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League of Legends: The New Infernal Rift Effect
Jack Willa
25 Apr 2024
Posted On
League of Legends has once again set the gaming community ablaze with the introduction of the highly anticipated Infernal Drake Rift. Currently undergoing testing, this new game mechanic promises to inject a fiery twist into the gameplay, providing players with an exciting and dynamic experience.
The heart of the Infernal Drake Rift lies in the emergence of Cinders, spawning randomly across the map. These Cinders offer more than just a visual spectacle; they provide adaptive stats tailored specifically to your champion's needs. For champions like Ahri, the reward is an increase in ability haste, while others may receive boosts in ability power (AP) or attack damage (AD).
The strategic collection of these Cinders becomes crucial in enhancing your champion's potential. Other than the stat boosts there are many other effects that make the infernal rift even more exciting.
Burst of Movement Speed
As players embark on the quest to collect Cinders, a burst of movement speed accompanies each acquisition. This mechanic adds a layer of strategy reminiscent of collecting Bard's Meeps. Gray dots on the mini-map guide players to their fiery prizes, even if vision is absent.
However, with a limit to the number of Cinders that can exist simultaneously, the race to collect them intensifies, creating a dynamic and engaging battlefield.
Map Filled with Flames
The Infernal Drake Rift introduces a captivating feature - an apparent infinity of Cinders that can exist on the map simultaneously. However, there's a twist; these Cinders eventually start despawning and relocating after a period, ensuring a constantly changing environment.
With no cap on the number of Cinders a player can carry, the map becomes a canvas for champions to strategically navigate and unleash their fiery potential.
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Consequence of Death
The most intriguing aspect of this new mechanic emerges in the aftermath of a champion's demise. Upon death, players drop half of their Cinder Stacks, creating a unique opportunity for allies and enemies alike to seize these fallen embers.
The consequence of death transforms the Summoner's Rift into a competitive arena, where the race to reclaim lost Cinders becomes a strategic dance. The gameplay dynamic takes an unexpected turn, adding an element of risk and reward.
A Fun and Engaging Gimmick
The Infernal Drake Rift, with its innovative Cinders mechanic, introduces a fun and engaging activity to the League of Legends experience. From possible strategic movements to the consequences of death, players are in for a dynamic and exciting twist in the traditional gameplay.
The prospect of champions leaping like hyenas on fallen comrades to steal their Cinders adds a touch of humor to the competitive setting. Talking about competitiveness, if you feel forever stuck in your elo, let us convenience you with a professional booster that will play your placement matches for you! What's more, you can use the code "BoostToday" right now to get 20% off on all our services.
As Riot Games continues testing and refining this feature, players can expect an evolving landscape filled with fiery surprises. Furthermore, the Infernal Drake Rift may very well pave the way for future dynamic features in the world of League of Legends.