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Every Valorant patch 8.11 Agent changes

Every Valorant patch 8.11 Agent changes

Riot Games is constantly making changes to its games to ensure things stay fresh and fair. Valorant in particular requires someone to keep a close eye on the characters thanks to all of the unique abilities that could give some players an unfair advantage or disadvantage. Patch 8.11 is set to do exactly that.

Here, we’re about to go through every Agent change to be made in Valorant patch 8.11. In addition to going through every agent who’ll get a nerf or buff, we’ll also dive into some other questions, including when the patch can be expected.

So, if you’re a Valorant fan and want to learn about all of the changes coming to the game, keep reading!


Blue-haired warrior girl from a video game standing confidently

First off is Neon, the Agent getting the best buffs in this patch. While we’ve dived into Neon’s patch 8.11 buffs in a separate article already, the gist of things is that she’s about to be stronger. Much stronger.

As Neon is an Agent who excels at taking mobile fights directly to her opponents, her slide and stun attacks are both being buffed. Additionally, in addition to amping up her running speed, Riot also decided to remove any weapon shooting errors while she’s sliding to allow her to get up close and personal more readily. 

All Neon patch 8.11 changes

Fast Lane (C)

High Gear (E)



Relay Bolt (Q)


Anime warrior with a sword standing in a destroyed cityscape

ISO is underperforming across all skill brackets which is a big no, especially for one of the newest agents and a duelist to boot. To ensure ISO sees more success across all skill brackets, his signature ability output is increased. This will allow him to win duels more readily and acquire his shield faster.

Iso’s buff will also remain active and orbs will still spawn should he lose his shield and secure a kill during Double Tap’s uptime. Just like now, if the player shoots an orb then ISO gets his shield back and the player can start getting some sick frags.

All ISO patch 8.11 changes

Double Tap (E)

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Illustration of a female warrior with purple hair and futuristic attire holding a gun

Reyna is a sort of a unique case. While other Agents are getting either just buffs or just nerfs, she’s getting both buffed and nerfed to reshape the power of her kit. Pretty much all of her abilities have had some minor changes done to them that will likely change how players utilize her.

One thing to keep in mind is that Reyna is being actively monitored by Riot Games. This means that if the changes done prove to be ineffective or have the opposite effect as intended, then you can expect this Agent to go through some more changes.

All Reyna patch 8.11 changes


Video game character Raze in action pose from Valorant

Perhaps the Agent to get the biggest nerf is the fast-moving explosion-loving agent Raze. All of her nerfs have to do with her Satchel ability as Riot believes that the ability to just push into any site so quickly is unfair and doesn’t allow for strategic thinking.

To combat this, not only does the knock-back effect of the satchel not exist anymore if an enemy Agent destroys it, but the vertical velocity has been reduced. Additionally, Satchel’s explosion is more audible from afar to allow enemy agents to ready themselves for the incoming Agent’s push.

All Raze patch 8.11 changes


Female video game character holding a magical purple orb

Being the newest Agent in the Valorant roster, it was expected that Clove would go through some reworks when Riot had the necessary data. According to Riot, Clove’s performance in competitive is stronger than the company would like, which is why the immortal agent is going to see some nerfs.

All Clove patch 8.11 changes

Pick-Me-Up (C)

Not Dead Yet (X)


Valorant Patch 8.11 release date

Valorant patch 8.11’s release date, according to previous articles by Riot Games, should be 11th or 12th June 2024. However, delays are possible though unlikely, so it’s better to wait for an official announcement.

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