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League of Legends: All Major Split 3 Changes

League of Legends: All Major Split 3 Changes

The highly anticipated Split 3 gameplay changes for League of Legends have arrived, introducing significant updates to items, objectives, and in-game features. From new functionalities in the item shop to the return of an old favorite rune, Riot Games has implemented a wide range of updates that will impact every player. 

Split 3 introduces several key changes, including the addition of new banners for objectives and a reworked shop interface with new features. Every legendary item has been nerfed, Lethal Tempo makes a return with adjustments, and Biscuit Delivery now restores health instead of mana. These are just a few of the changes you’ll need to adjust to in this exciting new split.

Let’s take a closer look at all the major changes this split and evaluate their impact on the Rift.

Item Shop Changes

Detailed view of a video game's inventory interface

Riot Games has introduced a fresh take on the item shop by replacing the familiar term "purchase" with "craft" when buying items. While this may seem like a minor change in wording, it’s part of a broader update aimed at improving in-game functionality.

One notable new feature is the ability to queue items for purchase. This allows players to select an Epic or Legendary item, and the game will notify you once you’ve saved enough gold to buy it. A circle around the queued item will fill as your gold accumulates, giving you a visual indication of how close you are to affording it.

Additionally, if you don’t have enough gold to buy a full item, you can choose to purchase its components using a button specifically for that purpose. The components are purchased in order of their cost, which streamlines the buying process, particularly for complex builds.

Lethal Tempo Returns

One of the most notable updates this split is the return of the Lethal Tempo rune. This keystone used to grant attack speed and increased attack range, but in Split 3, its mechanics have been completely revamped. Instead of boosting attack speed cap and range, it now scales linearly and provides bonus adaptive damage based on your bonus attack speed. 

For each 1% of bonus attack speed, you gain 1% more adaptive damage at full stacks, making it a crucial rune for champions reliant on attack speed and sustained damage output.

This change will impact a variety of champions that previously benefited from the old Lethal Tempo’s attack speed scaling, adding more diversity in playstyles while keeping the rune relevant in this current meta.

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New Objective Banners

Character facing the newly spawned Baron Nashor in a video game

Another important feature introduced in Split 3 is the addition of new banners for in-game objectives. Whether it’s Dragon, Baron, Rift Herald, or the newly added Void Grubs, these banners appear to signal when objectives are spawning. This improvement offers players better visual cues, making it easier to anticipate objective fights and plan rotations accordingly.

This change should enhance the gameplay experience for teams that rely on proper coordination and timing around key objectives, helping them gain a strategic edge during crucial moments in the game.

Quality of Life Improvements

Alongside the major gameplay changes, Riot Games has introduced a variety of smaller quality-of-life improvements in Split 3. Health potions will now flash when you're low on health to remind you to use them before you’re in danger of dying. Another helpful feature is a reminder when you leave the fountain without making a purchase, as your gold will flash and a ping will alert you.

In addition to these features, there’s also a ping that notifies players when their jungle is being invaded, along with the introduction of a “My Bad” emote, allowing players to signal their mistakes in a lighthearted manner.

When does Split 3 Start?

The Split 3 will go live with Patch 14.19 on the 25th of September which also alligns with the start of Worlds 2024. The tournament itself will be played on patch 14.18 which has already been live since September 11. 

Related: Riot teases a new League of Legends card game.

Split 3 brings a wide range of changes to League of Legends, from item nerfs to reworked runes, and improved features designed to streamline gameplay. Whether it’s the return of Lethal Tempo, the revamped item shop, or the new objective banners, these updates are sure to impact the meta and keep players on their toes. 

What’s next?

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