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Everything coming in Valorant patch 9.10

Everything coming in Valorant patch 9.10

Valorant is one of the most popular FPS games right now, and that’s largely thanks to the constant updates and fixes Riot Games brings to the game. From new agents to ensuring the meta is constantly getting tweaked to not make any agent too broken, the developers at Riot are constantly working to make the player experience as polished as possible.

Now, the latest update coming to Valorant will be in the form of patch 9.10. In addition to bringing a brand-new armor type that’s sure to change the game, the game's patch will also slightly change Phoenix, one of the most iconic agents in the game. Other agents like Gekko will see changes too but not nearly as much.

Here’s everything players can expect to come to Valorant patch 9.10 and when it’ll hit the Valorant client.

What’s coming to Valorant in patch 9.10?

A male character aiming with a futuristic gun

Valorant patch 9.10 will introduce new changes that could immensely change the current meta. This patch is important because it will alter agents in a big way and introduce a new type of armor, making it an important update.

Phoenix changes:

One change in patch 9.10 is coming to Phoenix, one of the most iconic agents in the game because of his flexible kit and the fact that he’s been in the game since its launch. Over the years, players don’t play Phoenix as much anymore because of the introduction of other Duelists like Yoru and Iso and older agents like Reyna. However, Riot plans to make Phoenix more viable with the upcoming patch.

Player using a flame-throwing weapon in a first-person shooter game

Blaze: Phoenix’s ability, Blaze, will now go through walls, making it more useful against opponents who may be holding corners. Previously, Blaze used to stop affecting the floor whenever it made contact with any object around it. This change is good for Phoenix since it will allow his team to make better entries.

Curveball: The other change coming to Phoenix is that his Curveball is getting buffs. Firstly, it will be his signature ability, so Phoenix will have it by default, and it will recharge a single point whenever Phoenix gets two kills in the rounds. This rechargeability mimics mechanics seen in other duelists like Raze and Jett, where their signature ability encourages players to play more aggressively.

Gekko changes:

Young man with neon green hair playing basketball with a glowing blue ghostly figure

Gekko will also see changes in patch 9.10. His ultimate ability, Thrash, will cost one extra point, making it more expensive to use so that players don’t constantly spam it. Also, Riot has hinted regarding how Gekko players will be able to reclaim Dizzy and Wingman in different ways in the upcoming update. These changes will make Gekko a more strategic pick since players won’t be able to use his ultimate constantly while also making it easier to use his other ability again.

Other agent changes:

Some Sentinels, such as Sage and Cypher, are also expected to get some alterations in the upcoming patch. It’s unknown whether they’ll be buffs or nerfs, but most players expect the latter because of the introduction of Regen Shields.

New Armor Type: Regen Shield

Player navigating through a map with a new armor type regeneration shield in a first-person shooter game

One big addition in patch 9.10 will be the introduction of the Regen Shield, a new type of armor that will change how players play the game. Currently, there are only two shields, a Light Shield and a Heavy Shield, the former giving players 25 more HP and the latter 50 more. As the name implies, the Regen Shield will regenerate over time, giving players better opportunities on clutches and making them rethink aggressive strategies.

While Riot hasn’t shared much about the Regen Shield, players expect it will restore HP whenever someone takes damage. The specifics of how the Regen Shield will work with current armor types, Light and Heavy, are unknown, but some screenshots imply that it will give players about 50 more HP. It’s also unknown how much the new shield type will cost. Alongside mechanical gameplay, this could change how players interact with the game’s economy since it might force people to take an extra eco-round to get it.

Game interface showing new armor type and healing stats

The Regen shield could change how people make a team composition. Players might pick agents that work well with the new armor type and think of new strategies. For example, players could have a Raze and a Sage together, where the former can use old shields since they can be more aggressive, while the latter can use the new Regen Shield and play in the backlines because their HP will restore overtime. 

However, while it isn’t confirmed, these shields will most likely cost more than regular heavy shields. Heavy shields cost 1,000 credits, so an increase from that already hefty price point means players will have to smartly determine whether buying it is worth it for that specific round. Agents like Sentinels who usually don’t play aggressively will likely benefit from these new shields the most.

What does the Community think about the upcoming patch?

Animated female character with a butterfly on her finger, wearing a pink backpack

So far, the Valorant community has reacted positively to these changes, especially with what Riot is doing to Phoenix. Players who play Phoenix have shared how they’re excited the new patch will make their favorite agent more viable in higher ranks. Others have been speculating how much Phoenix’s pick rate will increase in casual and competitive game modes once he gets buffed.

While players are excited about the changes to Phoenix, the reception to Regen Armor is a bit divisive. Some people believe that the new change is making the game too ability-focused since this mechanic is similar to what Fortnite has in its Zero Build mode. Players have also been discussing how the new armor type will impact the pacing of rounds since Valorant is known for its fast-paced rounds. Others have expressed their concerns regarding how it may inadvertently buff defensive agents.

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How will the new shields change how Valorant is played?

Player achieving an Ace in a first-person shooter game

It’s unknown how exactly the regenerating shields will work in Valorant as of yet. After all, fans will likely learn more about them as the date for the patch approaches. However, it’s possible to make some smart assumptions about how they’ll change the game’s meta.

For starters, the shields will cost more, which means more players are likely to play passively. This could either be to ensure the regenerating shields are able to do their job by bringing back the agent’s health or to ensure the heft cost of the shields doesn’t go to waste. Additionally, those who tag enemies will be more likely to play aggressively to finish the job, if only to ensure the enemy agent isn’t able to regenerate their health.

Video game character standing victorious with a glowing sword

Finally, players will have to be more smart with their callouts. Normally, saying someone is one shot is simple as it means the agent is under 20 or so health. However, an agent with the regenerating shields can go from 20 to 70 health in a couple of seconds, allowing them to make the callout moot.

When is patch 9.10 coming out?

Valorant game update screen featuring a female character

The patch is set to release on November 19, 2024. After that, players can test the new shield and agent changes for themselves. However, this also means players have a good while to wait for the patch to hit the game, which means Riot will likely give fans more information about the regenerating armor as the date comes closer.


Is Phoenix getting nerfed in the upcoming Valorant patch?

No, Phoenix is not getting nerfed in patch 9.10. On the contrary, Phoenix’s abilities will see slight buffs in the upcoming patch that will make the agent a more viable pick for those wanting to be aggressive. Perhaps the best buff is how his wall will now go through solid objects, making for vision-blocking strategies.

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