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Every SMG in Counter-Strike 2 (Ranked)

Every SMG in Counter-Strike 2 (Ranked)

Counter-Strike 2 has a wide range of weapons players can use. While not all of them are really as efficient as most would like, SMGs stand out as being the best of both worlds. In addition to not being too heavy on the economy, these SMGs deal good damage with a more than adequate rate of fire that players can use to quickly take down enemies.

However, with that being said, CS2 also has a lot of different types of SMGs. Seven to be exact. Thanks to this, it can get a little difficult for players to determine which SMG is the best for them. Fortunately, we’re here to help with this little problem by ranking all of the SMGs in CS2 from worst to best.

So, without further ado, here is our list of how we would rank all the SMGs in Counter-Strike 2. If you want to properly learn how to play any SMG, or any weapon for that mater, then we recommend you hire a professional player from Eloking to give you a hand. Don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a 20% discount in the process.

Which SMGs should people buy in Counter-Strike 2?

Counter-Strike 2 has seven SMGs, all with different advantages and disadvantages. While most seem the same on paper, their usefulness depends on factors like economy and play style. Here are the best SMGs in Counter-Strike 2, and their rank is determined by elements such as Cost, Pick rate, Damage, Recoil, and more.

While it’s only natural that some players may disagree with these rankings, we tried to be as unbiased as possible.

7: PP-Bizon

A green PP-Bizon skin showcased in the CSGO workshop on a street background

One of the defining traits of the PP-Bizon is its huge 64-round magazine, making it the biggest gun magazine in the game behind LMGs, so it’s great for spraying. However, it’s more expensive than other SMGs since it costs $1400, has a low damage output, and awful armor penetration.

The PP-Bizon is only viable against unarmored opponents during eco rounds. However, this is a highly specific scenario, making it ineffective in competitive play and the least picked SMG in Counter-Strike 2.

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6: MP5-SD

Close-up of a blue circuit pattern paintball gun

The MP5-SD wasn’t in CS:GO at launch and was added to the game before getting carried over to CS2. It used to be an alternative to the MP7. While both weapons cost the same and have a similar rate of fire, the MP5 deals slightly less damage and has a silencer.

While in close range, they both are very similar, the MP5 starts falling off at long-range engagements because of its high damage drop-off. With its $1500 cost, players are better off going for the MP7 with its greater damage output and lower fall-off.

5: UMP-45

UMP-45 Primal Saber from Chroma 3 Collection in a gaming scene

Many players love using the UMP-45 for its high armor penetration and low price compared to other SMGs. Even though the SMG doesn’t have the fastest fire rate, its high damage output puts it as one of the most powerful SMGs in terms of per-bullet damage. It’s a great option in close to medium-range fights. The only thing limiting the UMP-45 is its small magazine of 25 rounds, so it has a weak spray potential.

4: P90

Player holding a decorated gun in a video game environment

The P90 is the most popular SMG in Counter-Strike 2, and it’s known for its huge magazine size and high fire rate. It’s one of the most expensive SMGs, and it deals high damage, especially during close-quarter situations.

One amazing thing about the P90 is its low recoil while moving, making it the best weapon for rushing. The only thing holding the P90 back is its high price because other weapons in its price range have higher damage at longer ranges, such as rifles, so it’s a weak choice to pick in full-buy rounds.

3: MP7

Colorful MP7 Fade gun skin in a street setting from the Inferno Collection

The MP7 is the epitome of power and accuracy in an SMG. It only costs $1500, deals more damage compared to other SMGs in its price range, and has a high fire rate. Its low recoil pattern makes it easy for every type of player to pick up and use, and it’s a nice option for close to medium-range combat. It suffers from high damage drop-off at long ranges, but it’s not as bad as other options.

People often use the MP7 during force-buy rounds thanks to its high damage and easy-to-control recoil. Unfortunately, the MP7 has a slow reload time of 3.1 seconds, so it can be a problem in intense fights where the opponent is putting a lot of pressure.

2: MP9

Vibrantly painted rifle held by a character in a coastal virtual game environment

The MP9 is the CT-side counterpart of the MAC-10, having one of the best fire rates in the game at 857 RPM. While it’s not the cheapest SMG available, it's still a great choice for eco rounds at $1250 thanks to its incredible mobility and fast reload speed.

It has an easy-to-learn recoil pattern, so it’s impressive at close to mid-range combat, although it gets hard to control at longer ranges. While its 26 base damage and 60% armor penetration aren’t the highest, its speed and accuracy make it the perfect weapon to ambush enemies.

1: MAC-10

Stattrak MAC-10 Heat skin from CS:GO displayed in a street scene

The MAC-10 takes the top spot for the best SMG in Counter-Strike 2. It’s the cheapest SMG in the game, costing only $1050, and has a high kill reward of $600. This weapon is T-side exclusive and incredible at close ranges thanks to its high fire rate of 800 RPM.

It’s also highly mobile, allowing players to rush sites quickly. Although it’s weak against armored enemies due to its low armor penetration and damage drop-off, it’s the best weapon to pick during eco rounds and force buys because of its price and kill reward. 


Which situations are SMGs most effective in?

SMGs are most effective in close to medium-range encounters. They are great for flanking, surprise attacks, and holding narrow choke points where rapid fire and quick mobility are crucial. They’re also popular in anti-eco rounds, where opponents are likely to have limited armor, allowing the SMG’s high rate of fire to inflict substantial damage.

How does armor affect the effectiveness of SMGs?

SMGs tend to deal less armor-penetrating damage compared to rifles, meaning they’re less effective against armored opponents. However, they’re very effective in rounds where the opposing team has limited or no armor, as the high rate of fire can shred through unarmored players.

What’s next?

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