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2XKO: New Champion Concepts - Possible Roster Additions
Jack Willa
15 Oct 2024
Posted On
As 2XKO, formerly known as Project L, continues to build momentum, the roster of champions is slowly taking shape. With only six playable characters currently available and Jinx on the way, fans are eagerly anticipating more additions.
The recent unofficial concepts have revealed a number of potential 2XKO roster additions. Namely, Warwick, Katarina, Akali, Sett, Teemo, Jhin, Xayah, Riven, Kled, Kindred, and Briar. These concepts, created by talented artists and inspired by League of Legends, could add much-needed variety and excitement to the game.
Let’s take a look at all of these exciting new champion concepts that could fill the slots of the currently underwhelming champion roster.
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2XKO Champion Concepts
Designed by Jeremy Momu, this concept transforms Warwick into a boxing wolf, inspired by Vander from Arcane. The idea of Warwick with boxing gloves is both humorous and fitting for 2XKO's fighting game atmosphere, offering a brawling, close-combat style.
Also conceptualized by Jeremy Momu, Katarina's design highlights her potential moves and abilities. Her swift, lethal combat style would translate well into 2XKO, making her a natural fit for the game’s high-paced action.
A fan-favorite, Akali’s concept was created by KillianJunk, who has since been hired by Riot. With her sleek, ninja-inspired moves, Akali would bring agility and precision to the 2XKO roster, making her an exciting addition.
Noah Cho's concept of Sett, a true fighter in the League universe, perfectly aligns with 2XKO's combat-focused gameplay. His rugged, brawler persona would add raw power and toughness to the champion lineup.
LambSplash's take on Teemo presents a creepier, more sinister version of the champion. Known for his devious tactics, Teemo’s potential moves in 2XKO could revolve around poison and traps, making him a tricky and unpredictable fighter.
Another creation by LambSplash, Jhin is envisioned as a full-ranged fighter, relying solely on guns and traps. His unique playstyle, centered around precision and timing, could offer a distinct and strategic approach to combat in 2XKO.
RingoAppleGreed's concept for Xayah emphasizes her role as a ranged fighter, utilizing her feathers as weapons. Her swift, calculated attacks would add finesse and tactical depth to the game, making her a compelling character choice.
Riven, as imagined by LambSplash, is a natural fit for 2XKO. Her sword-based combat and fluid movement make her an ideal addition, with the potential to deliver high-impact, combo-driven gameplay.
Designed by Tux, Kled brings a fun and chaotic energy to the roster. His dynamic with Skaarl, his mount, could introduce unique mechanics, such as dual health bars or switching between characters mid-fight, adding a layer of complexity to the game.
KenApplePI’s concept of Kindred introduces the duality of Lamb and Wolf into 2XKO. Their combined abilities would make for an interesting and versatile fighter, capable of ranged and melee attacks with a supernatural flair.
Also by KenApplePI, Briar is envisioned as a bloodthirsty, aggressive fighter. Her vampiric tendencies and leg-based attacks would bring a feral, relentless combat style to the game, ideal for players who prefer an in-your-face approach.
These champion concepts show the creative potential for expanding the 2XKO roster. With talented artists already envisioning how these League of Legends characters could translate into a fighting game, it’s only a matter of time before Riot Games brings more of these champions to life. Fans will have to wait and see which of these ideas make it into the final roster.