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PoE2 Marketplace

How to put a Path of Exile 2 item for sale

How to put a Path of Exile 2 item for sale

Path of Exile 2 [1] is finally out, even if it’s in early access. Millions of players worldwide are jumping into the game for the first time, whether with friends or alone, to grind their characters to the top. However, thanks to the type of game Path of Exile 2 is, some players may find the resource and currency grind tiring. On the other hand, others may find themselves with a surplus of items that they want to get rid of.

Eloking is proud to announce its brand-new Path of Exile 2 marketplace, which brings buyers and sellers together. Whether you’re someone who wants an easy way to acquire a high amount of items and orbs or someone who wants to sell their existing items and make some money on the side, Eloking is here for you.

Here’s a dedicated article guiding you on how you can sell your items on the Eloking Path of Exile 2 marketplace. After this, you’ll know exactly how you can go to the official Eloking POE 2 marketplace and start selling or buying items.

How to put an item for trade in Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 has a dedicated trading feature, through which the game ensures both the buyer and seller agree on everything before making a transaction. To receive any item from the Eloking marketplace, it's crucial for the buyer to first set up a trade. Below is a step by step guide for how to put items for trade in Path of Exile 2.

Step 1: Make a public stash tab

Currency management screen in a game with color options for items

The first step starts with players starting the game and going to the stash tab. From here, players must either create a new stash tab or edit an existing stash tab. The goal is to ensure the stash tab is public, which you can do by right-clicking on the tab.

It's important to keep in mind that the stash must be premium. Regular stashes can't be customized, which means players can't make it public. Fortunately, premium stash bundles aren't too expensive, and those who bought the early access will have more than enough points to afford any of the available premium stash bundles. If that wasn't enough, the premium stashes also frequently go on sale.

Step 2: Give an item a price

Stash management interface in Path of Exile showing items for sale and currency details.

Up next, you want to add an item to the stash. With that done, right-click the item and set the price. Ensure the price is exact to ensure nothing goes wrong. Something like exact price, 7, exalt.

Step 3: Send the seller your in-game name

Logged in to Path of Exile account overview

With all the above steps done, all that's left is for the seller to locate your stash. To do this, you want to go to the official Path of Exile 2 trading website [2] and note your name from the top-left corner. The name will be in the following format: name#1234 (assigned profile ID). Send the seller your ID and let them do the rest!

Frequent issues

Setting an item for trading may be straightforward, but some rare issues still happen. Here are two of the most frequent issues and how you can solve them.

I can't set my item's price

If you can't set the price of the item you entered in your stash, then you likely didn't make the stash public. If people can't locate your stash, then there would naturally be no use for items to have a price. Simply right-click the stash and ensure the public option is ticked.

I can't make my stash public 

Premium stash tab bundle for character customization in Path of Exile.

As we mentioned above, it's crucial for you to have a premium stash tab if you want to make it public. Fortuntely, you can get the Premium Stash Tab Bundle for a meager 40 POE 2 points, which is nothing compared to how much the early access purchase gets you.

How to list an item on the Eloking marketplace?

Below are the steps to follow if you want to put your Path of Exile 2 items for sale on the Eloking marketplace.

Step 1: Become an official Eloking PoE 2 seller

The first step to selling all the Path of Exile 2 items and currency you want is to become an official Eloking PoE 2 seller. Fortunately, doing so is extremely easy!

First, go to and scroll all the way down. Here, you want to click on the “opportunities” option under the company heading.

Opportunities section in footer navigation

Then, scroll down and interact with “Apply to work at Eloking”. Alternatively, you can also click this link to be directed to the application section.

Apply to work at Eloking button

You’ll get the option to either apply to be a booster or seller. Since you’re here to sell Path of Exile 2 items, you want to click on “seller”. After selecting that, fill out the required information to submit your application.


Select your role as a Booster or Seller for competitive gaming.

Eloking prides itself on being a trusted PoE 2 marketplace, so we’ll verify all the information you submit. After all, we can’t let just anyone become a seller, right? Only verified sellers are selected to work with Eloking, which is why you might have to wait for some time for a response. However, you can rest assured that we’ll give you a proper response as soon as possible!

Step 2: List the PoE 2 items you want to sell

After becoming a verified Eloking PoE 2 seller, you’ll get access to our leading marketplace from the member’s area. From here, you can manage all the items you’ve put up for sale, including setting them as active or inactive. To add a new item to the marketplace, click on the “new listing” option on the top-right corner of the marketplace.

Marketplace listings for Path of Exile items, including Exalted Orb, Divine Orb, and Chaos Orb.

Here, you want to fill up the required information. This includes the item you want to sell, its price, and how many you can afford to sell. We urge you to take your time with this part as it’s important to ensure all the information is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

New listing details for Path of Exile 2 currency

Step 3: Let the money roll in

Oh, you thought this guide would be longer? With the item up for sale on the listing page, all you have to do is wait for a buyer to purchase it. Naturally, if you want, you can place multiple items up for sale on the marketplace to ensure you can reach various types of buyers with different wants.

Path of Exile 2 Marketplace showcasing various items for sale

When a customer opens an order, the buyer and seller will be able to freely communicate with each other. Naturally, this will be through the Eloking website to ensure there aren’t any scams or nefarious activities.

After the buyer and seller come to an agreement and the transaction is completed, it’s up to the buyer to mark the order as complete. If the seller runs out of the listed item, they can set the listing as inactive until they get more. On the other hand, if they still have more to spare, they should keep it active to ensure other buyers can see the listing when they want.


What are the requirements to become an Eloking seller?

We require our sellers to have various qualities that ensure they can become excellent sellers and deliver whatever our customers need. However, everything boils down to three primary requirements:

  1. The seller should have excellent knowledge of the PoE 2 market. We can’t have a seller overcharging our customers, even if it’s because they weren’t aware of the actual price.
  2. The seller’s stated inventory must be reliable. If you say you have 200 Exalted Orbs then you should have 200 Exalted Orbs for our customers. Any less is a violation of our requirements and results in a bad experience for everyone involved.
  3. The seller must have a fast delivery time. We can’t have our customers waiting for days just to get some Path of Exile 2 item or currency. After all, in that case, wouldn’t it be better for them to just grind for the items themselves?


  1. [1] "Official Path of Exile 2 website". Retrieved December 11, 2024
  2. [2] "Official POE 2 trading website". Retrieved December 11, 2024

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