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GGBoost: What is GGBoost and is it better than Eloking?

GGBoost is a boosting service platform that is primarily known for its League of Legends boosting services. Having been around since 2015, it is one of the oldest boosting platforms around and, as such, has built an incredible brand image. With that being said, it isn't even considered to be in the top 3 boosting platforms currently as Eloking (number 1), Boost Royal (number 2), and EB24 (number 3) hold those titles.

While at first they only provided boosting services for League of Legends, they have since then started offering boosting for other games as well. These games included TFT, Wild Rift, and even Valorant boosting, the FPS game developed by Riot Games.

They have catered to thousands of customers over the years and currently have over 500 dedicated boosters. They also have 6 customer service representatives who handle all the customer related issues. Additionally, they also have some rather good reviews over at Trustpilot, though not as good as Eloking.

What Does GGBoost Stand For

GG is a gaming term that stands for 'Good Game'. This term is included with the name of GGBoost as it references the gaming industry link the platform shares. Additionally, 'boost' refers to when a player hires a booster

What does a booster boost? Wins, games, rank, division, a booster boosts anything that is required from the person who hires them for any specific game.

Is GGBoost Boost Service Trusted?

Yes, GGBoost has been around for 5+ years at this point, and as such, has garnered a positive reputation for itself. While the reputation of GGBoost isn't as positive as, say, EB24 or Eloking, it's still good enough to be considered trustworthy.

What makes GGBoost stand out from the competition?

Why Some People Choose Eloking or EB24 Over GGBoost?

The thing about the boosting industry, or any industry for that matter, is that competition is perhaps the best thing. After all, it urges companies to have to improve and stand out if they want an advantage over their competitors.

Now, the biggest reason players tend to gravitate towards GGBoost is because of their time in the industry. Over 5 years is a long time, especially in a fast moving industry like this, and as such, many people consider it to be a safe option. However, those who have tried GGBoost but still opted to use an alternative like Eloking or EB24 usually mention the following reasons:

What Are the Alternatives to GGBoost LoL Boosting?

The best alterenatives to GGBoost LoL Boosting are:

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