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How to Change Your League Cursor in League of Legends

How to Change Your League Cursor in League of Legends

One of the most essential features in a game like League of Legends is the cursor. After all, it's the thing we see regardless of what action we perform. However, what most players don't know is that the default League of Legends cursor, hard to see as it is, can actually be changed back to the original default legacy one.

To change your League of Legends cursor to the legacy one, first launch a game, as the option doesn't appear in the client when out of a match. Inside a game, open the settings tab, select 'interface', and scroll down until you see the 'legacy cursor' option. Enable it and click on 'okay' at the bottom right of the window.

We'll be going through everything you need to know about changing your League of Legends cursor, from changing the cursor itself to just the size.

How to Change Your Cursor

Of course, there are many reasons someone might want to change their cursor, but the most common one is that they just can't get used to it, may that be because it's so different when compared to the cursor in other games, or because they prefer the older cursor that used to be the default one before an update changed it.

Legacy Cursor

Unfortunately, there's no official way of changing your cursor in League of Legends to a custom one. However, it's still possible to change it to the legacy cursor League used to have. It's the one that was the default cursor before an update changed it to the one we use today.

For those who don't know, the legacy cursor was the iconic gauntlet with the index finger pointing out before it was changed to be the arrow icon you'll see if you launch the game today.

Changing your LoL cursor is a fun way to customize your gaming experience


To change your League of Legends cursor back to the legacy cursor, all you have to do is:

  1. First, ensure you're in a game. Any game works (even a custom one or practice tool) as the option doesn't appear in the out of game client.
  2. Then, go to the settings window. You can do this by pressing the ESC button.
  3. Click on the 'interface' option towards the left of the settings window.
  4. Scroll down until you find the 'Legacy cursor' option and enable it.
  5. Finally, click on the 'okay' option at the bottom right of the window and the legacy cursor setting will have been applied.

Is the Legacy Cursor Better Than the Default One

The legacy League of Legends cursor was originally removed from the game completely back in 2018/ However, because of the outcry from players who didn't like the new cursor or just wanted the old one back, Riot Games decided to bring out an update that gave players the option to play with the old cursor again.

Although whether or not the legacy cursor is better than the default one is something that's completely subjective as it depends on your personal play style, comfort, preference, and experience, some professional League of Legends players argue otherwise.

Some of them believe that the legacy cursor is objectively better because of reasons such as it being harder to lose in the case of a chaotic team fight, and the attack variant of the legacy cursor being more prominent and therefore decreasing the chances of mistaking it for the idle variant.

Custom Cursor

As we mentioned above, there's no OFFICIAL way of using a custom cursor. However, the internet has a way of getting things done. Although it's possible to use a custom cursor for League of Legends, we don't recommend it because of how tedious and unreliable the process is.

As a matter of fact, there have been reports of players getting banned for messing with the game files, because of which we recommend that if you DO end up using a custom cursor, you use it only in an unofficial League of Legends client, as just like the authenticity of using custom champion skins, using a custom cursor is something even the Riot Games customer service employees are split on.

With that said, to use a custom cursor, you'll first have to download the 3D file from the internet. Before downloading anything, however, ensure the website is safe to use. You will then have to replace the asset file of the cursor from the League of Legends file location after which you should be able to see the custom cursor instead of the official one.

How to Change League Cursor Size

It may be that the thing you want to change isn't the cursor itself, but just its size. Of course, this might be for a variety of reasons such as wanting to be able to select objectives to attack more easily and not wanting to lose sight of the cursor in case a chaotic team fight full of champions from both sides ensues during a critical point in a match.

Making the cursor bigger isn't the only thing this option can do for you, as it's also possible to decrease its size. Maybe the cursor keeps getting in the way, or perhaps you're used to having smaller cursors like the crosshair of an FPS game.

Here's how you can change your LoL cursor in the interface settings


Fortunately, changing the size of the League cursor is really easy and straightforward and can be done in the client itself. All you have to do is:

  1. First, ensure you're in a game. Any game works (even a custom one or practice tool) as the option doesn't appear in the out of game client.
  2. Then, go to the settings window. You can do this by pressing the ESC button.
  3. Click on the 'interface' option towards the left of the settings window.
  4. Scroll down until you find the 'cursor scale' option under the 'interface size' heading'
  5. Under this option will be a slider. Sliding the bar toward the left will decrease the size of the cursor while sliding it toward the right will have the opposite effect.
  6. When you're satisfied with the size, click on the 'okay' option at the bottom right of the window to confirm the change.
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How to Apply a League of Legends Cursor for Windows 10

Finally, although this doesn't have anything to do with the game itself, many League of Legends players wonder if it's possible to change their Windows 10 cursor to either look like the one from the game or apply one that has been inspired by their favorite MOBA.

Well, we're here to tell you that it's more than possible to apply a League of Legends cursor for Windows 10. However, you'll have to scour the internet a little, as there's no official way of doing it.

You can use LoL cursors too for your Windows 10 OS!


To apply a League of Legends cursor for Windows 10 you have to:

  1. First, look for a trusted website that allows you to apply custom cursors for Windows 10. For this example, we'll be using
  2. On the website, look for the option to download the application and click on it.
  3. As soon as the download is complete, install the application and run it.
  4. Now that you have the application, all you need to do is go back to the website and search for League of Legends inspired custom cursors.
  5. When you've found the one you want to apply, simply click on the blue 'add' option and you should be able to use the new custom League of Legends cursor freely.

What’s next?

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