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XQC gets banned from Valorant for using the R-word
Jack Willa
28 Jul 2024
Posted On
Felix “XQC” Lengyel is easily one of the most popular streamers of all time. With millions of fans worldwide, the streamer has gotten his fair share of drama, especially when other creators and games are involved. After all, who could forget when he cheated in that one Fall Guys charity stream resulting in major backlash?
However, his history of drama isn’t over yet, as he has gotten in hot water with arguably one of the hottest FPS games around, Valorant. Riot Games doesn’t hold anything back when it comes to banning creators and players for offensive and harmful language, and XQC might have crossed the line this time.
Here’s why XQC was banned in Valorant and whether he’ll be coming back to the game anytime soon. Arguably the biggest reason players like XQC get banned are bad and toxic teammates. To ensure you’re never put in a position where you might accidentally say something you regret, we recommend you play with professional Eloking teammates, at least until you get to the high ranks where players are good. To make things better you can even use the code “BoostToday” to get a 20% discount.
Why XQC was banned from Valorant
Twitch and Kick streamer Felix Lengyel, also called xQc, is known for his controversial trash-talking, and it looks like the reason he’s so infamous has finally caught up to him. In a stream on July 17, 2024, xQc discussed why he got banned from Riot Games's competitive shooter Valorant.
In the stream, he shares that one of his teammates had a lisp and was continuously taunting him throughout the game, causing the streamer to rage and fight back by using an offensive comment against his teammate. When the teammate was annoying him, xQc explains “I replied saying, ‘I would rather that and sound like a fu**ing..’ and I said the R-word.”. The ban isn’t permanent, and the popular figure did reveal that he later got unbanned.
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Has xQc gotten banned before?
This isn’t the first time xQc has gotten banned for being mean to others in games. Before his streaming career, he was a professional Overwatch player. During the early days of his Overwatch League career, the controversial figure made derogatory comments regarding a fellow player’s sexuality, resulting in him getting a suspension from Blizzard.
Another time the French streamer got a ban was from a Grand Theft Auto roleplaying server called “NoPixel”. The reason behind that ban was his spamming of pings; after pinging 911 times, the server banned him. In April 2024, the DayZ server immediately banned xQc due to him being a streamer.
Despite consistently getting banned from various games and events for his behavior, Felix has gone on to become one of the most successful streamers out. Just last year, he signed an exclusivity deal with Kick for $100M, making it one of the most lucrative agreements in streaming history.
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