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How to identify items in Path of Exile 2

How to identify items in Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 has an extremely high number of items and currencies players can and must acquire to advance in the game. Every item serves a distinct purpose, whether it’s a Chaos Orb or Exalted Orb. However, what some newcomers may not know is that players must identify items before they can equip them.

Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about identifying items in Path of Exile 2. This includes why players will have to identify items in the game so they can equip them, and how players can complete the requirements to unlock the most common way to identify items. Finally, we’ll also go through other methods players can use to identify items in the game.

So, without any more delay, here’s how players can identify items in Path of Exile 2. With the game’s popularity, some newcomers may feel like Path of Exile 2 is too grindy, especially considering all the currencies and orbs. Fortunately, those players can always turn to the Eloking Path of Exile 2 marketplace to meet all their PoE 2 currency-related needs.

Why is it important to identify items in Path of Exile 2?

Gauze Wraps gloves with evasion and energy shield stats in a game inventory

Players cannot equip unidentified items in Path of Exile 2, and their magical bonuses stay hidden, so players need to identify them. It’s essential to identify items because knowing what attributes a gear has will let players know whether they should equip it or discard it.

Players can use Scrolls of Wisdom, a consumable item that is easy to get, to reveal attributes. Blue-rarity enemies and treasure chests drop Scrolls of Wisdom. Players can buy them from NPC merchants too. A better method is available once players progress through the game.

How to unlock the Hooded One in Path of Exile 2?

Later in the game, players can identify their items for free by unlocking an NPC called The Hooded One, introduced in the first act of Path of Exile 2. Gamers must finish the questline “The Mysterious Shade”, which has numerous objectives and challenges to unlock the NPC. Here’s how to finish the questline:

1. Complete the Sorrow Among Stones quest

Sorrow Among Stones quest screen in Diablo game

The first step is for players to reanimate an NPC named Lachlann the Lost as part of the Sorrow Among Stones quest. This act is accessible after the user defeats Ervig, the Rotten Druid, and reaches the area ahead of the Grim Tangle. Lachlan the Lost will be in the new location where players must search nearby cemeteries for two dungeons.

Inside these dungeons, players will fight two bosses.

Each boss can summon the other during the fight, so the encounters might be challenging if the player isn’t prepared. After defeating both bosses, go back to Lachlann.

2. Fight Lachlann of Endess Lament

Path of Exile gameplay featuring the Lament location.

Players must follow Lachlann through the gate after returning to him and speaking to him. There, players have to defeat Lachlann as he's the final boss of the quest. Defeat Lachlann to get Count Lachlann’s Ring, which gamers can deliver to Una back at the camp.

3. Complete The Mysterious Shade Quest

Finishing the Sorrow Among Stones quest also completes The Mysterious Shade quest, making The Hooded One available as an NPC in the camp.

How to identify items from The Hooded One in PoE 2?

The Hooded One game menu with options

After unlocking The Hooded One, players can interact with them to identify all unidentified items in their inventory for free, making Scrolls of Wisdom optional for most purposes. To identify an item with The Hooded One, do these things:

  1. Talk to The Hooded One in the camp. He will be standing next to the stash.
  2. Select the “Identify Items” option from the dialogue menu.
  3. The Hooded One will automatically identify every unidentified item in the player’s inventory.
  4. The total items they have identified will appear on the left side of the screen.

This is a quick and efficient process that allows gamers to manage their gear without opening their inventory. If the player wants to return to The Hooded One, they can use Town Portals to return and ensure that their inventory is clear and nothing is left behind.

Other perks of The Hooded One

A mysterious character known as The Hooded One in an action scene.

Alongside identifying items, The Hooded One can respect passive skill points. This feature allows players to experiment with different builds and playstyles. It’s worth noting that respeccing is an expensive transaction that requires lots of gold to undo multiple points.

Other ways to identify items for free in PoE 2

Scroll of Wisdom in a game inventory showing item identification details

The other way to identify items is by using the Scrolls of Wisdom. These items are convenient for players far from camp and have difficulty backtracking to a town. It's also useful during extended explorations when their inventory fills with loot that needs immediate use.

Players can get Scrolls of Wisdom through these means:

Una in Clearfell Encampment sells Scrolls of Wisdom, and players can find her sitting on the bench by the fire in the town's center. Interacting with her and then selecting the buy option to look at what she’s selling, which includes an infinite number of Scrolls of Wisdom.


Can you equip items without identifying them in Path of Exile 2?

No. It’s crucial for players to identify items in Path of Exile 2 [1] if they want to equip them. Fortunately, there are various methods to do so, including The Hooded One and Una.

How do you identify an item through The Hooded One in PoE 2?

After unlocking The Hooded One by following the above steps, all you have to do is speak with the NPC and select the identify items option in his dialogue box. Doing this identifies all unidentified items in your inventory for free without requiring any Scrolls of Wisdom.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 12, 2024

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