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Marvel Rivals Mid-Season 1 update buffs and nerfs leaked

Marvel Rivals Mid-Season 1 update buffs and nerfs leaked

Marvel Rivals is getting a mid-season patch on February 21, 2025, and data miners have found information regarding it. Alongside introducing The Human Torch and The Thing to the game, numerous characters will see balancing changes.

This information was leaked by X0X_LEAK [1], a highly regarded X (formerly Twitter) account that’s shared numerous Marvel Rivals details. In addition to changes coming to all classes of characters, some team-up abilities will also be seeing tweaks that change how the game plays for everyone.

Without further ado, here’s everything coming in the leaked Marvel Rivals mid-season 1 update patch.

Vanguards changes

A dynamic image of a fictional character resembling a superhero with tentacle-like features.

Venom’s Frenzied Arrival ability will knock back enemies inward instead of vertically, allowing players to reposition opponents effectively. Also, his ultimate will get buffed by reducing his energy cost from 2800 to 2500, ensuring users get it faster.

Captain America will be able to use Absolute Will while jumping, increasing the flexibility of the ability. His Vibranium Energy Saw will get buffed by increasing its speed from 60 m/s to 80 m/s. His ejection speed post-hit will also increase, going from 100 m/s to 150 m/s.

Groot players can place their walls from 18 meters instead of 15, and Thor’s cooldown on his Rune Awakening skill is getting removed.

Magneto is the only Vanguard to get nerfed, with his Metallic Curtain costing 65 energy instead of 50, and its max length is decreasing from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Luckily, his primary attack will do 40 damage instead of 30. Doctor Strange’s base health will decrease from 650 to 600.

Duelists changes

Iron Man in an epic pose showcasing his powers in a dramatic scene.

Most duelists are receiving buffs. Iron Fist’s Harmony Recovery will now restore 150 health instead of 100, and his max HP and damage have been increased. His Sun Punch will see a nerf, with its combo attack’s cooldown increasing from 1 second to 1.5, and each hit’s damage decreased from 19 to 10.

Iron Man’s Unibeam’s damage will increase from 140/s to 120/s. Armor Overdrive Unibeam will do 190/s damage instead of 180.

Storm’s getting a variety of changes. Her Wind Blade does lesser damage from 30m. Her self-boost from Aura will decrease from 16% to 12%, but her teamboost will increase to 10% from 8%. Besides that, Star-Lord, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, and Magik will see buffs. Moon Knight’s ultimate is getting a fix.

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Strategist changes

Strategist Adam Warlock from Marvel Rivals

Adam Warlock will do more healing, increasing from 10/s to 15/s. His primary fire will do more damage. Cloak and Dagger’s ultimate will cost more points, but the rest of her toolkit has been buffed. Luna Snow, Loki, and Invisible Woman’s ultimate will take longer to charge. Mantis’s ultimate will give teammates 75 bonus HP instead of 100.

Team-Up ability changes

The biggest nerf in the update is that Unibeam’s damage is nerfed when Hulk and Iron Man are on the same team. Symbiote Bond will give players invincibility while active, but its skill duration will decrease to 1 second.


  1. [1] "XoX_LEAK tweet". Retrieved February 18, 2025

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