to avoid being burst down.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Hwei plays best with supports that amplify his damage, and follow up with crowd control, while engage supports enhances his survivability.
10. Ezreal
Ezreal is a versatile ADC with high poke and mobility along with consistent damage output. In addition, his Q, Mystic Shot, is generally used for damage and can farm safely from afar.
Gameplay Tips:
Early Game: Farm as much as possible and try poking with Q while avoiding committing too much in trades, especially against champions that rely heavily on a burst, and use E defensively to avoid ganking.
Mid Game: Use Q to maximize your poke potential and E (Arcane Shift) to reposition in skirmishes and stay safe. Soften up groups or secure kills with R (Trueshot Barrage).
Late Game: Kite enemies and maintain distance with mobility and poke while keeping alive for maximum sustained DPS.
Synergies and Playstyle:
Ezreal shines with utility supports like Karma or Nami that boost his ability to harass and sustain in the lane. Engage supports can set up kills that he follows up with burst damage.
What lane is the League of Legends ADC player usually in?
Those who have played League of Legends for a while will likely know that the ADC is usually in the bot lane. Unlike the other lanes and roles, the ADC is always supported by the Support champion to ensure they can farm as much gold as possible. While this may cause arguments in the lower ranks because some supports like stealing last-hits, good ADCs and Supports know how to work together to ensure both champions scale properly.
Do you have to increase your AD if you’re ADC in LoL?
Not at all! While you don’t strictly have to increase your AD by going for AD items in LoL if you’re playing as an ADC, it’s a critical component of how the role is typically played. Recent changes to the game have fundamentally changed the state of ADCs in League of Legends and now technically anyone can play the role.