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Ranking every episode of Arcane Season 1

Ranking every episode of Arcane Season 1

Video game adaptations have a reputation for usually being terrible. From the dreadful Mortal Kombat movies to the Silent Hill movie most fans try to forget exists, it isn’t easy to make a movie or show that captures what makes the game it’s based on excellent. However, two shining exceptions to this matter are Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and the topic of today’s article, Arcane.

Arcane is a popular animated Netflix series based on Riot Games’ League of Legends. While the source material is a MOBA that doesn’t have much story, the game’s lore is undeniable, and Arcane capitalizes on that greatly. The first season went on to win an Emmy, but more importantly, it won the hearts of various fans and non-fans of League of Legends across the world.

Today, we thought we’d take a closer look at the first season of Arcane to rank all of the episodes. Factors that determined every episode’s ranking include the general fan reaction to every episode and a hint of bias. What can we say, we absolutely love Arcane too.

9: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved” (Episode 2)

Cybernetic character with glowing red eyes and a serious expression

The second episode of Arcane is essentially the bridge between the explosive opening of the show and the larger plot that engulfs it. It’s mostly an exposition episode introducing important factors like Jayce’s love of magic and his desire to combine it with Piltover’s science. While it helps the audience understand Piltover’s political structure within his council, it does it at a slower pace than other installments. However, it establishes the pillars for how science and magic will clash, which is essential to the series.

8: “Welcome to the Playground” (Episode 1)

Animated character looking up in a dramatic red scene

The opening episode provides a captivating introduction to Vi and Powder’s lives in Zaun while showing the contrast of how people of Piltover live as compared to the city's underbelly. The way this episode shows Piltover’s wealth instantly makes people empathize with the sisters’ struggle for survival. The episode establishes Vander’s role as a mentor and the themes of family and loyalty, which will be important later. 

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7: “Happy Progress Day” (Episode 4)

Illustration of two characters in a dark, fantasy office setting

Episode 4 has a time skip that shows the audience a changed Piltover and Zaun. Powder has transformed into Jinx, with her mental health slowly declining. The way Caitlyn becomes a symbol of the connection between the two cities makes her interesting while the combat between Jinx and Enforcers gives the audience a glimpse of what action scenes will be like later on. Although this episode transitions through a time skip, it perfectly shows the increasing tension between both cities.

6: “Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy” (Episode 5)

Animated character aiming with a sniper rifle

This episode is full of character development since it focuses on Caitlyn and Jinx’s evolving motivations. It depicts Cairlyn’s journey from a privileged background to someone who wants just as an Enforcer, which showcases her empathy, whereas Jinx’s mental health worsens, showcasing how crazy she’s getting. The exploration of the psychological and emotional conflict shows how much characters can be influenced and shaped by their environments. Although the episode’s pacing can feel inconsistent, it shows how much individual lives are impacted due to Piltover and Zaun’s division.

5: “Oil and Water” (Episode 8)

Two futuristic warriors in mid-air combat with glowing blades

Oil and Water is an essential episode in the show that focuses on significant character arcs. Things like Vi’s efforts to reach Jinx after her Shimmer injection have great emotional value, calling attention to their complicated bond. One of the best things about this episode is its action scenes, especially the ones against Silco’s forces, and its introduction of chemtanks, both of which are attention-grabbing. 

4: “The Boy Savior” (Episode 7)

Two anime characters, an officer in a helmet and another in a white uniform, discuss in a steampunk setting

Episode 7 is Arcane’s epitome of storytelling and character development. The way Ekko confronts Jinx on the bridge with great action scenes while also being emotional by showing the contrast between their childhood and their current status. The episode focuses on Ekko’s growth as a leader for the Firelights and reveals his dedication to Zaun’s future. It has depth, depicting Vi’s struggle to reconnect with her sister despite everything happening around them. Combining emotional beats with intense action makes it a high point in the series.

3: “The Monster You Created” (Episode 9)

Two characters in a mysterious dimly lit scene with candles and magical elements

The first season's final episode captures the peak of the conflict between Zaun and Piltover, where previous tensions burst into a strong conclusion. It also showcases Jinx finally descending into madness and its sad endpoint with her final transformation. The scene where Vi and Jinx face off over their past is climatic and tragic, revealing all the irreversible changes both of them went through. The episode ends with a cliffhanger that leaves the audience with more questions, but everything happening makes it one of the best ones in the show.

2: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down” (Episode 6)

Two animated characters engaged in an intense combat scene with energy beams

Episode 6 increases the emotional stakes by reuniting Vi and Jinx, an intense meetup. Jinx’s mental health gets worse and is clear as day, showcasing the scars of their separation and misunderstandings that divide them. The episode has incredible action scenes, with many of them being payoffs to other things that have happened throughout the show. The entire episode focuses on balancing heartbreak and suspense, and going deep into Vi and Jinx’s bond makes it one of the most impactful episodes of the show.

1: “The Base Violence Necessary for Chance” (Episode 3)

Animated girl with blue hair surrounded by magical lights

Episode 3 is the emotional and narrative core of Arcane. This episode is the finale of the first act, which solidifies the paths Vi and Powder go through, with Powder’s actions leading to the loss of Vander and the collapse of their family. The haunting scene where Powder accidentally causes an explosion, even though she is trying to do good, sets her on the path to becoming Jinx. 

The way Vi is heartbroken and Powder is desperate for validation resonates with the audience, and it highlights the themes of tragedy and loss. The number of emotions and irreversible decisions in the episode sets up everything that will happen for the rest of the show, making it the best episode of the first season.


How many episodes will Arcane Season 2 have?

Riot Games has not confirmed yet how many episodes the second season of Arcane will have. However, looking at the first season, it’s safe to assume it’ll have a total of 9 episodes and all episodes will be divided into three pairs. Fans will get to see three episodes at a time to ensure the season remains relevant for a longer time, a formula that also worked with the show’s first season.

Do you need to play League of Legends to understand Arcane?

No, Arcane is designed to be accessible to viewers who are unfamiliar with League of Legends. While fans of the game will appreciate the deeper lore references and character origins, new viewers can enjoy the show without prior knowledge, as it introduces the world and characters in a standalone narrative format.

With this being said, the fact of the matter is that many players who had sworn to stay away from League of Legends ended up giving it a shot after watching Arcane. Therefore, it isn’t farfetched to say that Arcane can be an excellent entryway into the League of Legends universe.

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