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New League of Legends Battle Academia skins revealed

New League of Legends Battle Academia skins revealed

League of Legends [1] has multiple different skinlines that set the game’s playable characters in different types of universes. From those where everyone is a cowboy or cowgirl in the wild west to universes set in space, only a few skinlines are actual fan-favorites. Fortunately, the Battle Academia skins are universally beloved largely thanks to the skins of Ezreal and Lux, two skins that are considered among the best in the game.

Well, it seems like Riot Games will be taking players back to that universe soon as the company unveiled a fresh batch of Battle Academia skins. This time, it’s for four champions, Xayah, Rakan, Qiyana, and Kayn. The announcement, made across Riot’s social media platforms, has sparked excitement among fans, even if the initial reaction to some skins has been mixed.

Here’s what to know about the four upcoming skins, including which skin of the bunch is a prestige.

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Battle Academia returns to League of Legends

The Battle Academia skin line has been a fan favorite, blending League’s champions with a high school anime aesthetic. This time around, the four featured champions sport preppy school blazers with accents of purple, pink, and red, fitting right into an elite academy setting.

While Xayah received a skin relatively recently, Qiyana, Kayn, and Rakan have all endured long waits for new cosmetics. Fans have been especially vocal about Qiyana’s 524-day drought since her last skin (La Ilusión Qiyana), while Kayn and Rakan had to wait 482 and 419 days, respectively.

One notable aspect of the release is that a portion of the proceeds from Battle Academia Xayah will be donated to esports teams, marking an ongoing commitment from Riot to support the competitive scene.

These new skins will arrive with Patch 25.06, scheduled to hit live servers on March 19, 2025. Fans eager to test them out can expect them to appear on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) soon.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved March 05, 2025

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