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League of Legends: Patch 14.11 AD Item Changes
Jack Willa
04 Nov 2024
Posted On
Patch 14.11 has brought significant adjustments to several AD items in League of Legends, aiming to balance gameplay and enhance strategic diversity. These changes come in response to the high-crit damage meta. By addressing item power levels and promoting diverse itemization paths, Riot Games aims to create a more dynamic and engaging experience for players.
This patch introduces changes to AD items, impacting key items like The Collector, Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, Immortal Shieldbow, and Statikk Shiv. Notable adjustments include lowered crit damage for Infinity Edge and buffs to Immortal Shieldbow and Statikk Shiv. These changes aim to balance champions abusing high-crit damage meta and diversify itemization paths.
Here’s a detailed look at the changes to each item and their potential impact on the game.
The Collector
The lethality of The Collector has been reduced from 15 to 12. This adjustment is substantial as it diminishes the item's effectiveness in securing kills with its execute passive. The decreased lethality makes The Collector less potent in the early to mid-game, potentially altering the itemization choices for champions relying on burst damage.
Essence Reaver
Essence Reaver now costs 3,100 gold, making it 100 gold cheaper. This price reduction can significantly influence build paths for champions who benefit from its mana sustain and bonus damage. The cheaper cost allows for a faster power spike, enabling champions to reach their core items more quickly and maintain mana for sustained engagements.
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Immortal Shieldbow
The shield health provided by Immortal Shieldbow has been increased from a range of 320-530 to 320-720, with the scaling starting earlier, from level 8 instead of level 11.
This buff enhances the survivability of marksmen and other champions who rely on Shieldbow for sustain and protection. The earlier scaling offers more resilience in the mid-game, helping players withstand burst damage and prolonged skirmishes.
Infinity Edge
Infinity Edge’s bonus crit damage has been nerfed from 50% to 40%, while its attack damage remains unchanged. This change is aimed at reducing the overall damage output of crit-based marksmen. By lowering the crit damage, Riot Games seeks to balance the power of champions who rely heavily on critical strikes, making them less dominant in late-game scenarios.
Serrated Dirk
Players can no longer possess more than one Serrated Dirk at a time. This limitation affects champions who previously stacked Dirks for an early-game lethality boost. The change encourages a more diverse itemization strategy and prevents excessive early-game power spikes that could unbalance the game.
The recipe now includes Rectrix instead of Hearthbound Axe.
The combined cost has increased to 1,000 gold from 700.
The total cost has decreased to 2,800 gold from 2,900.
The item now provides 5 additional AD, 5% more attack speed, and 7% movement speed.
The lightning damage to minions has increased from 90 to 120.
These buffs make Statikk Shiv a more attractive option, offering better stats and increased mobility. The enhanced lightning damage further improves wave clear and poke potential, making it a versatile choice for various champions.
Impact on Gameplay
The changes in Patch 14.11 are likely to have several impacts on gameplay:
Diverse Itemization: With the nerfs to The Collector and Infinity Edge, and the buffs to Statikk Shiv and Immortal Shieldbow, players might explore alternative build paths. Champions that relied on heavy crit damage might look for other items to maintain their effectiveness.
Early to Mid-Game Dynamics: The earlier shield scaling on Immortal Shieldbow and the cheaper Essence Reaver will shift power dynamics in the early to mid-game, providing champions with faster access to crucial items and improved survivability.
Strategic Adjustments: The limitation on Serrated Dirk stacking and the enhancements to Statikk Shiv promote more strategic itemization and champion builds, fostering a more balanced and competitive environment.
Overall, Patch 14.11 introduces changes that encourage strategic diversity and balance, significantly impacting ADCs and crit-building champions. The adjustments require these champions to explore alternative builds and strategies, enhancing the overall gameplay experience by promoting varied itemization and more balanced team dynamics.