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Meet Aurora – New League of Legends Champion

Meet Aurora – New League of Legends Champion

League of Legends continues to add new Champions for players to try out and master. From those that fans love like Smolder to rather forgettable ones like Briar, there’s a little something for everyone and that’s what makes the MOBA so fun. Now, there’s another champion revealed by Riot Games by the name of Aurora.

Today, we’re here to go through everything we currently know about Aurora in League of Legends This includes who this Champion is, what she looks like, and the abilities she’ll have that players can use to dominate the Rift.

So, without further ado, here’s everything to know about Aurora. If you want to master this upcoming Champion as soon as she comes out, we recommend you hire a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for a cool 20% discount when you do so.

Who is Aurora from League of Legends?

Anime character with glowing glasses and a furry hood

Aurora is the latest champion to join the League of Legends roster. She’s known as the Witch Between Worlds since she can bridge the gap between the physical and spirit worlds. Aurora comes from the tribe Brynja and lives in the Reljordian village called Aamu. Since childhood, she could connect with multiple dimensions, and over time, her abilities got stronger, and she could control them better. Unlike other characters in League of Legends, Aurora can see both of these worlds clearly and has developed an ability to connect with spirits from the other world.

Aurora’s appearance resembles a witch, with her magical aura everywhere and her wand in her hand. One of the most recognizable aspects of her appearance is her bunny ears and tail.

In patch 14.11’s update, she was shown in the League of Legends client through a minigame where she meets up with Ornn and fixes up his home in the Freljord, becoming friends.

What are Aurora’s abilities?

Fantasy character in winter scene with magical rabbits

Aurora’s abilities help her with mobility, damage, and crowd control, which makes her a versatile and useful champion in the game.

While we’re slightly highlighting her abilities, we recommend you check our in-depth ability article for the full picture.

Passive: Spirit Abjuration

Aurora’s passive ability, Spirit Abjuration, exorcizes spirits from every enemy she damages, and these spirits start following her to give her heals and mobility.

Q: Twofold Hex

The Twofold Hex ability is a skill shot that fires a missile that curses any opponent it hits. The best part about these missiles is that Aurora can recast them to draw all the curses back towards herself, so anyone caught in the way will be damaged. This makes it a powerful passive when she’s fighting against large groups of enemies.

W: Across the Veil

Aurora’s W ability makes her jump in any direction she chooses and lets her enter the spirit realm when landing, so she becomes invisible to the opponents for a short time. Across the Veil is an incredible utility for ganking and setting up combos.

E: The Weirding

Fantasy female warrior casting magical spells

The Weirding unlocks a small window to the spirit realm, sending out a big blast of spirit magic multiple enemies can get caught inside. Whoever is hit by The Weirding gets lots of damage and slows down, making it a great ability for those who want to retreat or finish an escaping enemy.

R: Between Worlds

Aurora’s ultimate ability makes her jump in any direction she wants, just like her W ability. However, unlike her W ability, which makes her invisible, the ultimate one sends out a shockwave that slows down and depletes the health of any opponent caught in it. After that, she creates a small area that can trap enemies inside and allows Aurora to teleport from any side of the area to the next without getting damaged.

These utilities make her a powerful mid-laner, with her being able to be offensive or defensive depending on the situation.

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When is Aurora coming out?

The mage, Aurora, will be added to League of Legends on patch 14.14. Although Riot hasn’t shared the exact date of the patch’s release date, it’s safe to assume she’ll be available from July 17, 2024, considering that’s when the next update will land based on Riot’s two-week patch schedule.

Players expect that Aurora will be playable on the Public Beta Environment on July 3, two weeks before the official release, so players can try her out and send feedback to Riot so it can make adjustments to her before her launch.

What’s next?

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