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Top 5 characters to pair with Juno in Overwatch 2

Top 5 characters to pair with Juno in Overwatch 2

Juno is the newest entry in the Overwatch 2 hero roster. While previous playable characters had some sort of similarities with existing heroes, the same can’t be said for Juno, who utilizes the power of gravity to rain devastation upon enemies. However, Overwatch 2 is a team-based game at the end of the day, so it’s important to ensure the team composition complements every hero.

Today, we’re here to go through the five best heroes players should pair with Juno in Overwatch 2. In addition to highlighting the heroes, we’ll also dive deep into why the heroes work so well with the space ranger and give some tips players can utilize for insane combination strategies.

So, without any more delay, here are the top 5 characters to pair with Juno in Overwatch 2. If you want to learn how to play your favorite heroes like a professional you can always hire a professional-level coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount in the process.

What characters work best with Juno?

With Juno finally playable in Overwatch 2, players are confused about how they can pair her up with other characters in the roster. Juno’s abilities primarily help teammates with mobility and damage, as opposed to providing healing, so it puts her in a unique place compared to other support heroes like Ana or Mercy.

Here’s a list of some of the best characters to pair with Juno:


Futuristic cowboy character in game

Pairing Juno with the revolver-shooting character Cassidy is a no-brainer. Cassidy does immense damage with his gun, often being able to reduce an enemy’s health to a nibble after two or three shots. Once he injures someone, Juno can use her burst damage attacks to finish them off.

While Cassidy deals a lot of damage, his movement is slow. This is where Juno’s mobility abilities come into play. Juno can increase the shooter’s movement speed so he can use his ultimate ability quickly and chase down opponents, while she can go after retreating heroes on high ground.


Female warrior with a rifle in a video game setting

Ana is one of the best healers in the game, where good players can even outheal people playing Mercy. While she can heal well and fight off flankers alone, she’s no good when it comes to retreating since mobility is one of her weakest aspects. 

By having Juno alongside Ana, they can fight flankers together, and the new support hero can drop a Hyper Ring to give her teammate a speed boost so they can retreat to safety.


A futuristic robot with blue and white coloring in a technology lab

Echo has great mobility thanks to her flying ability, so Juno can’t help the DPS hero in that apartment, but that doesn’t mean the latter is a bad match-up with the former. Echo can damage opponents to a slither of health, and then Juno can kill them using her mobility and burst damage.

With Echo always flying around, it’s hard to heal the character with other support heroes, so Juno can shine in that department by using her auto-lock healing ability. Finally, mixing Echo’s Sticky Bombs with Juno’s Pulsar Torpedoes and Orbital Ray guarantees kills.


Video game character with pink hair and futuristic armor

Zarya is the best Tank to pair with Juno. With Zarya’s immense damage-dealing potential and Juno’s support kit, they can take down almost anyone they fight against. Juno can use her Hyper Ring to make the Tank faster so they both can play as aggressively or defensively as they want.

Also, combining both of their ultimates is an easy way to kill off entire teams. As both heroes utilize gravity magic in some way, Zarya’s pull paired with Juno’s ultimate can be a recipe for disaster for the enemy team.


Futuristic robotic knight with neon green visor and accents, poised for action

Ending off our list is Genji. Yes, they both excel at mobility and finishing off enemies, but what makes this pair special is the speed boost Juno can provide to Genji whenever he uses his ultimate ability. 

With Juno’s Hyper Ring, Genji can get a movement boost and take down numerous enemies in quick succession with his ultimate, guaranteeing a good number of kills to win the game. If any enemy is left alive, Juno can finish them with her burst damage, which recharges Genji’s dash, letting the Ninja go after others.

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How can you unlock Juno in Overwatch 2?

Fortunately, Overwatch 2 doesn’t require players to unlock any heroes anymore and every new hero is automatically unlocked for every player. This is extremely contradicting to Overwatch 2’s past when players had to complete challenges to unlock new heroes.

What’s next?

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