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League of Legends: Riot is Fixing Fractured Jinx and Viktor Rework Skins
Jack Willa
08 Dec 2024
Posted On
Fans of League of Legends have not been shy about voicing their frustration over the state of Viktor’s rework visuals and the lackluster appearance of the $250 Arcane Fractured Jinx skin. Viktor's base model and skins felt incomplete to many, while Jinx’s premium skin failed to justify its hefty price tag. In response, Riot Games has begun implementing fixes to address these issues and restore player confidence.
Jinx’s Arcane Fractured skin now includes a hoodie form, along with tweaks to differentiate her forms visually. Viktor is receiving updates to his rework skins, including the return of key elements like High Noon Viktor’s ball and adjustments to Dead Swarm Viktor’s armor and proportions. Riot is actively iterating on these changes on the PBE.
So let us jump right into the latest developments and see whether Riot can redeem themselves.
Fixes for Jinx’s Fractured Skin
One of the most expensive skins in League, the Arcane Fractured Jinx, has drawn criticism for not living up to its cost. Riot is finally addressing these concerns by introducing a hoodie form that matches her appearance in the final episode of Arcane. This form joins her existing base and alternate universe Powder forms, adding much-needed variety to the skin.
Hoodie Form Details: Inspired by Arcane, the hoodie version showcases Jinx with a painted design on her outfit, setting it apart from the other forms.
Model Tweaks: Changes to her second form aim to make it more distinct and polished, addressing player feedback about the similarity between the forms.
While Riot’s fixes are a step in the right direction, the skin remains a $250 gacha-based[1] purchase, raising questions about accessibility and fairness. Some players may still find the price unjustified, but the addition of the hoodie form could tempt collectors and dedicated Jinx fans to roll the dice.
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Updates to Viktor’s Rework Skins
Viktor’s visual rework, though ambitious, left many players dissatisfied with the quality of his skins. Riot has started rolling out updates to fix these issues, with changes to several of his rework skins, including High Noon Viktor, Creator Viktor, and Dead Swarm Viktor.
High Noon Viktor
Riot restored Viktor’s staff ball to his High Noon skin, a feature players felt was inexplicably removed during the rework. Its absence made the skin feel incomplete, but its return has been welcomed as a necessary fix.
Creator Viktor
Adjustments to Creator Viktor include tweaks to improve its overall design, although the specific changes are subtler compared to other skins.
Dead Swarm Viktor
Dead Swarm Viktor is undergoing the most significant revisions. Riot has given him back his mask and enhanced his armor, addressing complaints that the reworked version looked too skinny and lacked the menacing presence expected of the skin. However, this skin is no longer available on the PBE[2], suggesting Riot may be planning further changes before it goes live.
Additional Adjustments
While some updates have been applied to specific skins, Riot may expand its efforts to include Viktor’s classic model and other skins that haven’t yet been touched. These ongoing tweaks demonstrate Riot’s commitment to refining Viktor’s visuals based on player feedback.
Riot’s efforts to address fan concerns with Jinx’s Fractured skin and Viktor’s rework skins show a willingness to listen to their community. While the fixes are promising, both updates highlight ongoing challenges in balancing premium cosmetics and rework expectations. Whether these changes satisfy players or spark further debate, we will see when they hit the live servers.
[1] "Gacha". Retrieved December 06, 2024
[2] "PBE". Retrieved December 06, 2024