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How to Get Better at AWPing in CS:GO?

How to Get Better at AWPing in CS:GO?

The AWP (Arctic Warfare Police) is definitely one of the most recognizable and popular weapons in all of CS:GO. However, the fact of the matter is that while it’s very common to come across clips of other players landing insane shots with this weapon, using it for yourself is actually really difficult.

To get better at using the AWP, there are six crucial things you need to do. Those things are you have to practice your aim, develop game sense, start communicating with your team, start learning from your mistakes, understand game mechanics, and finally master movement and positioning.

We’ll be going through all six of these aspects in depth to ensure you’re able to get better at AWPing in CS:GO.

Practice Your Aim

Player aiming with a sniper rifle in a video game

Naturally, the most important thing you have to do if you want to improve your AWPing is to practice your aim. The better your aim will be, the more consistently you’ll find yourself getting kills with this weapon.

In addition to playing matches, utilize aim maps, deathmatch servers, and aim training workshops from places like Aim Lab to focus specifically on your AWP skills. The main goal is to be good enough that you’re able to consistently land some good flicks when put in stressful scenarios.

Practice quick scopes to eliminate enemies with speed and precision. Additionally, develop your general accuracy by consistently hitting shots on static targets. The more time you put into practicing your general aiming, the better AWPer you’ll be.

Master Movement and Positioning

As an AWPer, your movement and positioning are crucial for success, as it’s your movement that eventually determines whether you’ll get good kills or get caught by surprise by the enemy. Many players wrongfully assume that movement is secondary in FPS games, when it’s way more important than one might initially think.

Practice strafing and counter-strafing techniques to maintain your accuracy while on the move. Understanding when to shoulder peek or wide peek can make a significant difference in winning duels. Finally, always position yourself in places where you’re able to get the enemy by surprise without having to risk yourself being exposed at all.

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Develop Game Sense

Professional esports gamer playing at a tournament

This one might sound a little weird at first, but hear us out. Game sense is one of the many things that differentiates a noob AWPer from a professional one. Having strong game sense is essential for any successful AWPer. You have to pay attention to the flow of the game, including the economy, team strategies, and opponent tendencies, and then make the most of the information you have.

Understand when to reposition, rotate, or hold angles to maximize your impact, predict enemy movements based on available information, and anticipate their positions. All of these things plus gathering information from your teammates through effective communication are crucial for making informed decisions.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Regularly analyzing your gameplay and learning from your mistakes is crucial for improvement. Review your demos, paying close attention to missed shots, positioning errors, and decision making lapses.

It’s crucial that you identify patterns you display when AWPing in CS:GO and, if required, you change them, Now, we understand that it might be rather confusing for many players to do this, in which case we highly recommend you ask a professional CS:GO player from Eloking to spectate you in a match to catch patterns and mistakes.

Communicate With Your Team

Four armed soldiers in tactical gear standing in front of a building

As an AWPer, effective communication and coordination with your team are vital. Collaborate with your teammates to gather information, set up crossfires, and execute strategies. It’s also crucial that you give them your information and ask them to cover your flank to ensure you’re able to take down enemies without having to watch your back all the time.

Request support when necessary and relay important information about enemy movements or spotted targets. A well coordinated team will increase your impact as an AWPer by a lot, and with that, also increase your chances of success.

Understand Weapon Mechanics

Last but definitely not least, if you want to get better at AWPing then you’ll have to also understand weapon mechanics. To be more specific, you’ll have to learn the weapon's firing speed and the time it takes to recover accuracy after each shot. 

Familiarize yourself with the scope mechanics and recognize that movement speed is significantly reduced when scoped. This understanding will allow you to time your shots more effectively, quick scope efficiently, and master the art of no scopes when necessary.

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about Counter-Strike - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking CS2 Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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