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How to get agents in Valorant

How to get agents in Valorant

Valorant might be one of the many competitive FPS games that you can get your hands on for no added cost, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some stand-out features. Perhaps the best feature of Valorant is how Valorant features so many different playable characters that players can play as.

Today, we’re here to help you learn how you can acquire more agents in Valorant. While some players assume that the only way to get new agents is by buying them, that isn’t true and we’re here to tell you why that is.

So, without further ado, here’s how you can get agents in Valorants. If you’re interested in learning some new agents then we recommend you hire a professional-level coach from Eloking to show you how it’s done. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” for an awesome 20% discount.

Method #1: Buy Them

Agent buying screen

The first and most common method of acquiring new agents in Valorant is by simply buying them. Valorant has multiple currencies that players can acquire throughout the course of the game, and the one that they get the easiest is called Kingdom Credits.

Kingdom Credits are accumulated by literally doing anything. Playing matches, participating in events, and even completing the daily missions given to players can give you a set amount of Kingdom Credits.

Once you have a total of 8,000 you can go to the agents section of the in-game store and unlock new agents. Alternatively, you can also use the premium currency called Riot Points to get new agents, but that method isn’t used by anyone since this currency can be better used to buy skins or other premium items.

One thing you should remember regarding Kingdom Credits is that you can only have a total of 10,000 after which you stop earning more credits until you spend the ones you have. Therefore, it’s a good idea to spend it on stuff, even if you don’t necessarily need anything from the store.

Method #2: Complete Welcome Contracts

Alternatively, if you’re a brand new player then you get the option to buy two agents of your choice by completing welcome contracts. These contracts are given to players when they start the game and can be completed by earning the required amount of experience.

Fortunately, the missions that can give you experience are fairly easy to complete and you likely won’t have to go out of your way to earn it. At tier 5 and tier 10 of the Free Welcome Contract, you’ll be granted access to a free agent unlock for whichever agent you desire.

Once you complete a welcome contract and acquire a free agent unlock token, just go to the agent section in the in-game store and select the contract option to permanently unlock that agent.

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One game valorant Rank 1
Fade Champion/Agent Yoru Champion/Agent
Average wait time <10 minutes
$4.00 $3.32 per game
Two games valorant Rank 2
Astra Champion/Agent Clove Champion/Agent
Average wait time <10 minutes
$8.00 $3.00 per game
Three games valorant Rank 3
Jett Champion/Agent Reyna Champion/Agent
Average wait time <10 minutes
$12.00 $2.50 per game

Method #3: Complete Agent Recruitment Events

Clove welcome contract

Since you’re playing the game post Episode 7, you’ll likely be happy to learn that there’s a way to unlock new agents that get added to the game without having to spend a single cent, in-game or otherwise.

Let us take the new agent Clove as an example. When they were added to the game, players received an Agent recruitment event. The event tracked how much experience players acquired in the 28 days of the agent being added to the game, and once they acquired enough, they got Clove for absolutely free.

Similar to this, every time a new agent is added to Valorant, players can play the game as they normally would to accumulate enough experience and acquire the agent for absolutely free. Pretty good deal if you ask us.


What’s the fastest way to unlock new agents in Valorant?

While the other two methods can be useful to get agents for free, buying agents with Kingdom Credits is definitely the fastest method. It’s also the most reliable as the other methods require certain requirements to be met.

Can you try agents before unlocking them?

You certainly can! All you have to do is head to the in-game training map called the Range where you can select whichever agent you want. Try out every agent’s abilities and utilities before deciding on which agent you should unlock next.

What’s next?

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