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How do you see win percentage in Teamfight Tactics?

How do you see win percentage in Teamfight Tactics?

Winning and losing are definitely part of most games, especially competitive ones like League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics. However, that doesn’t mean players shouldn’t keep track of how much they’re winning. This could be because they want to see how much they’ve improved over a period of time or maybe to track how many games they’ll realistically need to rank up.

Today, we’re here to go through various popular methods players use to check their Teamfight Tactics win rate. This includes third party websites and services like Mobalytics, and TFTactics, all of which give you information that the TFT client and application might omit.

So, if you want to learn whether or not you’re killing it in TFT, keep reading because we’re here to tell you how you can do it.

What is the win percentage in Teamfight Tactics?

Intense strategic battle in Teamfight Tactics with various champions fighting

The win percentage, or win rate, is the statistic that lets the person know how much they win when they play the game. Suppose someone has a high win percentage. It means they’ve been winning more matches than losing, leading to a better win/loss ratio. 

Usually, a high win rate represents a player being good at the game, but it depends on multiple factors, like who they’re playing against.

How to check your win percentage in Teamfight Tactics?

Players can check their win percentage through different mediums. Here are a few of the most popular options:


Screenshot of a strategic gameplay moment in Teamfight Tactics with item cheat sheet visible

Mobalytics gives a visual representation of how good you play in Teamfight Tactics. The app shares many details regarding your Teamfight Tactics matches, like what your score was in the game and if you’ve won a lot. It also shows you your win rate in TFT, alongside what you’re good at and what aspects you need to get better at.


Like Mobalytics, TFTactics shows you how good someone plays TFT and all of their statistics. It shows information like how many games they’ve played, what their average placement is, and how many champions they have. It also advises on what items and team compositions they should go for to improve.

Screenshot of a Teamfight Tactics game showing a player's Master rank interface

Similar to OP.GG, all players need to do to check someone’s statistics is by typing their name into the search bar. It’ll show you various information regarding them, like their win percentage.


Unlike the previous two, OP.GG is a website that allows people to look up stats for any player in League of Legends as long as they know their ID. It shows how well someone does in the game and other statistics, like their average placement. It also reveals someone’s overall win rate and what their rank is.


Screenshot of a strategic team battle game

MetaTFT is an interesting app because it has many features that players can use, like lobby scouting. One of the features included in the app is how it shows players what their round win percentage is in real-time. MetaTFT has an in-game overlay that shows a person’s likelihood of winning or losing a round based on their team composition and what the enemy has.

Other apps mentioned also have an in-game overlay, which allows them to check statistics of who they’re playing against, as well as checking their data.

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Why should a person check their win percentage in Teamfight Tactics?

People often look at win percentages and other statistics to understand what they’re lacking and where they can improve. It’s important to understand these if someone wants to get better at the game and increase their win rate. 

Looking at Teamfight Tactics’ statistics, if someone has a good average placement but a low win rate, it means they’re good at making team compositions but need to work on their strategies, so now they know what they must get better at.

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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