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New Arena mode announced for League of Legends Season 15
Hamza Rashid
04 Mar 2025
Posted On
League of Legends is primarily known for its Summoner’s Rift mode. The typical 5v5 mode where there are a total of five roles for every player to fill and the goal is to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus is absolutely iconic. However, that doesn’t mean Riot Games doesn’t experiment with different modes, and some of them end up being fan-favorites, as was the case with the Arena mode.
Arena is a limited-time mode that occasionally comes to League of Legends, and it has returned with patch 25.05[1]. Riot Games is bringing big changes to League of Legends’ Arena mode with the Arena Fame system, new mechanics, and major quality-of-life improvements, though some of them may be confusing. Fortunately, we’re here to help with that.
Here’s everything to know about the new version of League of Legends’ Arena mode, including the updated fame system.
When will Arena mode come to League of Legends S15?
Arena will be available in EUW, EUN, RU, MEA, and TR at 8 AM PT (16:00 UTC) on March 5, 2025. It will then launch in all Riot regions at 11 AM PT (19:00 UTC) on March 5, 2025. It’s unknown when the mode will go away.
What is the Arena Frame system in League of Legends?
Instead of focusing on climbing a ranked ladder, players will now earn Fame by simply playing Arena matches and achieving specific milestones. Certain actions, like winning with a champion for the first time or finishing in first place, will grant even more Fame. Playing with friends even provides a 20% Fame bonus.
How to Earn Fame
10 Fame per round played (+20% bonus when playing with friends).
50 Fame for playing a champion for the first time.
150 Fame for winning with a champion for the first time.
200 Fame for placing 1st with a champion.
30 Fame for using the Bravery button (random champion selection).
10 Fame for picking a Crowd Favorite champion.
Fame Rewards
Accumulating Fame unlocks various in-game bonuses, including new Augments, rerolls, and visual upgrades:
Level 1 (100 Fame): Overflow (Silver Augment).
Level 2 (1,400 Fame): Hattrick (Gold Augment).
Level 3 (2,900 Fame): Matchup intro upgrade.
Level 4 (4,900 Fame): Slow and Steady (Gold Augment).
Level 9 (28,400 Fame): Another Matchup intro upgrade.
Beyond Level 9: Fame continues increasing indefinitely and is displayed in Arena lobbies.
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Guest of Honor System Replaces Cameos
The Cameo system is being replaced by Guest of Honor, a new mechanic where famous League of Legends champions appear to change game rules. Players vote on a Guest, and one player is randomly chosen to enforce their rule for the rest of the match.
First Wave of Guest of Honor Effects
Darius - Teams take 50 damage when a team is eliminated, but survivors heal 5 HP.
Rell - Prismatic Anvils cost 1,000 gold less.
Vladimir - All players receive a bonus Augment.
Swain - Collecting Ravens during combat improves future Augment offerings.
Kled - Grants a spell after combat to disrupt an ongoing fight.
Xin Zhao - Below 60 HP, gain a Gold Stat Anvil. At risk of elimination? Gain a Prismatic Stat Anvil.
Briar - Round damage increases by 5. Winning while at risk of elimination heals 15 HP.
Mordekaiser - One random player from each team enters the Death Realm during combat.
Talon - One combatant per team deals 20% extra damage but drops 250 gold when slain.
Sion - Ring of Fire spawns 15 seconds earlier and moves around the arena.
Elise - Instead of reviving, Elise cocoons fallen players, requiring teammates to free them.
More Guests of Honor will be revealed in a second wave of updates.