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What to do when contested in Teamfight Tactics?

What to do when contested in Teamfight Tactics?

Teamfight Tactics can put players in a wide variety of scenarios. While some scenarios are easy to get out of, others can have even the most veteran of players scratching their heads wondering what they should do next. One of the scenarios that fall in the latter category is when the player is contested.

Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about being contested in Teamfight Tactics. This includes what it means to be contested in the game and what you should do if you find yourself in that situation. Additionally, we’ll also highlight some tips to avoid getting contested.

So, without further ado, here’s what you should do when you’re contested in Teamfight Tactics.

What does it mean when the competition is contested in TFT?

Intense strategic team battle in a fantasy game

When it says that the competition is contested in TFT, it means that two or more people have compositions with the same units as you. It's important to know what contested means because every champion in the match is from the same pool of characters, so if multiple people use the same team composition, it becomes harder for everyone to find their required units.

What should you do if the competition is contested in TFT?

Tactical battle scene in a fantasy strategy game

There are multiple things you can do if your competition is contested in TFT, such as:

Outplay them and bait out troops you can counter

This is easier said than done, but it means deploying your champions in a way that can bait the opponent into sending in stronger troops that you can easily counter. Since you already know their team composition, doing this will put you at an advantage against the enemy.

Commit to your team

Alternatively, you can bait the opposing person into thinking that you’re committing to a specific composition, which can cause them to lose morale and change their strategy, giving you the advantage since you’ll still be able to execute your plan. In contrast, they must work on a new approach.

Manage items and gold 

Strategic fantasy game battlefield with characters engaged in combat

Using your items and gold properly makes the difference between winning and losing a game, especially when contested. Try to keep your economy as healthy as possible by spending it on essentials and not wasting it on rerolls. By following this strategy, you’ll have gold whenever you’re in a pinch and need it.

Try to get items and troops vital to your team composition and strengthen them, as these can make your team undefeatable or weak.

Deny the enemy

If you have more gold than the enemy, try to collect champions that may be vital to them before they can get it. Getting champions before your opponent will ensure they can’t make the team composition they want, forcing them to change strategies and giving you the upper hand.

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How to avoid getting contested in TFT

Intense strategic battle scene in a fantasy game

Sometimes, it’s better to avoid getting contested altogether in TFT. You can do this by:

Scouting the enemy team

Always track your opponent’s squad and try to determine if you’re getting contested or not. You can check for patterns by looking for patterns and similarities between your playstyle and your enemy’s, and then switch your team composition accordingly.

Play flex

By playing flex, we mean that you should be able to adapt and adjust to any situation thrown. It also means that you shouldn’t stick to a few team compositions but play with a variety of combinations so you get the upper hand in any situation.

To play flex properly, understand how the game’s core mechanics work, how the economy works, what items do, and what augments do. Once you’ve understood and mastered all of these, you’ll be able to examine every situation you get into and figure out what to do next.

What’s next?

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