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League of Legends: Teleport Rework and New Runes in 2025
Jack Willa
01 Dec 2024
Posted On
2025 promises to bring game-changing mechanics and tools that could redefine strategies across the Rift. Following the resounding success of Arcane, Riot Games has doubled down on innovation to keep its player base engaged. With the unveiling of the reworked Teleport and new runes, 2025 appears to blend lore-driven inspirations with cutting-edge gameplay enhancements.
Live on the PBE server, the revamped Teleport is no longer a straightforward summoner spell but an intricate tool with a fresh look, shorter channel times, and new functionality that increases its strategic potential. Additionally, four new runes—Axiom Arcanist, Deep Ward, Sixth Sense, and Grizzly Momento—add a layer of complexity for players aiming to dominate with innovative playstyles.
So without further delay, let us dive into all these exciting changes below:
New Teleport
The redesigned Teleport introduces significant gameplay changes, aligning perfectly with the theme of the Noxus-inspired season.
Untargetable Travel: Teleport now makes the caster untargetable upon activation, ensuring that the player cannot be interrupted once the travel begins. This mechanic eliminates frustrating interruptions during clutch moments.
Enhanced Flexibility: Teleport now allows players to target structures, minions, or wards directly, making it far more versatile than before.
Faster Travel Post-Minute 10: At the 10-minute mark, Teleport upgrades to its Unleashed state. In this form, it offers quicker travel times and provides a 4-second movement speed buff (upgraded from 3 seconds) after landing.
New Icon: The spell also boasts a sleek visual redesign to fit its updated functionality, reinforcing its identity as a core tactical tool.
These changes mean Teleport is no longer just a utility but a weapon for aggressive rotations and playmaking.
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New Runes
The four new runes introduced in the new season are designed to complement the vision-controlling role of supports and junglers in addition to an ultimate CDR[1] rune. Let us take a look at each of these below:
Deep Ward
A boon for vision control enthusiasts, Deep Ward enhances the durability of placed wards by giving them an additional health point and extending their lifespan. It’s perfect for maintaining a stronger map presence, especially as a support champion.
Sixth Sense
This rune functions as a built-in Oracle Lens[2], automatically detecting a nearby enemy ward. The effect ensures that players can counter warding efforts with ease, maintaining map control and denying the enemy vital information.
Grizzly Momento
Grizzly Momento provides trinket[3] ability haste on takedowns, enabling faster redeployment of vision tools. This rune synergizes well with aggressive, vision-dependent playstyles, enhancing both combat and map control efficiency.
Axiom Arcanist
This rune empowers ultimate abilities, reducing their cooldown when the player secures takedowns. It’s a game-changer for champions reliant on frequent ultimate usage to maintain pressure or secure objectives.
The updates to Teleport and the introduction of these runes provide a tantalizing glimpse into Riot's commitment to evolving the game while keeping it balanced. Whether you prefer the flexibility of the new Teleport or the additional tactical options offered by the new runes, there's something for everyone to explore. These changes are now live on the PBE for testing.
[1] "CDR". Retrieved November 28, 2024
[2] "Oracle Lens". Retrieved November 28, 2024
[3] "Trinket". Retrieved November 28, 2024