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How to Get Free Orange Essence in League of Legends 2023

How to Get Free Orange Essence in League of Legends 2023

Out of the multiple types of currencies in League of Legends, the most useful one for free to play players has to be orange essence. After all, it's the currency that lets players unlock amazing new skins and emotes without having to pay a single penny of their own money. However, many players don't know that there are actually multiple ways to get free orange essence in League of Legends.

There are four primary ways of getting orang essence in League of Legends for free. You can disenchant things like skins, you can open multiple hextech chests, watch certain esports events, and participate in events/missions. Naturally, we'll be going in depth as to how all of these things can lead to you getting orange essence for free.

So if you want to find out how you can get your hands on some free orange essence to unlock a skin shard you have then keep reading.

Disenchanting Skins and Emotes

User interface of a game showing skin selection

Disenchanting skins and emotes is a reliable method to obtain free Orange Essence in League of Legends. When you receive a skin or emote that you already own from Hextech Chests, Honor Capsules, or other sources, you have the option to disenchant it for Orange Essence. To do this, navigate to your inventory and locate the duplicate item. Right click on the item or select it and choose the disenchant option.

Upon disenchanting a skin or emote, you will receive Orange Essence as compensation. The amount of Orange Essence you receive depends on the rarity and value of the item. Generally, rarer and more valuable skins or emotes will grant a higher amount of Orange Essence when disenchanted. Legendary skins or exclusive event skins, for example, will yield more Orange Essence compared to common or basic skins.

Of course, you don't necessarily have to disenchant just duplicate skins and emotes either. Instead, you can also disenchant things you don't like or are not able to afford. For example, say you have two skin shards for skins you want. However, you don't have enough orange essence to permanently unlock either. In this scenario, it might be a good idea to disenchant just one of those two skin shards so you can have enough orange essence to permanently unlock the second one.

Opening Hextech Chests

Video game interface showing an inventory screen with various items and a glowing chest

Players can acquire Hextech Chests and Keys through various means, such as leveling up or honoring teammates. Hextech Chests contain valuable loot, including champion shards, skin shards, emotes, and ward skins. The best way of farming hextech chests is by getting an S- or higher in ARAM matches using different champions. Fortunately, have the perfect ARAM guide ready for you already to help you with this.

When a player receives a Hextech Chest, they need a corresponding Key to unlock it. Keys can be obtained by winning matches and demonstrating positive sportsmanship, as players receive Key Fragments that can be combined to form complete Keys. Once a Hextech Chest is unlocked, it reveals several shards of different cosmetic items.

Now, it's true that these shards can be used to directly unlock cosmetics. However, if the player already owns the cosmetic item or wishes to obtain Orange Essence instead, they can choose to disenchant the shard. Disenchanting a shard converts it into Orange Essence, allowing players to accumulate the currency for future use.

Addiitonally, there's also a small chance of these chests dropping gemstones. These precious gemstones can be combined with other materials to unlock exclusive cosmetic items, such as legendary skins or special chromas. Gemstones hold significant value and can be disenchanted for a substantial amount of Orange Essence if players prefer to accumulate currency rather than chase specific exclusive items.

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Participating in Events and Giveaways

Promotional image announcing the return of rewards for watching League of Legends esports on

Riot Games often runs special promotions and giveaways within the League of Legends community. These promotions are designed to reward players and engage them in various activities, fostering a sense of excitement and camaraderie.

These special promotions and giveaways can take various forms. For example, Riot Games may organize community events where players are encouraged to participate in specific game modes or complete certain objectives. By actively taking part in these events, players can earn exclusive cosmetic items, including skins, emotes, and ward skins, which can later be disenchanted for Orange Essence.

Perhaps the most common example of these types of giveaways is when an eSports event like the LCS is going on and Riot tells players to tune in to their Twitch Livestream. By doing so, as long as your Riot account is linked to your Twitch account, you might potentially won exclusive skins or icons which can then, in turn, be disenchanted into orange essence.

Benefit From Rewards of Event Missions 

Screenshot of a game interface featuring a Project Capsule and various game items

Hey, you might not even have to tune into any Twitch stream. Riot Games frequently organizes events and missions within League of Legends, providing players with opportunities to earn exclusive rewards, including Orange Essence. These events are often themed and feature unique game modes, cosmetic items, and limited time content. Participating in these events not only adds a layer of excitement to the game but also offers a chance to accumulate Orange Essence without spending any real money.

During events, Riot Games introduces specific missions that players can complete to earn event-related rewards. These missions typically involve various in-game objectives, such as achieving a certain number of victories, playing specific game modes, or accomplishing specific tasks within matches. By successfully completing these missions, players can unlock valuable rewards, including Orange Essence.

Additionally, events often include event-exclusive loot such as event tokens, event chests, or event capsules. These loot containers may contain Orange Essence shards, which can be disenchanted to obtain Orange Essence. By actively participating in the event and earning these event-exclusive rewards, players can steadily accumulate Orange Essence and expand their cosmetic collection.

What’s next?

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