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Top 10 best stacking champions in League of Legends

Top 10 best stacking champions in League of Legends

League of Legends [1] has no shortage of excellent champions. From scary ones like Nocturne to shiny ones like Lux, it’s like there’s a little something for everyone. However, some players like playing with champions who they can scale up properly when they’re used properly. We are, of course, talking about stacking champions.

Today, we want to highlight the best stacking champions in League of Legends. In addition to detailing what stacking champions are in the game we also want to go through 10 of our favorite stacking champions players should go for in 2025, from the ever-reliable Sion to the dangerous Nasus.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 best stacking champions in League of Legends. To ensure you can play all the champions we list below like a professional, we recommend you hire a professional coach from Eloking. Not only will the coach teach you the ropes but you’ll also get first-hand experience from a League of Legends professional. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for a 20% discount.

What are stacking champions in League of Legends?

A fantasy character casting a spell in a cosmic setting.

League of Legends is a complex game, offering various champions that cater to numerous playstyles. Stack champions represent a unique class of characters whose strength grows steadily throughout the game. Unlike many other champions, they become more powerful as the match continues. They can accumulate stacks by hitting enemies or farming minions with specific abilities. 

These actions add to their growing attributes, often without a defined limit, allowing them to scale infinitely. For stack champions, this accumulation of power becomes increasingly important as the game progresses. As time passes, they become more dangerous opponents, with their strength and effectiveness continuing to rise. 

Therefore, the passage of time works to their advantage, making them more likely to secure victory as the match drags on. With each passing minute, these champions grow more formidable, the course of the game shifting in their favor.


A legendary warrior holding a battle axe with fiery energy.

Sion’s passive ability, Soul Furnace, enables him to accumulate significant extra health early in the game. When paired with the right items, this early boost transforms him into a terrifying threat to enemies as the match progresses into the late game.

However, while Sion can gain a strong advantage early on, compared to other tank champions, his armor scaling is weaker. This means that the extra health he gains isn’t as effective in mitigating damage. Against high-mobility hypercarries, for example, Sion may struggle, making his health stacks less impactful and harder to utilize effectively.

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A luminous reaper surrounded by spectral creatures

Thresh is a support champion who benefits from his passive, Damnation. When enemies, minions, or large monsters die nearby, they drop a Soul for 8 seconds. Collecting these souls awards Thresh 1 point of Ability Power and Armor.

These bonuses are valuable, especially for enhancing his defensive stats. However, it’s important not to prioritize collecting Souls at any cost. Thresh should adopt a more defensive playstyle when needed. He should leave some Souls behind instead of giving the enemy team extra resources.


A magical hero in a forest performing an enchanting action.

Bard’s whereabouts in Summoner’s Rift cause chimes to spawn randomly across the map. When Bard collects these chimes, they restore mana, grant experience, and increase movement speed. Collecting them also empowers Bard’s small companions, Meeps. As Bard stacks these chimes, his Meeps gain new abilities, improving his basic attacks by adding slows and area damage.

While the benefits are strong, Bard’s need to roam for chimes can cause problems. This is particularly challenging for the ADC which he is meant to safeguard. Bard players must manage their time wisely, balancing chime gathering with their support tasks. They must know when to leave the lane and explore, without neglecting their core duties.


A mythical warrior in a fierce battle stance

Nasus is one of the most recognized stack-based champions in League of Legends. His Siphoning Strike allows him to gain a permanent attack damage bonus each time he defeats an enemy.

Despite Nasus’ potential for infinite scaling, a prominent threat in the late game, reaching for his power spike is a difficult challenge. In the early game, he struggles to maintain his strong form due to his lack of wave-clear and farming tools. Additionally, Nasus lacks mobility, making it hard to close the distance on enemies with him. This mobility issue often prevents him from dealing damage, which reduces the effectiveness of the stacks he has built up.


A magical character with a top hat and a glowing hand.

Veigar is a champion renowned for his potential to stack endlessly. Each time he lands an ability on an enemy or eliminates them with his Baleful Strike, his Ability Power grows by one or three points.

As Veigar accumulates power, his magic damage can soar past 1000, enabling him to obliterate most non-tank foes in mere seconds. Although he shares Nasus’ weakness of low mobility, Veigar compensates with the ability to deal damage from a distance. With this ability, he can benefit from his growing stacks in various situations effectively.


A stylish character from League of Legends with unique attire and accessories.

Senna is a distinctive champion in League of Legends who can gather Mist stacks. Her passive, Absolution, lets her gain Mist by either landing hits on enemy champions or collecting Mist Wraiths that spawn from slain enemies nearby. Each stack boosts her abilities, transforming her into a formidable Marksman in prolonged fights.


A stunning fantasy artwork featuring a mythical dragon and a warrior.

Kindred stands out with one of the most unique and intriguing concepts in League of Legends. The champion features a stacking mechanic called Mark of the Kindred. Throughout the game, Kindred randomly marks targets to hunt. When they secure a kill on a marked target, they gain a stack, which increases Lamb’s basic attack range and enhances the ability Mounting Dread.

Timing is key for Kindred when hunting Marks, especially when invading the enemy jungle. Vision is essential to avoid surprise attacks. While accumulating stacks is important, prioritizing safety is crucial. The increased attack range makes Kindred a formidable threat, enabling them to deal substantial damage from a safe range.

Aurelion Sol

A mystical beast surrounded by lightning and magical energy

After his rework in Season 13, Aurelion Sol’s true potential was unlocked, making him one of the strongest mid-lane champions in League of Legends. His new stacking mechanic allows all of his damaging abilities to generate permanent Stardust points.

As Aurelion Sol accumulates Stardust, all four of his abilities grow stronger. These stronger abilities let him deal impressive damage, control the lane effectively, and even execute low-health enemies automatically. Doing so makes him one of the top stacking champions in the game. Furthermore, once he reaches a certain number of stacks, his ultimate upgrades and can strike enemies from a distance.


A fantasy character in a majestic purple outfit with an elegant design.

Bel’Veth’s Lavender stacks make her a danger champion throughout the game since attack speed is such a powerful mechanic in League of Legends. She generally attacks 36% faster than the average champion. Furthermore, by defeating champions, she gains permanent Lavender stacks that further boost her attack speed.

On top of that, each of Bel’Veth’s abilities creates temporary Death in Lavender stacks, boosting her attack and speed. These stacks, along with her ability to deal damage that ignores defenses every second hit, make Bel’Veth an increasing threat. She shins in long team fights and split pushing, quickly demolishing enemy towers.


A colorful fantasy creature with wings and a playful expression.

Smolder is a champion that grows stronger with stacks, reflecting his transformation into a powerful dragon. Each time he uses an ability on an enemy or kills them with his Q, he gains Dragon Practice stacks, which increase the damage of his basic abilities.

Smolder’s scaling is exceptional, making him great at executing enemies. When fully powered, he can carry games on his own. As he builds more stacks, his Q becomes even deadlier, dealing explosions and AOE damage. This growth mechanic turns him into a major threat late-game. With a team that protects him, Smolder can safely stack up and finish off enemies, making him one of the top stacking champions in League of Legends.


What does it mean to stack in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, "stacking" refers to accumulating a resource, effect, or bonus over time, usually by fulfilling specific conditions. While some players assume stacking only refers to stacking minions, that isn’t true. Champions can stack items, abilities, champions, or even temporary stacks. It’s important to look at the type of stacks your champions specialize in to ensure you can plan your playing style around that.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved January 19, 2025

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