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League of Legends: Riot Just Increased Death Timers
Jack Willa
15 Oct 2024
Posted On
Riot Games has made a surprising change on the PBE by increasing death timers. This alteration might be aimed at countering specific play styles (Bausen’s Law), champions, or unconventional teleport builds. The changes are set to make early game deaths more punishing, potentially impacting overall gameplay strategy.
The death timers have been increased across various levels. At level one, the respawn time has been increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds. This trend continues up to level nine, after which the timers remain unchanged for levels 10 to 18. This adjustment means that dying early in the game will now result in longer respawn times, affecting lane presence and resource acquisition.
Let us take a quick look at all death timer changes with respect to champion level.
Detailed Death Timer Changes
Here is a detailed list of the new death timers compared to the old ones:
Level 1:
Old Timer: 6 seconds
New Timer: 10 seconds
Level 2:
Old Timer: 6 seconds
New Timer: 10 seconds
Levels 3 and 4:
Old Timer: 8 seconds
New Timer: 12 seconds
Level 5:
Old Timer: 10 seconds
New Timer: 14 seconds
Level 6:
Old Timer: 12 seconds
New Timer: 16 seconds
Level 7:
Old Timer: 16 seconds
New Timer: 20 seconds
Level 8:
Old Timer: 21 seconds
New Timer: 25 seconds
Level 9:
Old Timer: 26 seconds
New Timer: 28 seconds
Levels 10 to 18:
Timer: Remains unchanged
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Impact on Gameplay
These increased death timers will have several notable effects on gameplay:
Early Game Punishment: Dying in the early game will now be more punishing. Longer respawn times mean players will spend more time out of the lane, losing valuable experience points and gold from missed minion waves.
Strategic Adjustments: Players may need to adjust their strategies to account for the longer downtime. This could involve more cautious play in the early game to avoid unnecessary deaths or focusing on securing early advantages to capitalize on the extended respawn times of opponents.
Counter Play Styles: The changes might be targeted at specific play styles or champions that exploit short death timers, such as those with unconventional teleport builds. By increasing the downtime, Riot might be looking to balance these strategies and make early deaths more impactful.
Meta Shifts: The adjustments could lead to shifts in the meta, as champions and tactics that thrive on early aggression or teleportation might need to be re-evaluated. This could open up opportunities for new strategies and compositions to emerge.
Riot’s decision to increase death timers is an intriguing change that will undoubtedly affect early game dynamics in League of Legends. By making deaths more consequential, players will need to adapt their strategies and play more carefully to avoid falling behind. The significance of this will be highlighted the most in the Top lane.
As this change moves from the PBE to the live servers, it will be interesting to see how it influences gameplay and whether it achieves the intended balance adjustments.