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Riot confirms Valorant replay system is finally on the way

Riot confirms Valorant replay system is finally on the way

FPS games are always tricky for developers since their fast-paced nature makes it tough for players to sometimes figure out how they even died. After all, if you shoot first then you expect to get the kill, right? To ensure these misunderstandings don’t happen, developers implement the replay system, but Riot hasn’t done the same for Valorant.

Well, in a developer diary, Riot finally tackled the long question of whether Valorant will ever get a replay function. Fortunately, it seems as though the developers are hard at work on it, but players might have to wait some time before they can get their hands on it.

So, if you’re one of the many players wanting a replay feature in Valorant, keep reading because we have you covered with the latest news. 

Is Valorant getting a replay feature?

First-person shooter game with players engaging in a combat scene

In a Dev Update video released on May 22, 2024, Riot Games gave some insider information on much-requested features. Among those features was the answer to the question of whether Valorant will ever get a replay feature.

According to Marcus Reid, Valorant’s Technical Lead, Riot is actively working on a replay system for Valorant. He offered a glimpse into the process by showcasing a free-cam view from a prototype build. Apparently, in addition to regular replays, players will also have the option to pause, rewind, and fast-forward replays, giving players the entire replay experience expected from a big FPS game like Valorant.

When will Valorant get replay?

Two animated characters intensely focusing on a computer screen in a dimly lit room

Unfortunately, while the fact that Valorant is eventually getting a replay system is good news, the bad news is that the wait might be long. Valorant’s Technical Lead stated that “I want to emphasize the word prototype here, as this is nowhere near launch.”

The Unreal Engine 4 provides a base for replays, but Riot states that other in-game elements and textures like maps, abilities, and agents make this a rather grueling task. The prototype shown to users during the Dev Update showed a handful of glitches in the system, and we have no doubt that they weren’t even half of them.

With the many assets Riot developers need to keep in mind, it’s understandable that they want to do all they can before making this feature go live. Reid also stated that they want to do things right

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Why is the replay system important?

Screenshot showing a 'Cheater Detected' error message in a game with match termination notification

There are many reasons the replay system is important in a fast-paced competitive game like Valorant. Fairness and integrity are important aspects of any game, but even more so for a game like this. It’s important for players to see how they die so they can ensure two things.

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