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Marvel Rivals: 3 New Upcoming Heroes Confirmed

Marvel Rivals: 3 New Upcoming Heroes Confirmed

Exciting developments are on the horizon for Marvel Rivals as datamined information from the game’s files reveals the addition of three new heroes. While some may label this as a leak, the high accuracy of previous datamined details suggests these heroes are highly likely to join the roster. They could debut in Season 1 or arrive in future updates, depending on developer plans.

The confirmed upcoming heroes include Mr. Fantastic, Ultron, and Human Torch. Mr. Fantastic is a versatile duelist with a mix of offense and defense, Ultron is a strategist focused on team support through healing and shielding, and Human Torch excels in area denial and synergy-based crowd control. Each hero promises to shake up strategies and add exciting new dynamics to Marvel Rivals.

Let us talk about these heroes in detail below while also exploring their leaked abilities. Of course, our professional boosters can always help you master any hero that comes out.

Mr. Fantastic

Character displaying elastic punch abilities and attacks in a gameplay interface.

Role: Duelist
Playstyle: Mr. Fantastic is a durable duelist who thrives in extended fights, leveraging his elastic abilities for both offense and defense.

Mr. Fantastic’s passive, Elastic Strength, builds elasticity as abilities are used, boosting damage and restoring health. This allows him to scale in strength over the course of a fight, making him deadly in sustained engagements.


Hero abilities overview showcasing Encephal-Ray and Rage of Ultron attacks.

Role: Strategist
Playstyle: Ultron excels at team support with healing drones and shields, all while delivering consistent damage to enemies.

Ultron’s abilities are largely “fire-and-forget,” freeing up time for his Energy Beam. His versatile kit ensures he can support any team composition effectively.

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Human Torch

Image showing the Human Torch character abilities and attacks in a video game.

Role: Duelist
Playstyle: The Human Torch is a high-damage duelist who excels at area denial and synergy-based crowd control.

The Human Torch synergizes with Storm[2], as their ultimates can combine for devastating effects. For example, Storm’s hurricane can ignite into a fiery cyclone when enhanced by the Human Torch’s abilities, creating a deadly combination.

Related: Everything to know about Units in Marvel Rivals.

The arrival of Mr. Fantastic, Ultron, and Human Torch in Marvel Rivals promises exciting new strategies and gameplay opportunities. Whether you prefer Mr. Fantastic’s elastic adaptability, Ultron’s supportive dominance, or Human Torch’s fiery crowd control, these heroes will add depth and variety to every team. Get ready to adapt and strategize as these dynamic heroes make their debut!


  1. [1] "Captain America". Retrieved January 02, 2025
  2. [2] "Storm". Retrieved January 02, 2025

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