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Least picked characters in Dota 2 in 2024
Jack Willa
08 Dec 2024
Posted On
Dota 2 has a wide range of characters. However, like most other games, players don’t play as every character in the game equally. Some heroes are given more love than others, whether it’s because they’re better to use or the players just think they’re cool. Today, however, we want to focus on the other side of the coin.
Here, we’re about to go through the top 10 least-picked characters in Dota 2. This data is collected through official match statistics in 2024 to ensure it’s as accurate as possible. Naturally, if a hero you like is on this list then that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, just that most other players don’t like it.
So, without further ado, here are the least-picked characters in Dota 2 in 2024. If you play as any hero on this list and just realize your main was actually trash, you could always play with a professional booster from Eloking to learn how to play the meta heroes. You can also use the code “BoostToday” for an epic 20% discount on your order.
Starting off the list is Beastmaster [1], with a pick rate of 2.49%. He’s a good character with a decent win rate, but players avoid him because he’s tough to use. His Primal Roar stuns enemies while pushing away others in the way, making openings for teammates. His Call of the Wild abilities summon units that provide the team with vision and slow them down.
The problem with Beastmaster is that players need to be very aware of everything happening around the map. Without proper micro-management, he can be nearly useless, and characters with AoE attacks can clear out his summons and diminish his impact. These reasons make him a difficult pick.
Meepo has a 2.32% pick rate. His ability, Divided We Stand, lets him create clones, increasing his farming speed and burst damage. The problem is that these clones share a health pool, so one badly positioned clone can kill off the user.
He has a low pick rate due to the mechanical skill and awareness needed to control multiple units without dying. Since clones have a shared health pool, any character with AoE damage and crowd control can almost kill Meepo, rendering him useless in some situations.
Visage [2] is a support hero whose primary role is gathering information. The 2.22% pick rate character is known for his Summon Familiars, an ability that summons blind Familiars to fight for Visage. These Familiars have the Stone Form ability, which lets them turn into stone and stun enemies when they land. His other skills increase his damage output and defense.
Despite having good abilities, Visage is too dependent on Familiars in the game. If a Visage loses his Familiars, he loses his usefulness. The need to micro-manage numerous units repels players, resulting in a low pick rate.
Lycan has a 2.01% pick rate, and he excels in pushing and pressuring opponents thanks to his Shapeshift ability, which increases his movement speed and damage at night. He can kill off isolated enemies with his Summon Wolves and Feral Impulse.
Lycan has a low pick rate because his usefulness depends on his performance in the early game phase. Characters that can clear waves can negate how useful his Summon Wolves ability can be. Players only use Lycan if they’re experienced in Dota 2 or have a specific strategy.
Naga Siren
With her 1.94% pick rate, she’s one of the least-used characters in Dota 2. Her Mirror Image ability creates illusions that let her farm quickly and pressure opponents. Song of the Siren will freeze enemies and prevent them from getting attacked for a short period, letting Naga Siren and his teammates escape.
Naga Siren isn’t impactful in the early game phase, and managing her illusions makes her less popular among players. Those who prefer characters with straightforward playstyles avoid Naga Siren because she's difficult to use.
Kez was introduced in Dota 2 on November 7, 2024, making him the newest hero in the game. He’s a hero who can deal damage and move quickly, so he’s versatile in offensive scenarios. For example, his Falcon Rush makes him rush toward enemy units and hit multiple times, and his Grappling Claw will pull Kez toward whatever opponent he hits.
His low pick rate of 1.69% is due to his being a new hero. He hasn’t been in the game for long, so the number of times he was picked throughout the year is naturally low. As time passes, Kez’s pick rate will increase since he’s in a strong position in the game.
Elder Titan
Elder Titan has a 1.63% pick rate, making him one of the least-picked characters in the game. He excels in team fights. Astral Spirit can increase damage and speed, while Echo Stomp can disable nearby enemies. The Astral Spirit can also use Echo Stomp to improve the ability’s impact.
To use Elder Titan effectively, players need to be mindful of their positioning, making him a difficult character to use. Casual players prefer easier heroes over someone like him.
Batrider is a highly mobile initiator with a 1.51% pick rate. His Flaming Lasso ability can lasso an enemy and drag them towards him, giving teammates a chance to deal damage. Sticky Napalm can allow Batrider to deal extra damage to opponents caught in it.
His low pick rate is due to his reliance on farming to obtain essential items like the Blink Dagger or the Force Staff. Also, he’s a tough character, so casual players get repelled.
Brewmaster has a 1.32% pick rate. His defining ability is Primal Split, which splits him into four warriors with unique powers. This ultimate ability lets him control crowds and survive. If any new warrior is alive, the Brewmaster is reborn.
Despite having a great kit, he’s tough to play since players must rely on micro-managing multiple units and knowing their surroundings. He is weak during the early game, and his ultimate requires precise timing to be effective, making him a challenging choice for new or casual players.
The final character in this list is Chen, with a 0.70% pick rate, making him the least-used character in Dota 2 in 2024. Chen's ultimate, Hand of God, can heal every allied hero on the map and units under his control.
However, players who choose Chen must possess map awareness, teamwork, and precise control to be effective, making him one of the most challenging heroes in the game. Newer and casual players avoid Chen because he’s difficult to learn and doesn’t deal high damage.
How many heroes are in Dota 2?
Dota 2 has a total of 126 heroes at the time of writing. While the number is fairly high, it’s important to keep in mind that most players don’t use more than ten heroes in rotation. Additionally, the number will likely increase as Valve adds more heroes with updates and patches to grow the roster.
[2] "Visage in Dota 2". Retrieved December 05, 2024
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